Installation of a hot tub

Previously, a hot tub was considered a luxury item, but today this attribute is becoming commonplace and is being established more and more often. If you decide to buy a jacuzzi, then go to the choice very seriously. The market has a very large number of sizes, configurations and manufacturers. When comparing the installation of a jacuzzi and a standard bath, the first one has different nuances and features, which ultimately affects the result. The procedure is complicated and requires some skills. Manufacturers recommend trusting professionals. Below we will consider what a hot tub installation is.

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The principles of the hot tub

Before buying a jacuzzi, be sure to study all the characteristics and possible designs that affect the quality of water procedures.

Before installation, find out how the model is arranged. All hydromassage bathtubs consist of a water pump, a water intake mechanism and nozzles.

How do they work:

  • Using a pump, water is pumped through special openings for water intake.

Important! The water intake for this system does not come from the water supply, but from the bath, be sure to draw water into the bath before switching on.

  • After injection, water is supplied through hoses to the nozzles under pressure.
  • The cycle repeats all the time.

Important! Using the nozzle design, the water that is supplied can be mixed with air. Nozzles have different designs. The type of massage will depend on the choice of functions.

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In expensive models, such functions may be present:

  • Therapeutic procedures are performed using rays of light, they are called chromotherapy.
  • The effect of enriched water with ozone or ozone therapy.
  • The influence of all kinds of odors or aromatherapy.

Important! All these functions are controlled using taps, knobs or buttons. It is impossible to damage oneself by electric shock, because the entire adjustment procedure is carried out by pneumatics.

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Differences from standard fonts

All plumbing fixtures are installed on board the product itself, which distinguishes whirlpool baths from conventional ones.

There are features in the designs of the drain and overflow mechanism:

  • The whole process of discharge occurs in the semiautomatic mode.
  • Water is drained using the handle, which is located in place of the overflow hole.

Important! To open the drain device and the water spills out, you just need to turn the handle.

  • A technological overflow hole is located under the handle, which prevents excessive water splashing.

Important! Before buying a jacuzzi, pay attention to the models, they come with the option of drainage. With their help, water is constantly circulating in the bowl of the device.

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Installation tips

Here are some essential points to consider when installing a spa bath yourself.

  • To ensure that the water in the bathroom is regulated, the pressure in the pipes should be no more than 5 atmospheres.
  • Install filters to protect the nozzles from contamination.
  • Install the system as close to the water supply as possible so that you can use water without restriction.
  • Place the drain 10 cm lower than the discharge level - this will make it possible to avoid stagnation in the pipes.
  • Check out the power ratings of the individual elements of the spa.

Important! Before connecting, install the bath in a place convenient for you on the legs and set the desired height. The product should stand on a flat surface, only a slight slope towards the drain may be acceptable.

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DIY hot tub installation

To make the installation yourself, you need skillful hands, attention and the desire to do it, then you can cope with everything without difficulty.

Tools that are needed:

  • Construction level.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Roulette.

Wiring diagram:

  1. The first condition for a long and uninterrupted operation of the device is high-quality water. Before connecting the jacuzzi, be sure to install a water purification system that includes at least a coarse, fine filter and softener.
  2. Further, after installing the bathtub with hydromassage on the legs or a special frame, it is necessary to connect the drain system. If you had experience installing a regular bath, it will not be difficult. If not, the drainage installation should be placed above the sewer socket higher than 10 cm.
  3. In the end, install all the pipes and seal all joints well.


Connection to the sewerage and water supply system

The connection diagram is very simple, for this you will need:

  • Adjustable wrench and tape measure.
  • Corrugated pipe with a diameter of 4-5 cm and fittings.
  • Diffusion welding.
  • Faucets.

To begin, connect the tank to the water supply. Fittings are mounted on water pipes. Then install the mixers so that the position of the bucket does not affect them in any way - this eliminates the possibility of smudges.

A little more complicated is the connection to the sewer. Pipes should be about 2 cm high from the floor, without being conspicuous.

Important! Use gaskets for all connections. Check the sealing quality under water pressure. If water does not leak, proceed with installing the power supply.


Power connection

The most critical moment when installing a hot tub is connecting it to electricity:

  • All wires must be equipped with an overestimated degree of electrical safety, and all elements are made with grounding, as temperature differences in the bathroom are possible, plus this room is with a high level of humidity.

Important! Disconnect from the electricity before starting work the place where this happens.

  • When installing a jacuzzi, three-core power cables must be applied.
  • Sockets must be grounded.
  • It is best if the switch or socket is in another room, but if this is not possible, then the socket should be placed at least 70 cm from the bathroom.
  • Install a protective device outside the bathtub, which will have an additional individual shut-off machine.

Important! Before connecting a jacuzzi to electricity, you must remove the three-wire cable from the outlet or switch. There is a color coding that matches a specific wire color:

  • Red, brown or white is a phase.
  • The blue wire is zero.
  • Yellow green is grounding.

The installation of the hot tub is complete.

Connection Check

After installing and connecting the jacuzzi, check the correctness of the work done. Make sure that:

  • Filters are installed with multi-stage water treatment.
  • The pressure reducer connection is correct.
  • All elements of the system are available.
  • All parts are placed in waterproof boxes.
  • The item is stable.

Installation and connection of the hot tub are fully completed.

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Stock footage

In the end, I would like to conclude that the installation of a jacuzzi is practically no different from the installation of a conventional bathtub. The only difference is the availability of electrical appliances, which must be given special attention during the connection, because your safety depends on it. Enjoy your bath and have fun!


