Installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

For a comfortable microclimate in the bathroom and toilet, proper ventilation installation is required. If ventilation works well, then troubles such as unpleasant odors and (or) mold in the corners do not threaten you. Proper installation of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet provides for compliance with several rules, which will be described later.

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Types of ventilation

To choose the right option from a variety of proposals, you need to know what types of ventilation exist:

  • Forced. This type of ventilation is most often used in apartment buildings, where there is no way to install a window or window.
  • Natural. This is a good solution for a private home. Ventilation is carried out using windows and windows that are in the bathroom or toilet.
  • Exhaust. Provides exhaust air through exhaust ducts. It is advisable to use this scheme when combining mechanical and natural ventilation.
  • Supply. The principle is very simple: exhaust air masses are replaced by clean ones.
  • Mixed. This is a mix of several types of ventilation. Mixed type air circulation is best suited for private homes.
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Choose a fan

The fan is the main part of the ventilation system. If you take a responsible approach to his choice, you will soon forget what unpleasant odors are in the bathroom and toilet. Before installing ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, calculate the area of ​​the room.

Important! An important role is played by the noise level emitted by the device. The best option is a noise level in the range of 0-40 dB. Such noise is practically not perceived by people's hearing.

As for the design features, it is advisable to choose a ball bearing fan. Such devices are more durable, sound and reliable.

There are such classes of fans:

  • With two buttons to turn the device on and off.
  • With power supply from a light source.
  • With a control panel.
  • Timer

Pay attention to the fan performance indicator. This is the main indicator of his work. A low-power device that does not meet the room parameters in its characteristics is practically useless.

Important! A fan is considered good, which in 2 hours provides a change of air in the bathroom or toilet.

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How to clean the ventilation duct?

Before making ventilation in the bathroom, check the condition of the ventilation duct. If you find that the channel is clogged and its patency is impaired, then it makes no sense to install a fan until the channel is cleaned.

Possible options for restoring its patency:

  • Brush for cleaning the chimney pipe.
  • With the help of a load tied to a rope.

Important! Some “experts” advise cleaning by burning gas from a spray can - do not do this. This is dangerous. It is best not to tempt fate and call the masters from the Housing Office. The cost of the service is small.

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How to make ventilation in the bathroom?

Installation methods are possible:

  • Call masters.
  • Installation of climate control in an apartment or house.
  • DIY ventilation in the bathroom.

Let's consider the last option in more detail.

Forced ventilation in the house

If the natural change of air is extremely simple, then a forced system is some of the nuances that need to be taken into account. However, if you strictly follow the instructions, you can do the job no worse than a professional.

Important! First check the condition of the ventilation shaft. Bring a lit match to the air vent. If the duct literally sucks in a flame, then its permeability is normal. You can mount a fan. If the flame from the match is even or deviates quite a bit, you will have to first clean the channel.


If you cannot install the fan in the ventilation duct, use the air duct. There are such varieties of hoses:

  • Flexible. For their manufacture, plastic is used. This option is the most budget one.
  • Semi-rigid. This is the middle price category. They are used if it is necessary to extend the duct to 10 m.
  • Tough. Such ducts have the highest cost. At the same time, they have the highest quality.

Important! It is best to mount the ventilation associated with the switch. In this case, the fan starts to work when the light turns on in the bathroom. A good option is a duct fan, which is mounted directly into the ventilation duct.

What is needed to install ventilation in the bathroom?

  • Fan and accessory kit.
  • Ventilation grill.
  • Sealant.
  • Nails, dowels.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Pipe for lengthening the duct.

The fan installation rules are as follows:

  • Place the electric fan directly under the ceiling.
  • The side for the ventilation system is the opposite of the air source.
  • Before installing the fan, mark the wires.

Important! If something went wrong, call the wizard.

Ventilation in a wooden house is most effective. Draft created by small gaps between the logs and ajar window, removes all unpleasant odors very quickly. But to mount the hood is still necessary. As an auxiliary element, a ventilation grill on the door is well suited. If you do not want to spoil the design, leave a small gap between the floor and the door. The effect will be the same.

Important! To hide the pipe, you can use a box of drywall. Do not completely block the ventilation hole.


Purpose of the check valve

Sometimes the system does not work correctly. Air is not drawn out, but gets back into the room. Installing a check valve avoids this. The non-return valve is designed to direct air into the pipe. Distinguish between vertical and horizontal valves. When choosing a design, you need to take into account the type of existing system:

  • With a vertical duct, a horizontal valve is suitable.
  • A vertical valve is suitable for a horizontally oriented duct.

This “inverse proportionality" is due to the fact that the valve blades should not impede the movement of air.

Important! As valve capacity increases, its power increases.

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Why is ventilation not working well?

Problems with the ventilation system are most often caused by errors made during installation:

  • Errors in system design. This applies both to the building as a whole and to a separate room.
  • Inaccuracies in the calculations, as a result - the incorrect location of the fan.
  • The marriage of the electric fan itself and other components of the system.
  • Damaged ventilation system in other apartments.
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Only by analyzing a possible cause, you can eliminate the source of the malfunction and ensure high-quality air exchange in the room. And now you know how to avoid such problems when installing ventilation in the bathroom and toilet from scratch.

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