Installing an exhaust duct

Surely, every housewife wants to equip her kitchen as best as possible. And of course, the installation of an exhaust duct will be a prerequisite that ensures the timely outflow of odors of food prepared in the kitchen. Hoods for the kitchen consist of several elements, one of which is the duct. Its main function is to allow air to escape from the kitchen. This is a special pipe or channel that delivers air from the intake exhaust device to the place of its output (for example, a ventilation shaft).

We can say with confidence that without a duct the ventilation system will not be able to function. But in the modern market there are already devices that do not need ductwork. The air here is cleaned directly to the hood using special carbon filters. Such a system is not yet in high demand due to the need for frequent replacement of cartridges for air purification. Therefore, in this article we will consider more classic options.

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Differences between the exhaust system of the kitchen from ventilation

For residential premises, there are special sanitary standards that determine the air exchange in the room. To fulfill these requirements, all apartments are ventilated, which is able to provide air circulation. However, to eliminate strong odors, smoke and burning, this system is unsuitable because it works by natural air exchange.

It is the presence of a kitchen hood that can provide local intensive air exhaust, and it is mounted in places of increased accumulation of unpleasant odors.

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What types of ducts are there for a cooker hood?

There are several main types of ducts for hoods. They are divided by:

  • Form.
  • The material of manufacture.
  • Configurations.

Important! Choosing a duct for the kitchen, you should consider all the parameters of this device.

The form

According to the shape of the section they are divided into:

  • Rectangular It is convenient to place similar models behind a case. On sale they are in the form of separate sections, as well as adapters between them. This makes it possible to lay any trajectory from the exhaust equipment to the ventilation shaft. Rectangular views are suitable for rooms with any ceiling height and have a very aesthetic appearance. At the same time, they have lower performance when compared with air ducts of a different shape.
  • Round. Not entirely appropriate for kitchens with low ceilings, as they are very bulky. If the outlet has a rectangular shape, then special adapters for the round section from the rectangular will be needed.
  • Oval. They have the same advantages and disadvantages as round models.

One of the varieties of rectangular ducts are flat designs. They are compact enough, they can be easily hidden. They are available in three standard sizes:

  • 55x110 mm. Used for hoods with a capacity not exceeding 300 m3 / h.
  • 60x120 mm. Such air ducts can pass through a slightly larger volume of air, but not more than 350 m3 / h.
  • 60x206. The largest size models.Their installation is carried out to high-performance hoods, when a high degree of air purification from various odors is required.
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Duct material

When the question arises, which duct to choose for a kitchen hood, it is worth paying attention to the material from which it is made. Currently, it is customary to use the following materials for the manufacture of air ducts:

Plastic (PVC, polyethylene and fiberglass)

This is the most popular material, which is usually available with a rectangular or circular cross section.

Important! If rectangular views look more aesthetically pleasing, then the ease of installation is the distinctive quality of round systems (often they do not require special adapters for connecting to the hood and ventilation grille).

Of the advantages of plastic ducts, the following can be noted:

  • The smooth surface inside the pipe prevents the accumulation of grease and dirt in the system.
  • Plastic pipes do not rust.
  • Light weight.
  • Ease of installation. A wide variety of parts makes it possible to assemble ducts of any length and configuration.
  • When working, there is no strong noise and vibration.
  • Low price.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • A variety of fittings and adapters are required to install the exhaust duct.
  • They are not resistant to temperature increase. In addition, toxic compounds can be released into the air at high temperatures.



This is also a fairly popular material from which corrugated pipes for air ducts are made. The advantages of this material include:

  • Ease of installation. This is a universal material for almost all cases.
  • It tolerates heat well.
  • Low cost.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • Not very beautiful appearance. To give a presentable appearance, a pipe of this kind is usually hidden in a box or laid inside a cabinet.
  • Mechanically unstable material, poorly resistant to external influences and deformations.
  • Since aluminum conducts heat well, condensation can occur in the room where the duct is made of this material.


In this case, the ducts are made of stainless or galvanized steel - in the home kitchens they found themselves from galvanized steel. However, this species is gradually becoming obsolete and with each subsequent year becomes less and less popular.

The advantages of steel ducts include the following:

  • Surface smoothness. The air flow rate does not decrease when passing through pipes of this type. Dust, soot and other pollution do not get stuck in them.
  • They can easily withstand elevated temperatures without any consequences for the environment and themselves.
  • Relate to a more budget price category.

But there were some shortcomings:

  • In comparison with the same pipes made of plastic, they have significant weight. Accordingly, additional fasteners are required here when installing on the wall.
  • To seal the channels, additional compositions and mixtures are needed here.
  • If you need to install an exhaust duct in a complex kitchen, you may need to cut metal pipes.
  • When working, they can make a fairly loud sound.
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Duct Configurations

In this classification, duct pipes can be divided into:

  • Flexible. These include corrugated channels, which are usually made of aluminum, but plastic models have already appeared. They can be installed at any angle. The ability to compress or stretch is an added benefit.

Important! It should be borne in mind that a poorly stretched duct can greatly impede the free movement of air, which significantly reduces the performance of the entire system.Another disadvantage is that it is undesirable to make a corrugated box more than three meters in length, since each additional meter reduces productivity by 5-10%.

  • Tough. They can be made from all three materials. Convenience in assembly and a smooth inner surface that prevents the accumulation of dirt are the main advantages. Their cost is slightly higher than that of flexible models, but the ease of use more than compensates for this drawback.
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Basic rules for installing ducts

Before starting the installation of the duct for the hood, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its dimensions. For the most optimal selection of the box, it is necessary that the following requirements are met:

  • The cross-sectional dimension of the duct must necessarily coincide with the exhaust outlet. A smaller pipe diameter will cause excessive noise during the operation of the system and may cause motor overload.
  • In the event that the outlet is different from the cross-sectional shape of the duct itself, you will have to buy a special adapter.
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Installation Nuances

When installing the exhaust duct, the following points must be considered:

  • The number of rotations of the structure is desirable to make as small as possible, since each bend will reduce the efficiency of the exhaust system by 10%.

Important! Installation of no more than three elbows is recommended.

  • Since the duct must be cleaned periodically, it is advisable to make it collapsible.
  • When installing an aluminum corrugated box, it is allowed to mount it to the hood using conventional clamps.
  • Do not mount the device to the ventilation grill of the kitchen. If the duct is too snug while the ventilation system is inoperative, the natural air circulation is disturbed. To avoid this, it is necessary to install a special ventilation grill with holes, as well as an integrated non-return valve.
  • It is undesirable to use channels of different sizes. This will require the use of adapters, which greatly reduces the efficiency of the entire system.
  • The most aesthetic appearance is a rectangular flat box.
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Ways to hide a duct

For a more aesthetic look of the kitchen, it is desirable to mask the channel system. The following methods can be used for this:

  • Hiding behind a suspended ceiling. If it is available, all horizontal pipes can be easily removed there. For vertical sections, special housings are arranged that are covered with the same material as the ceiling.
  • Decorative box. There are many modifications to this casing. They may vary in color, shape and manner of execution. In such a box, you can even integrate spotlights.
  • With the simultaneous purchase of furniture, the duct can be laid inside the cabinets or on their “cover”.
  • It is also possible to independently make such a box from drywall. Further, in accordance with the overall design of the kitchen, such a design is painted in a certain color or glued with wallpaper.
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Currently, the building materials market offers a huge number of different models of air ducts for equipping a kitchen exhaust system. And the question is, which duct to choose for a kitchen hood, is determined not only by the design features of this device, but also by the ease of installation, appearance, as well as personal preferences. And the correct installation of the selected system will ensure high-quality air outflow in the required area and effectively relieve the kitchen of unpleasant odors.

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