Replacing an electric meter in a private house

Electricity meters serve for a long time and they have to be changed infrequently. But sometimes such a need arises, including among the owners of country houses. Replacing an electric meter in a private house has some specifics, and it is not always easy for the owner to deal with this. About how, when and for whose money to change such devices, we’ll talk now.

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Why change the counter?

It hardly makes sense to rearrange the meter simply because you don't like the way it looks. Replacing an electricity meter in a private house, as well as in a city apartment, should have more compelling reasons. There are not many of them:

  • the device has exhausted its resource;
  • accuracy class does not meet modern requirements;
  • the device does not respond to turning on and off the electricity;
  • the counter rotates slower or faster than, in your opinion, it should be;
  • there was an unpleasant smell.

Resource is the main thing

Each meter is designed for a specific time. When this time expires, the meter must be checked, after which the specialists of the energy supply company decide whether to change it or not. It is possible that you do not need to buy a new one yet. If an order is issued to replace the device, this should be done immediately, otherwise - you will have to spend much more on electricity than you pay according to indications. In any case, until the moment a new one is installed, tested and sealed.

Accuracy class

At the end of the last century, induction meters were installed mainly in houses. They worked perfectly, and in many high-rise buildings and private houses they still stand today. They are still being established, although the rules have changed significantly in recent decades.

The fact is that the accuracy class today is higher than it was, say, at the end of the last century. The load has also grown markedly - the number of household appliances has increased significantly, in many houses there are not only washing machines and refrigerators, but also electric heating systems, and split systems, and water supply units. Old counters are designed for a current of no more than 10 A. If the meter is released long ago, it simply can not cope with the increased voltage. In addition, in such a situation, accuracy inevitably drops.

Important! Induction meters are still installed, but they are designed for at least a current of 40 A. As for the accuracy class, in older models it is most often not higher than 2.5, in new ones - 2 or even 1. The life of the new model must be at least 16 years old.



A good reason for replacing an electric meter in a private house can be its breakdown. For example, you suddenly began to pay for electricity much less than before. Of course, each owner is satisfied if they managed to reduce costs, but you should not rejoice in this case, because the energy supply company will certainly pay attention to the situation and will be interested in why some of the electricity has been supplied to you for free.

There are exactly the opposite situations - the meter spins like mad, and winds up in a month as much as in a year is not able to use the whole village. But in such a situation, the owner usually quickly catches himself and runs to the company to figure out what is happening.

Important! The appearance of an unpleasant odor usually indicates that the contacts have burned down - also a good reason for a replacement.

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What do we put?

If there is a need to replace the meter in a private house, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with what comes across on the market for such devices. There are options, and they depend on specific conditions - in particular, on how often you are in your house, how much electricity all appliances use together.

According to the principle of operation, counters are:

  • induction;
  • electronic.

According to the system of counting devices can be:

  • single tariff;
  • multi-tariff.

Important! A multi-tariff meter keeps records at two or more tariffs, and this can be advantageous when preferential payment is possible at any time. Single-tariff designs are simpler, so many prefer them.

Electronic accounting systems are also different. They differ depending on the principle of operation and can be:

  • mechanical;
  • liquid crystal.

Important! Those who have used these and others, believe that liquid crystal is more accurate and reliable.

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Take into account the load

Another parameter that you should pay attention to when there is a need to replace the meter in a private house is the total load. In country houses, it is very different. For example:

  • In a country house, where the family is only in the summer and mostly has a rest, there can be a refrigerator, a TV and a stove, sometimes a lawn mower or a pump is connected, a meter designed for high power is not necessary.
  • If you live in the house constantly and you have absolutely everything electrified, you need a meter that can withstand a large constant load for a long time.

Important! The meter must withstand a load that at least slightly exceeds the total of all electrical appliances in the house.

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General requirements

Before changing the electricity meter in a private house, it makes sense to understand the general requirements that the device must meet:

  • The meter must be certified;
  • The meter must be approved for use in the country.

There is a list of popular models that have all the necessary certificates and permissions:

  • SO-EE6706 can be installed where a single-phase 220V network is an old model, which is still being manufactured and is distinguished by excellent reliability; it has a 2 accuracy class;
  • СО-И449 220V can withstand a load of up to 60 A, voltage 220V;
  • СО-505 - voltage 220V, current 10-40A;
  • EU 2726 is designed for four tariffs, accuracy class 1, switching to a particular tariff is due to the built-in timer.

Important! To install a multi-tariff meter, you need to get approval from the energy sales company.

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Who pays for what?

And who should change the electric meter in a private house? There are two interesting legal aspects here:

  • for all property, including metering devices, the owner of the house is responsible;
  • at the same time, the owner cannot deliver and seal the meter himself or repair it.

That is, all financial costs fall on the shoulders of the owner of the house - he must pay for the purchase, verification and installation of the device. But this does not mean at all that it is possible, for example, to disassemble the counter, change the damaged parts and put the device back on. Only a specialist in an energy sales company can do this.

Important! And what will happen if the owner mounts everything himself? - There will be trouble. Even if you do everything right, at one not very pleasant moment, a supervisor from the energy supply company, or even a representative of the Housing Inspectorate, will come to you. Their visits usually end with lawsuits and fines, so it’s better not to risk it.

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Simple algorithm

So, how to replace the electricity meter in a private house? With those who are responsible for what - more or less clear. Within the time limits specified by law, the owner of a private house is obliged:

  • organize a counter check;
  • repair if necessary;
  • at certain times, order maintenance of metering devices.

The first thing you should start with is a visit to an organization that supplies you with electricity. You must have an agreement with her. The appendix to it is an act of balance sheet delineation. This is a separate document that contains a plan diagram on which the following data should be:

  • owner of metering device;
  • where is the electric meter;
  • who is the responsible consumer.

The fact is that owners of private houses conclude individual agreements with energy sales organizations. But it is very rare that a house stands in a clean field - most often it is part of a housing complex, cottage village or summer house partnership. It is in order to clearly define the boundaries of responsibility, and you have to fill in all the papers.

Important! If you want to install a multi-tariff meter, it is best to persuade your neighbors to do the same and apply to everyone together.

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Only qualified professionals

It is not necessary to invite an electrician from the first company found to replace the meter in a private house. It will be the same as if you began to change the device yourself. The consequences will be exactly the same. It is best to contact the energy sales company - the specialists who work there have not only all the necessary approvals, but also the layout of your village. In addition, a qualified electrician from a company with whom you are constantly dealing has the right to:

  • connect the device;
  • set the settings;
  • to seal.
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Free replacement

Can a private home owner replace a meter for free? Sometimes it's possible, so it's worth a try. Each meter has a warranty period. If it is not over yet, and you notice a problem, you can try. To do this, contact your local power department and advise you to replace.

A master will come to you, who must:

  • take readings;
  • remove the seal;
  • dismantle the counter;
  • perhaps send him to the laboratory for verification;
  • if everything is clear and without verification - you yourself must send your meter for warranty repairs;
  • after the device is repaired at the factory or a new one is sent to you, call the wizard again for installation and sealing.

The master is not obliged to immediately set a new counter. But you will have to pay for electricity all the time while the device passes the test and, possibly, goes to the factory. Payment in such cases is considered on average monthly basis.

Important! In fact, a master from an independent company can install a new counter, if he has the appropriate license. But a more reliable solution is to again use the services of a company that supplies electricity. In any case, you will have to call this company - they will deliver the device to you, but not every electrician has the right to seal it.

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The calmest option

There is a very simple option to replace the meter in a private house, it takes a minimum of time. In the same energy distribution company, you can:

  • buy a counter;
  • call a master who will do everything in one visit.

Maybe the method is not the cheapest, but it takes almost no time - you just need to call, arrange a time and pay.

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Some nuances

What else should I look for when buying a new meter for a private home?

  • On its dimensions. The point here is not so much in aesthetics as in the fact that metering devices are very often placed in casings, and the new one should fit in the same shell in which the former was located.
  • When you go to the energy sales company, you will need to place an order. Moreover, payment is most often made through a bank. Checks are best scanned and saved - you will have time to throw them away. A photocopy is needed to show it to the master, who will change the device.
  • It’s better to agree on a specific time.Let the company manager know that you value your and other people's time, and the “during the working day” arrangement does not suit you. The interval should be an hour or two, no more.


When the master comes and does everything, do not forget to carefully read all the documents - in the paper that you have to sign, the readings of the old and new counters should be indicated. This is a standard acceptance certificate that states:

  • who owns the device;
  • factory number;
  • indications at the time of acceptance.

The act is drawn up in two copies: one remains with you, the other is taken by the master, who must register your device. But you don’t have to give evidence anywhere - it will be done without you, although you can just call the energy sales company just in case and clarify everything.

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Where to put the counter?

When replacing an electric meter in a private house, it is usually placed in the same place as the old one. If you just connected your house to the power grid, you need to consider the following considerations:

  1. The meter is sealed in two places - seals are placed on the casing and on the bottom cover.
  2. The place where the instrument stands should be accessible for reading.
  3. All electrical appliances, including the meter, must be kept in a dry place.
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Stock footage

In a word, change the counter in a private house - The task is not so difficult. But, like all actions related to cash payments and working with electrical appliances, replacing the meter requires attention and accuracy. There should not be any initiative in this matter.

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