Beko WKN 61011 M - what kind of washing machine?

Beko WKN 61011 M is a budget-class washing machine, the characteristics of which are fully consistent with standard household needs. How convenient and practical it will be for you to decide to buy such equipment, you can determine for yourself after reading the information in this review.

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The Beko WKN 61011 M washing machine has front loading, a rather diverse functionality, extremely simple operation and all this at an optimal price. The development of this model was carried out by the manufacturer in order to reduce energy consumption during operation of the unit while increasing the load of linen.

This technique will be very convenient and will become a real helper in homework, since it can simply refresh your things and remove complex or old stains without using special tools. You can also choose an operating time individually, depending on the planning of your day and the frequency of washing.

Installing the Beko WKN 61011 M will not cause any difficulties, since due to the removable top cover it fits equally well in the bathroom and under the countertop in the kitchen. Information from our separate review will help you determine where it is better to install a washing machine - in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

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Specifications Beko WKN 61011 M, despite its low cost, are at their best.


  1. Energy class - A, the most profitable today.
  2. The volume of laundry to load is 6 kg, which allows you to quickly refresh or clean even a fairly large number of accumulated things.
  3. The spin class is C, up to 1000 rpm, which makes it possible to obtain practical semi-dry laundry after washing and save time on drying it.
  4. Dimensions - 600 * 450 * 840, compact enough so that you do not have to think long about where to install.
  5. Management - through an electronic unit with a clear and accessible interface.
  6. The material of the tank is polypropylene, which completely eliminates the development of corrosion or mold.

Important! If you plan to save on the call of the wizard and install the device yourself, use our tips, how to connect a washing machine.


When deciding whether to buy a Beko WKN 61011 M washing machine, you need to have an idea of ​​which programs you can use. In this model, the manufacturer pleases consumers with the presence of 15 standard options, as well as an additional number of auxiliary functions.

Depending on what season, what exactly you decide to wash and from which fabric, you can choose the modes:

  • for cotton;
  • children's things;
  • for synthetics;
  • for wool and other delicate fabrics.

Also available are options for full, half load, pre-soak. All this is the best possible effect in practice, as it allows you to spend a minimum of personal time on caring for any clothes.

Important! It is not always necessary to wash clothes from one type of fabric. In a separate review on our portal of useful tips you will find out how to wash clothes from different types of fabrics.


The Beko WKN 61011 M protection system has been expanded. The equipment contains:

  • unbalance controllers, which excludes drum overload and uneven distribution of linen on it;
  • automatic water level regulators - prevent overflow of the tank, based on its load, and also allow you to save water consumption and reduce utility bills;
  • protection against leaks - partial, but sound, according to reviews there are no complaints about the occurrence of just such a breakdown.

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Review Benefits

The advantages of a particular model of a washing machine are best judged by consumer reviews, since the characteristics not always set by the manufacturer correspond to the actual class of the device in practice.

Based on this, we made the following conclusions about the pros of Beko WKN 61011 M:

  • compact size and thoughtful design, a device for location not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen or in another room with furniture;
  • reduced noise level - both during washing and during spinning, compared with other models of this price group;
  • excellent quality of washing and spinning - this fact is noted by all users without exception, which of course is very pleasing;
  • good protection against imbalance - if installed correctly according to the instructions, Beko WKN 61011 M will not constantly require your attention, moving from vibration, wear and premature failure of the drum are also excluded;
  • functional sufficient from a practical point of view - “for all occasions”, but without surplus.


  1. The inability to turn on the additional rinse mode with a separate button.
  2. No visualization of the process.

Important! Before buying a washing machine, study the market for the best models. If you select a device with front-loading, then be sure to check out our post “TOP of the best front-loading washing machines”.

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Based on the foregoing, only one conclusion can be drawn - the Beko wkn 61011 m washing machine is extremely simple to use, but high-quality and reliable, despite the literally ridiculous price. According to numerous reviews, it is confirmed that it works even better in some moments than expensive units with an original design from advertised import brands. Therefore, if you still doubted whether it is worth taking it, most likely, you should give preference in favor of a positive decision.

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