Liquid wallpaper - consumption per 1 square. m

Not everyone knows this type of wall and ceiling decoration as liquid wallpaper. They appeared recently, but have already managed to prove themselves from the best side. Cotton or cellulose are the main components of this material, dyes and glue are additional ingredients. Liquid wallpaper can rightly be called environmentally friendly, they are convenient to use and create a beautiful coating. When choosing a material, you should correctly calculate the flow rate so that you do not have to run to the store for an additive. Today we will acquaint you with some basic recommendations on how not to miscalculate the purchase of material in order to buy liquid wallpaper - consumption per 1 sq. m will help you competently calculate our examples.

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Advantages and disadvantages

So, let's begin to understand what you can get by buying such a finish, what moments you could avoid by abandoning it. Now let's look at everything in order.


  • You will not need to combine the seams correctly - they will not be on the surface of the walls or ceiling, since the mixture lays down in one continuous sheet.
  • If the site suddenly deteriorates during operation, the problem can be easily solved by cutting it out and applying a new layer of the solution to the area. The most important thing in this technology is that after closing up a problem spot, you will not see a single repair trace.
  • You do not need to pre-align the walls. All irregularities, asymmetric corners and other flaws will disappear under a thick layer of the mixture.
  • When decorating walls with such material, you do not have to spend money on putty. With proper use of the material, the consumption of liquid wallpaper per 1 sq. M will be very economical.
  • Liquid wallpaper can create a good heat and sound insulation system, which is especially necessary for the arrangement of a children's room.
  • Dust and dirt do not settle on such a finish, the coating almost does not absorb odors.
  • This finish does not fade in the sun, so it is ideal for bright rooms.
  • Liquid coating can be applied to absolutely any surface.
  • Subject to all conditions, the remains of the mixture can be stored for 2 days.
  • The ability to conduct experiments, combining colors with each other in order to obtain a textured pattern.
  • Such wallpapers are not flammable.
  • Service life - up to 10 years.


  • When applying the material in a thin layer, you run the risk of wearing it off quickly with frequent contact with the surface. To avoid such an unpleasant moment, we recommend applying a thick layer of the solution, and then coating it with acrylic varnish. In this case, do not forget that the coating will no longer “breathe”.
  • Walls and ceilings covered with liquid finishes must not be wiped or washed.
  • You will need up to 3 days to completely dry the walls in the cold season.
  • Compared with solid vinyl and other types of wallpaper, liquid analogues are produced in a small color palette. But you can add a variety of pigments and particles to them to give the finished coating a unique look.
  • Due to their low moisture resistance, it is undesirable to use them in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Important! To answer the question, how much are liquid wallpaper and how much square. meters comes 1 package, you need to carefully study the composition of the product and the manufacturer's company. So, for example, cheap paintings will contain only 10% silk fiber, but more expensive options - 100% silk or natural ethereal finish with sparkles.

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How many liquid wallpapers per 10 squares?

Before calculating the consumption of material per 10 square meters, you should calculate how much it needs to be taken per 1 square meter of the room. All these calculations must be done before going to the construction store in order to purchase the most accurate amount of dry mix.

The reasons why you need to pre-calculate the purchased finishing products:

  • If there is not enough liquid solution, there is a danger that the material may end in the midst of repair work.
  • There is an option to purchase a dry finish with a margin to prevent an unexpected trip to the store. And in case of excess material, you do not have to waste time returning it or storing it.
  • If you correctly make all the calculations, you can get the total amount of repair costs.
  • When calculating the required composition per 1 square meter, you can easily find out the exact flow rate of liquid wallpaper for a specific section of the wall.


Liquid wallpaper - consumption of one package weighing 1 kg

The consumption of one package with dry wallpaper directly depends on the skill of the person who will apply the finish to the walls or ceiling. So, for a professional master, this expense will be minimized, but a beginner will use up more material. But do not forget that even an inexperienced builder with a great desire can improve their performance.


Let's figure out how the consumption of 1 kg of the mixture will occur:

  • If you decide to apply the wallpaper manually, then 5 square meters. 1 kg of liquid wallpaper will be enough for you. Do not forget that material consumption may be greater for uneven walls.
  • In the case of applying the material with a spray gun, 1 kg of the mixture is enough for 7 square meters. m. It is thanks to this gun that you can achieve the most uniform coverage on the entire surface of the wall, which will significantly save costs and time of laying the material. It will not be superfluous to paint the walls in an approximate color with liquid wallpaper.

Important! Some sites suggest using a liquid wallpaper calculator, which will help you quickly calculate the required amount of dry mix for its further dilution.


How to measure liquid wallpaper per 1 square. m:

  1. We measure the height and width of the walls.
  2. We measure the height and width of window openings.
  3. We measure the height and width of the doorways.


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Liquid wallpaper - how many squares is enough for 1 package?

To understand how much liquid wallpaper is enough for you, it will not hurt you to know some factors that will help significantly reduce material consumption:

  • When mixing dry matter with water, everything must be thoroughly mixed. Otherwise, clots may appear that will increase the consumption of the applied material.
  • If you add a large amount of water, the material will often slip off your hands and spatula, which will also cause a large consumption.
  • When storing liquid kneaded wallpapers for more than 3 days, you risk getting a less elastic mass.
  • Walls with potholes and cracks will require a lot of decoration.
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We told you what liquid wallpaper is, how to calculate how much you need. In any case, the packaging of the dry mix should always be taken with a margin, especially since the residues can be used to finish another surface. Do not be afraid to experiment with decor, more optimism, and you will surely succeed!

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