DIY gas boiler installation

Many owners are thinking about installing autonomous gas heating. It concerns both private houses and apartments in high-rise buildings. For convenience and comfort in the house, central heating is inferior to autonomous. Unfortunately, it often happens that the microclimate in an apartment with central heating in the winter, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. But we must not forget that installing a gas boiler with your own hands is a very serious matter. It is worth undertaking its solution if you have enough money to purchase the necessary equipment, and if the housing is suitable for technical conditions in order to install a boiler. And another condition that will be required to install gas equipment is strong nerves. We'll have to go through the instances to get the necessary package of permits.

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Self-Installation Options

Unfortunately or fortunately, the vast majority of boiler models are installed by specialized companies. Probably, fortunately, because professionals will complete the task efficiently and quickly, with a guarantee of security. For self-installation, such options are available.

The simplest water heater

Simply put, this is a water heater familiar from Soviet times. Its main components are a burner and a heat exchanger. Connect the device to the water and gas supply, remove the exhaust with combustion products into the chimney, and the column is ready for operation. Unless, of course, the entire package of permits is drawn up. Otherwise - not to pass a rather large fine.

Home boiler room

A fully automated double-circuit boiler is so easy to install that all work will take no more time than installing a simple column. Automation is not just a minimum of installation time. It sets the temperature of water heating, depending on the microclimate in the room, minimizes water heating when no one is home.

Important! When compared with devices equipped with manual or semi-automatic adjustment, the gas consumption in an automated boiler room is from 30 to 70% less. The disadvantage of such a system is its dependence on the supply of electricity. If there is a power outage, the system automatically switches to minimum mode. The way out of this situation is to set up a guaranteed power supply.

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Installation requirements

Regardless of whether the heating boiler provides hot water or not, the place of its installation must meet the following requirements:

  • It is necessary to allocate a separate room (boiler room) for the device with an area of ​​at least 4 m2. The minimum ceiling height is 2.5 m. Thus, the minimum volume of the room is 10 m3.

Important! In the regulatory documentation, figure 8. appears. Is there any kind of discrepancy here? It turns out, no: 8 cubic meters is the amount of free volume.

  • The minimum width of the door in the furnace is 0.8 m. The room must be equipped with an opening window.
  • Do not use combustible finishing materials and false ceilings in the boiler room.
  • Be sure to have a through, nothing closed product. Its area is from 8 cm2 per 1 kW of the boiler.
  • For the removal of combustion products it is necessary to equip a special flue. Do not use ventilation ducts to divert combustion products.
  • The maximum length of the horizontal section of the flue in the furnace is 3.0 m. The maximum number of turning angles is 3.
  • The outlet of the flue must be directed vertically. The elevation height above the highest point of the pediment is 1.0 m.
  • For the manufacture of the gas duct, it is necessary to use materials resistant to aggressive environments and high temperatures.
  • A sheet of metal with dimensions of 1.0x1.0 m is laid on the floor under the boiler.
  • Horizontal pipes are performed with a positive slope, but not more than 5 mm per 1.0 m of pipe.
  • At the highest point in the system, an expansion tank and an air valve must be installed.
  • The degree of reliability of the heating system must be such that it can be crimped under a pressure of 1.8 atmospheres.


The requirements for installing the boiler with your own hands or with the help of professionals are quite strict, but gas requires increased safety. Therefore, it is impossible to install a gas fuel boiler, even a hot water boiler, in such cases:

  • In the block "Khrushchev", where there is no main gas duct.
  • If a false ceiling is installed in the kitchen (you never want to part with it) or a completely completed mezzanine.
  • In a non-privatized apartment you can count on a hot water boiler. If you allocate a room for a furnace, redevelopment cannot be avoided. And only the landlord will be able to carry out the redevelopment.

In other cases, if we are talking about an apartment in an apartment building, you can install a hot-water or heating wall boiler. There may be problems installing the floor unit. Installing a gas floor boiler in a private house causes much less problems. To allocate a room for a furnace in this case is much simpler.

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Do-it-yourself installation of a dual-circuit gas boiler

The outdoor appliance has a considerable weight. Therefore, you must first prepare the room for the equipment:

  1. Fill the floor with a screed, treat the surface with a non-combustible composition, check again that the surface of the floor is perfectly smooth.
  2. The walls are also covered with a non-combustible composition. If this cannot be done, you need to move the device away from the wall by at least 10 cm.

Installation of a heating system with a floor boiler includes the following elements:

  • Collector.
  • Expansion tank.
  • Boiler.
  • Water gun.

It is much easier to carry out all the work if a draft design for the installation of a gas heating boiler is preliminarily drawn up, in which all places for equipment installation are indicated:

  • In accordance with the project, markup is carried out, and then fixing holes are made. At the same stage, it is advisable to connect to the underfloor heating or pipes that go to the heating radiators.
  • If the boiler is mounted, it is much more difficult to connect to the pipes. Therefore, it is better to complete these works in advance.
  • After that, the device is put forward to its intended place and connected to the gas duct.
  • The last step is to connect the security group and connect to the remaining harness.
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DIY wall-mounted gas boiler

If you have experience hanging cabinets, then installing a wall-mounted device will not be difficult. It is necessary that the wall intended for installation of the boiler be fixed at the required height. Basically, the installation of a gas wall-mounted heating boiler with their own hands is carried out on a mounting plate fixed at the required height. It is advisable to fix a sheet of non-combustible material with a thickness of about 3 mm to the mounting plate. The minimum distance from the boiler to equipment of other types is 200 mm.

Important! Modern modifications of wall-mounted boilers are distinguished by the lower type of connection to heating and water supply systems. Therefore, after the boiler is mounted on the wall, it is strapped.

After the boiler is installed, it should be connected to the gas pipeline. Install a filter and valve to shut off the gas supply.

Important! For connection use only a special gas hose (rubber must not be used!). The thread is sealed with paronite gaskets.

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Self-installation of a gas boiler is not so much difficult as painstaking work. If you are not sure of your own skills, call the wizard so that he does everything right and you are confident in the reliability of the system and its safety.

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