Installation of a solid fuel boiler in a private house

So, you have opted for a solid fuel heating unit. Now a responsible and serious stage is ahead - the installation of a solid fuel boiler in a private house. The work is quite time-consuming, but not so difficult as not to cope with it on your own. It is only important to choose the correct binding and connection method, in accordance with specific conditions.

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General installation rules:

  • Before you purchase a heating unit, you must first determine where it will be installed. The best option is a separate room (furnace), but there may be another heating unit, for example, gas. In this case, the solid fuel boiler is installed in the annex, behind the furnace wall. Install a metal frame, sheathe it with sandwich panels or corrugated board with an insulating layer. The advantage of this option is that the heating equipment will be located outside the house, there will be less dirt.
  • It is permissible to install low-power solid fuel boilers directly on a concrete rough screed. The mass of these devices is small, the vibration load on the floor surface is minimal.
  • As for solid fuel units, the power of which exceeds 50 kW, experts recommend equipping a concrete platform with a cushion of rammed crushed stone.
  • The elevation of the site above the level of the screed is 80-100 mm. At the same time, the screed and the foundation should not be interconnected. The same requirement applies when installing long-burning boilers.
  • The project of a private house provides a chimney shaft in the wall, followed by the removal of the pipe through the roof.
  • If there is no shaft (as an option, it is occupied by a gas fuel boiler), a chimney must be installed under a solid fuel boiler. The best option for installing a solid fuel boiler in a private house is a double-walled chimney with a heater made of metal. This is a lightweight prefabricated structure that can easily be assembled to the required length and fixed to the wall of the house.
  • Naturally exhaust ventilation should be in the furnace. An exhaust hood is provided by a shaft in the wall. It is parallel to the chimney shaft, but of a smaller section.

Important! The hood is designed to solve such problems:

  • Creating vacuum in the furnace. Due to this, intake air is sucked in, which creates favorable conditions for combustion.
  • If the boiler power exceeds 50 kW, it is necessary to create a separate supply ventilation.
  • Removal of combustion products from the room.
  • Often boiler rooms in country or country houses are not connected to the sewerage. This is not true because sometimes emptying the boiler system or water jacket is necessary. The discharge of the safety valve is also sent to the sewer.
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How to install a solid fuel boiler in a private house? Procedure

A solid fuel boiler is mounted in the following order:

  • Unpack the product.

Important! If the room is not too spacious, then the boiler is collected on the street. Mount doors, ash box and other items. Automation and fan do not need to be installed yet. They are mounted after the device is installed.

  • Move the boiler to the room. Install it on the foundation so that the axis of the gas outlet pipe and the chimney coincide.

Important! It is advisable to carry out installation work with an assistant, since the mass of the unit most often exceeds 50 kg.

  • The unit is fixed on the screed or foundation in such a way as to avoid distortions.
  • They connect a chimney, mount a safety group and a fan with a control unit.
  • Connect the boiler in accordance with the selected scheme.


Gravity system

This is the easiest option for installing a solid fuel boiler in a private house:

  • The supply and return pipelines are connected to the outlet pipes of the system.
  • The safety group is mounted at the outlet of the boiler. It consists of a safety valve, pressure gauge and air vent.
  • Do not install stop valves between the outlet of the device and the collector of the safety group.
  • An expansion tank is installed above the heating system, in a furnace or attic.

Important! Such a system works more efficiently if the boiler is located lower than the heating batteries. For this, sometimes a recess is arranged in the screed to accommodate heating equipment. The main advantage of a gravity flow system is non-volatility.

The best option for such a system is conventional solid fuel heaters with lower combustion, not equipped with a supercharger and automation.

With circulation pump

This is a more complicated way of heating a private house with a solid fuel boiler with your own hands. The weak link in such a system is energy dependence. To avoid problems with the cast-iron combustion chamber during a power outage, it is necessary to include a primary circulation circuit with a three-way valve in the piping scheme.

Important! The valve is designed to control the temperature of the water in the return pipe. In this case, cold water does not enter the boiler, but gradually mixes with the coolant of the small circle. Set up the system using a balancing valve.

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Installation of a solid fuel boiler with your own hands is more profitable, since the services of masters are not cheap. However, if you are in doubt at some points, it is advisable to consult with the “pros”.

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