Plaster cracks sealing

Needless to say, cracks that appeared in the stucco are an unpleasant phenomenon. Many people like the perfectly smooth surface of the walls, while others, on the contrary, like the “cracked” effect. However, the appearance of unexpected damage can spoil the mood. In particular, given the complexity and high cost of work associated with the application of decorative wall coverings. It is impossible to avoid cracking of the plastered surface. But to control the process and timely eliminate the defects that have arisen is quite possible. Today's talk will be about how to repair cracks in the plaster.
to contents ↑Causes
Let's try to find out why the plaster cracks when it dries.
The most common cause of this problem is shrinkage at home. At the same time, the load on the coating is simply enormous, and it is far from always that it will withstand such a test. Naturally, measures should be taken in this case immediately.
There are other, less common causes. Basic knowledge will help you respond to the trouble in time.
Technology violation
If the plaster is applied to an aerated concrete surface with a violation of technology, then it will necessarily crack. Oddly enough, the useful property of aerated concrete - breathability, can play a cruel joke here.
The ideal option when the wall covering is equivalent in degree of breathability to aerated concrete or surpasses it. Otherwise, the steam passes freely through the first obstacle and abuts against the vapor-tight layer. The stress arising in this case sooner or later leads to the formation of cracks. In this case, the overhaul of the wall can not be avoided. And that means that you will have to spend additional time and money.
Water penetrating under the solution layer provokes the appearance of “hair” cracks in the plaster. If water can destroy a centuries-old stone, then there is no need to talk about plaster.
Sun rays
There are cases when the plaster does not withstand ordinary ultraviolet radiation. This happens when using a low-quality solution (as an option - the mixture is unsuitable for use in these specific conditions).
to contents ↑Prevention
Following simple rules, you can achieve a good quality of work:
- Before plastering the wall, moisten it with a spray gun.
- The optimum temperature in the room when plastering the walls is 24 degrees.
- It is advisable to prevent drafts and penetration of direct sunlight into the room when performing finishing work.
- If the thickness of the solution applied to the surface exceeds 20 mm, secure it with beacons.
- Before applying a new layer of mortar, make sure that the previous layer is well cured and there are no cracks.
- The optimal thickness of the gypsum mixture is up to 15 mm, cement - up to 20 mm.
- The thickness of applying the mortar on the walls of brick, concrete or stone is up to 5 mm, on a wooden surface - 9 mm.
- Before you start working with plaster, be sure to read the instructions. It is important to mix components with strict adherence to sequence and proportions.
Compliance with these rules will help to plaster the walls with the best quality. Wall closure will be needed only if the house shrinks.
to contents ↑Cracks appeared - what to do?
So, the answer “Who is to blame?” Was received.Now it remains to figure out what to do in a given situation.
Aerated concrete plaster
Here we are not talking about any sealing defects. It is necessary to completely remove the coating and perform finishing work again. The solution to the problem is to use materials specifically designed for work on aerated concrete.
Changeable humidity
If the cracking of the plaster is caused by a change in the humidity level, it is logical to establish the root cause itself. After the moisture source is closed, you need a good drying room. The problem is resolved.
Using low-quality or old mix
There is only one way out: do not forget for a minute the proverb about a stingy person who pays twice, and use only high-quality compounds. Let not the cheapest.
to contents ↑Important! To control the problematic surface, use beacons from ordinary paper tape. The method is extremely simple. It is enough to stick the tape on the cracked area. Tearing the paper suggests that destructive processes are progressing. It is necessary to search and eliminate the root cause. If the paper remains intact, it's time to fix the cracks.
Embedment algorithm
Filling cracks in the plastered surface is carried out in accordance with a specific algorithm. Immediately start with the subtleties that will greatly simplify the work:
- Try to find the exact mixture that was originally used. This is a big plus.
- Pay attention to such characteristics of wall coverings as gas permeability. You will be able to avoid a hydroblock of a wall.
- Do all work related to the elimination of cracks at the same time.
Important! And one more “golden rule”: when the air temperature in the room is up to +5 degrees and the humidity level exceeds 80%, finishing work cannot be performed.
Now, with regard to eliminating cracking on the walls:
- Stitching cracks in the plaster. Clean the cracked coating, free it from dust and pieces of mortar. In this case, remove weak edges mercilessly. You may even have to work with a chisel and a hammer.
- Wash the surface with water, let it dry. While the wall is drying, do not waste time - prepare a cement mortar.
- Moisten the crack from the inside and close with a freshly prepared mixture.
- After the mixture has set, stick a reinforced tape on top.
Work is done. It remains only to monitor the change in the state of the tape. If everything is in order, you can plaster it, followed by sanding and finishing.
to contents ↑Important! If the cause of cracking is established, but the surface of the wall is covered with a tiny network of cracks. After completing each of them, attach the reinforced mesh on top.
Stock footage
Fixing cracks in the plaster on the wall is the task at hand. It is only important to find the cause correctly and eliminate it in time. If you do everything efficiently and in a timely manner, the beautiful view of the walls will delight you for a long time.
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