Gas meter installation

The device intended for the accounting of the consumed gas belongs to the category of devices with increased danger. This means that the installation of a gas meter must be carried out by a specially trained specialist. Moreover, it is necessary that this be a representative of the company that provides you with gas. You can not neglect this: the accounting device will not be registered. Consider the installation procedure of the device for accounting.

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Installation of a gas meter in the apartment

The installation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Preliminary consultation
  2. Contact your gas supply company for advice. Ask a specialist at what address you need to apply for the installation of a metering device.

Writing a statement

Contact the company with a statement on the installation of the meter. Take along a passport, a document confirming the ownership of the apartment (as an option - a rental agreement), as well as a receipt for payment for the last month.

Important! If the property has several owners, then each of them has the right to write such a statement.

The employee of the company who accepted the application will inform you about the date of arrival of the master for the production of preliminary measurements.


Counter location

This moment is very important, since there are quite certain norms for installing a gas meter in an apartment:

  • The maximum distance from the meter to the stove or geyser is 0.8 m.
  • The minimum installation height is 1.2 m.

These requirements are mandatory, there are no more critical conditions for accommodation, therefore, everything else should be guided by considerations of convenience. A specialist can indicate the installation location of the device, but it is not at all a fact that you will like it. You can choose a place yourself, without violating key rules.

Payment for services

You are on the appointed day to the gas service, pay the bill for the preparation of the project and installation work. The date when the employees of the company's repair service will arrive to install the accounting device will be agreed with you.

Important! You can buy a meter not only in the gas supply company, but also on your own. But you must know the parameters of the accounting device.

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How to install a gas meter in an apartment? Installation requirements

Despite the fact that you will not do the installation of a gas meter in the apartment, you need to have basic knowledge about the installation requirements. The article has already indicated the rules for choosing the location of the device. Here are a few additional requirements:

  • Sealing the gas meter at the end of installation is a prerequisite.
  • It is necessary that the location is not only in compliance with the regulations, but also approved by gas service experts.
  • Certification of the device is required.

Important! When carrying out welding work, it is necessary to turn off the gas in the entire entrance.

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Issue price

The following factors affect the cost of installing the device in a house or apartment:

  • The number of devices in the apartment consuming gas fuel.
  • The length of the pipe to output the meter.
  • The complexity of the work.

Important! If, in addition to the stove, the device is mounted for another device (for example, for a hot water column), the total cost of installing a gas meter will be twice as high.

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Gas meter classification

Depending on the activation method, the following categories of accounting devices are distinguished:

  • Membrane
  • Turbine
  • Rotational.
  • Whirlwind.

Important! Gas meters of turbine, vortex and rotary types are used in enterprises. Utilities use membrane-type devices.

How to choose?

Consider what you need to pay attention to when buying. The main criterion for choosing an accounting device is the amount of gas consumed by the devices per unit of time. The average hourly gas consumption of a 4-burner stove is 1.56 m3, and that of a geyser is 2.5 m3. By summing up the gas consumption indicators (you can find out from the technical specifications), you will find out the power of the meter that is right for you.

Now about which counter to put? Its performance can be determined from the marking:

  • G1.6 - corresponds to gas consumption of 1.6-2.5 cubic meters per hour.
  • G 2.5 - calculates gas consumption of 2.5-4.0 cubic meters per hour.
  • G 4 - calculates gas consumption of 4.0-6.0 cubic meters.

There are more powerful meter counters labeled G10 and G16. The principle of choice is no different from that described.

Important! When buying a device, be sure to check the date of manufacture. The time interval between verification is determined by the date of installation, not release. The interval between calibrations for devices of the old model is 5 years, the new - 12 years.

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How to take readings?

This procedure is very simple. It can be divided into the following stages:

  • Taking readings. The number of discharges can be 5, 7 or 8, depending on the modification of the gas meter. The integer and fractional parts of the readings are separated by a comma. The first 5 digits from left to right need to be written. These will be our indicators. When calculating, only significant figures should be taken into account. For example, you took the indicator 00047, you take 47 for accounting.
  • Call the company’s subscription service and report the numbers. Some firms accept information online.

Important! What date is the testimony transmitted? It is necessary to be guided by the letter of the concluded contract .. Most often, indicators are taken at the end of the month.

The gas service reserves the right to verify the correctness of the transfer of information. The appliance is also serviced by the gas supply company.

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In this article, we examined all the rules for installing a gas meter, and we hope that installing such a device in your home will contribute to a more economical spending of the family budget.

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