What is the difference between a blender and a mixer, which is better?

Using a variety of kitchen appliances, the hostess simplifies her work several times. It is worth noting that often some devices perform similar functions. Not understanding how one device differs from another, the hostess wonders how the blender differs from the mixer, which is better? You will learn the answer to this question from this article.

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Blender as a senior assistant in the kitchen

This device is a mechanism that is capable of mixing and whipping products. These devices are divided into submersible and stationary:

  • Particular attention should be paid to the model that you can hold in your hands and guide the blades in the right direction. Such a device is characterized by high power, however, in order to work, you have to hold the button.
  • The stationary look of the blender is only responsible for a certain job: it can only mix and grind a particular product.

Important! We have prepared a detailed comparison of these types of devices in a separate review “Blender: which is better to choose - submersible or stationary?”.

The hand blender includes the following nozzles:

  • Shredder for fruits and vegetables.
  • Mixer.
  • Nozzle to crush products.
  • A knife designed for ice.
  • Corolla.

The power of such models can range from 200 W to 1000 watts. Low power models can only be used for processing soft foods and prepared fruits. Blenders, as their power grows, are able to grind harder food items.

Important! If you want your assistant to serve as long as possible, it is recommended to choose more powerful models with metal blades. Choosing parts made of plastic, you are very risky, so they can overheat under the influence of the fast active motor of the device.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

To understand which is better - a mixer or a blender, you need to understand the positive and negative features of the device in question. Let's start with the pros:

  • The blender is multifunctional.
  • It perfectly processes food.
  • It has small dimensions.
  • Able to grind solid products, such as nuts or ice.

Important! If you plan to prepare tasty and healthy cocktails for yourself and your family, then follow the link to the article, using the information from which you can figure out whichsmoothie blender is better.

However, there are much more minuses here:

  • The device is very noisy.
  • When using the submersible model, you need to hold the button all the time.
  • The device must not be used for a long time due to the risk of overheating of the motor.
  • Weak models are not able to process products efficiently.
  • Often food sticks to knives.
  • Inability to knead the dough.
  • Motor heat reduces the amount of nutrients in fruits and vegetables, thereby affecting their taste.
  • Additional features do a poor job.
  • You have to work hard to wash the item after using it.

Important! If you still could not decide on the type of device, we offer one more article on our website of useful tips “Blender - which is better to choose?”.

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Talk about mixer features

To decide what is best to buy - a blender or mixer, you need to carefully consider the functions of the second device. The mixer is designed to whip soft or pre-softened products.

Important! This device does an excellent job with batter, cream, and proteins. For harder products, not hooks are used, but hook-like nozzles.

This device is also divided into two types of models - stationary and manual. The first type differs from the second in its ease of use. To process a particular product, the device only needs to be installed correctly and the button is pressed.

Important! The mixer differs from the blender in that it is not prone to overheating soon: its motor is able to work for a long time. Another difference is that the mixer is able to cook dishes with air bubbles inside, which cannot be said about the blender.

However, it is worth noting that such an item gradually ceases to be in demand, it is replaced by a multi-function blender.

Important! Want to choose a good bowl mixer? We have prepared separate posts in which you will find a lot of useful information on your choice:

Pros and cons of the device

We will understand the qualities of this unit and decide for ourselves: which is better - a mixer or a blender with a whisk. Despite the loss of its popularity, the mixer has a huge number of positive features:

  • The device effectively whips liquid food.
  • The device is not prone to overheating and is able to work for a long time.
  • The manual model does not require washing the working bowl, because it is designed for kitchen utensils. And our separate review will help you choose the best device. "Hand Mixer".
  • Washing such an “assistant” is very convenient, even if you have a stationary model. In this case, it is enough to wash the bowl and the corollas themselves.
  • You can wash these parts in the dishwasher.

The mixer has several disadvantages that contribute to the loss of popularity of the device in the domestic market:

  • The device has only two nozzles, which is why it is impossible to increase its functionality.
  • The stationary model takes up a lot of space.
  • The device is capable of performing only two types of work - mixing and whipping the product.

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The best choice

The answer to the question of what is better to buy - a blender or mixer, can not be unambiguous. This can be explained by the fact that each of the objects performs functions that are not peculiar to the other. Only the mistress herself can solve this problem. To do this, you need to decide why she needs this or that subject.

Numerous polls show that the blender has increased its popularity several times, which cannot be said about the mixer. Agree that any consumer is aimed at gaining benefits on his part, and why he buys a more economical and functional model. But at the same time, it should not be noted that the mixer nozzle in the popular model can replace the mixer itself.

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The ideal option has always been the decision to purchase both devices. However, if your budget is limited, it is best to purchase a device that you use more often.

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