DIY washing machine case

A cover for a washing machine is a new invention of recent years, but has already managed to firmly take its place in the market of modern goods. In this article, we will talk about how to sew a cover for a washing machine with our own hands, as well as its purpose.

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The cape on the washing machine has 2 main functions: aesthetic and practical.

Aesthetic function

A washing machine is an appliance that includes many useful functions for washing. But how diverse the functionality of the machine is, its design is just as limited. This is where the problems begin to arise.

When you create your own unique design of a house / apartment, white, no different from hundreds of the same models, the washing machine does not fit into the fancy elegant interior created by you. In such a situation, this simple, inexpensive and original solution to the problem comes to your aid. To choose such a thing to taste in accordance with the design will not be difficult, and if there is nothing suitable, then you can easily sew a cover on the washing machine with your own hands.

Important! If you like needlework and a cozy atmosphere, you will be interested in our special article in which we selected the most interesting tips, how to decorate a bathroom.

Practical function

In addition to the aesthetic, there is one more practical function that is more important in its execution. Its main task is to protect the washing machine from various kinds of mechanical damage and pollution.

Spilled detergent, minor scratches? It does not matter, it is the cover that protects the machine from such dangers, and it eliminates the need to wash and clean the machine daily from dust and dirt.

The second practical purpose of the cape for washing is protection against foreign substances from entering the mechanism. Despite the fact that the case is tight, this happens, and the cover for the washing machine prevents such embarrassment.

Important! A side, but a pleasant effect of this method of protecting the machine is the noise insulation that this device has. If you do not remove it during the operation of the unit, there will not be such a saturated screen during the spin cycle.

Having considered the functions of covers for washing machines, we can definitely conclude that they are more a necessity than a whim for users of washing devices.

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The manufacturers of covers for washing machines, trying to please the client, took care so that everyone could choose the goods to their liking. The main criterion for choosing this thing is the type of loading the washing machine.

Front loading

Such washing machines are in great demand among buyers. Accordingly, it is not difficult to choose a cover for this type of device. The design of this little thing is very simple: the top and four sidewalls. At the same time, the front part has a small “window”, covered with a shutter, which, if necessary, is twisted into a roll, providing access to the drum of the device.

Vertical loading

This type of machine is in demand by those people who need to save space in the apartment. Covers designed for washing machines of this type consist of two parts: one for the machine itself and the other for the lid. The design of the cover itself provides complete protection against damage and contamination.

Important! All modern designs of products for this purpose have additional pockets that are used to store a variety of detergents.

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Recommendations for use

No matter how strange it sounds, but even such a simple thing as a cover for a washing machine, you need to be able to use it correctly. The rules are as follows:

  1. During washing, you need to open the hinged curtains front and rear. This must be done so that air circulates inside the machine. This will help prevent mold and bad smell inside the device, as well as eliminate the risk of overheating during operation.
  2. The fabric from which these cases are made does not allow moisture to pass in, and from the inside as well. Therefore, before you “dress” your washing machine, thoroughly dry it. Otherwise, there is a risk of corrosion and rust.
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DIY washing machine case

A situation may arise in which you could not find a cover that suits your tastes. Then you have 2 choices:

  1. Leave everything as it is and put up with a device that does not fit into the interior.
  2. Sew the cover on the washing machine with your own hands.

Let's consider in more detail how to sew a cover for a washing machine with your own hands. The following instructions will help you quickly and easily deal with the sewing problem:

  1. You need to immediately determine the fabric - it is advisable to choose a waterproof oilcloth. The colors should match the interior and your taste.
  2. Take measurements from your device and make a pattern.

Important! Leave the seam allowances.

  1. When making a pattern, do not forget to mark the hinged covers on the front and back walls.
  2. Sew your work and try on.
  3. If necessary, pockets and various devices can be added to the product.

Important! Nowadays, various interior design details are very popular. So, in the bathroom, you can increasingly find screens under the bath. Follow the link and find out how to make a do-it-yourself screen under the bathtub.

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It’s very easy to sew a cover on a washing machine with your own hands and not be difficult for any housewife. Even if you spend all day on it, the improved interior in the apartment will please the eye and cheer you up for a long time.


