Plumbing installation in the bathroom

Everyone sooner or later faces the need to repair an apartment. And when it is decided to spend it in the bathroom, then you can’t do without replacing the pipes. And if the landlord wants to significantly transform the design of the bathroom or make any other cardinal changes, then the installation of plumbing in the bathroom is inevitable. Only you have to pre-purchase the material, prepare the necessary tools and take into account many of the nuances.

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What do you need from the tools?

If the walls and floor of the bathroom are already finished with ceramic tiles and the wiring of the plumbing has already been carried out to the installation sites, then before starting work, some tools should be prepared, namely:

  • Impact drill or hammer drill.
  • Water or laser level.
  • Drill for ceramic tiles.
  • Hammer.
  • Dowels for fixing plumbing elements to the wall.
  • Marker.
  • Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver with the desired nozzle.
  • Construction knife.
  • Masking tape.

Important! Before placing the plumbing in the bathroom, it is necessary to study all the fasteners, as well as the installation sequence, which, as a rule, is indicated in the instructions for each product. All consumables are often attached to each product, only after they have been thoroughly studied and the required tool has been prepared can you start plumbing.

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Mounting a bathroom

In the process of any type of bathroom repair, the layout of the plumbing fixtures is designed to determine the location of the bathroom itself, as this is the most oversized item that occupies the most free space. The process of mounting this item is extremely simple, but still requires a certain sequence.

Today, there are a huge number of different models of bathtubs from different materials and with different sizes, however, the plumbing connection diagram for all products is the same:

  • First of all, you need to carefully bring this product into the room and install it at a distance of about 50-60 cm from the wall to ensure free access from all sides. If the bathroom is equipped with a hole for protection against overflow, then the first thing you need to install it and lower the pipe to the lower drain siphon.

Important! Before you install plumbing in the bathroom with your own hands, make sure that the bathroom you purchased has a drain siphon, all the necessary pipes and gaskets, as well as instructions for installing them. If this is not included, then you will have to buy all the missing items in the same store.

  • Now you need to install the bottom siphon and connect it to the sewage system - for these purposes it is best to use a corrugated hose.
  • Next - before placing the plumbing in the bathroom, you should check the tightness of the connection of the lower siphon. To do this, close the drain hole and pour a small amount of water into the bathtub, approximately ¼ of its total volume, put a dry rag under the siphon and wait 15-20 minutes. If the rag remains dry, you need to open the hole and drain the water, simultaneously checking the entire drain line for leaks.
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Grounding the bathroom

Do not forget that before replacing the plumbing in the bathroom, for the metal and cast-iron baths, it is necessary to provide a grounding system.

Important! Plumbing made of acrylic or porcelain does not need such grounding.

So, the installation of plumbing in the bathroom provides for laying a grounding system, especially if various electrical appliances are installed here. If the apartment has a potential equalization system, then new plumbing equipment is connected to this system.

In the event that such a system is not available, then before changing the plumbing in the bathroom, you must invite an electrician who will advise you or install a grounding system.

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Installation of washbasins of various types

The installation location of the sink largely depends on the type of its design, dimensions and location of communication systems. Before proceeding with the installation of plumbing, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its size, taking into account generally accepted standards and the average growth of each family member.

The most common mistake is to first lay the pipes in the wall, and only then decide how to hide the plumbing in the bathroom and try to pick up a sink or toilet bowl of the necessary design.

Important! It is worth remembering that first you need to buy all the elements of plumbing, carefully examine its dimensions, and also determine its location in the room. After this, you need to draw up a layout of the plumbing equipment, only then do the pipe laying, according to the received scheme.

Currently, there are several of the most common models of sinks, which differ in the type of design and installation. These models include the following:

  • Hanging - are installed on the wall using special holes in the bowl or brackets.
  • Type “Moidodyr” - with a pedestal, which at the same time is part of the furniture interior.
  • Type “Tulip” - are installed on a special pedestal.

Important! Before installing the plumbing in the bathroom with your own hands, you must consider the type of sewer system.

For instance:

  • hanging type sinks are designed for a sewer outlet, which is located in the wall;
  • products of the type “Moidodyr” or “Tulip” can be installed with a sewage system that comes out of the floor.

Important! Installation should be carried out so that it gives free access to all the main communication nodes, allowing repair or maintenance of plumbing equipment.

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Toilet installation

As mentioned above, the installation of plumbing in the bathroom is largely dependent on the sewage system. Often, when planning a bathroom, many are tied specifically to the inlet of the sewer, which greatly limits the possibility of a full layout. First of all, you need to study the scheme and all the features of your sewage system, only then plan the placement of plumbing equipment in the bathroom.

Sewer pipes are divided into three types according to the option of placement in the room:

  • Wall mounted with horizontal receiver.
  • Installed in the floor with a vertical receiver.
  • Open angle mounting with tilt receiver.

If the financial capabilities and dimensions of the room allow, then the placement of sanitary equipment in the bathroom should be planned so that all the sewer line can be hidden behind a specially made niche on one wall of the room, and not all the devices to be distributed in different angles.

Important! Carrying out plumbing work in the bathroom, the best option for the bathroom will be the installation of a toilet bowl with installation - such models make it possible to significantly save space, since they are not tied to the location of the sewer neck, because a corrugated pipe is used to connect them.

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DIY plumbing installation in a bathroom - a responsible and important business that requires certain knowledge and skills. However, having dealt with all the nuances and having done all the work yourself, you can significantly save the family budget.

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