Boiler cleaning

All those who live in a summer cottage or in an urban-type village, or simply in suburban or private houses, probably know such a device as a boiler. Like all objects and assemblies, it is clogged. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how the boiler is cleaned. In fact, this is a fairly simple procedure, and we give you a chance to see for yourself by simply reading this article.
to contents ↑How to drain water from a boiler?
It is convenient enough when the water heater is located above the bathtub or in another place where a large capacity can be placed under this boiler without interference. Then you can not waste time on this procedure - drain the water immediately before cleaning the boiler. You can do this simultaneously with the removal of the heater. But you should be aware that the device of some storage units can create difficulties for you during such emptying.
Important! It is very convenient to drain the water simultaneously with the removal of the heater in those water heaters in which it is screwed directly into the tank. In other models, you have to unscrew a couple of nuts that hold the flange with a heating element - in this case, it is better to empty the container in advance.
If the boiler is connected to the water supply correctly, then there will be no problems with extracting water for subsequent cleaning. The tank emptying algorithm is as follows:
- Disconnect the boiler from the mains, turn off the common tap, which is responsible for the water supply.
- Turn off the cold water faucet near the heater, then at the nearest mixer open the hot tap and wait until all the water has drained out.
- Attach a pipe to the drain fitting, which is directed to the sewer, open the tap and drain the water.
Important! When there are no drain pipes or taps, you can try to empty the tank using the safety valve. But in this case, the cleaning of the water heater may take a whole day. Therefore, it is better to wait until the water has cooled, and then proceed according to the algorithm described above.
When the fitting is missing:
- Disconnect the hot water supply pipe from the boiler, and then replace the bucket. To let the water flow, carefully unscrew the safety valve. At the very moment when the air begins to pass into the tank, water will quickly run out of the nozzle.
- The valve can be completely removed and the intensity of the jet can be adjusted by blocking the nozzle with your finger.
to contents ↑Important! In this way, you empty the tank relatively quickly. Under no circumstances should you forget to properly maintain the circuit during the reassembly process so that you don’t waste your time next time.
A few guidelines for descaling and disassembling
By and large, the entire process of cleaning the boiler is considered quite simple, therefore, without any difficulties it can be done with your own hands:
- But first, the device must be disassembled and removed;
Important! As a rule, it is fastened with a screw, while in some models of boilers they are covered with a plastic panel.
- When the screws are unscrewed and the cover is removed, the contacts and fasteners will open in front of you.In order not to remember the entire connection diagram, just take a picture of it from several angles.
- Then disconnect the wires and you will have access to the thermostat. Usually it can simply be removed from the housing of the heater, in other models - you have to remove them together. Unscrewing the fastening nuts or the tube heater itself, carefully remove it from the tank.
Important! It is necessary to remove the heater from the heater extremely carefully, because the accumulated scale in the boiler often does not allow it to be done easily. In devices that no one has been cleaning for a long time, one even has to pick out mud deposits, otherwise the element cannot be obtained.
Directly cleaning the boiler
The main volume of scale is concentrated near the heating element, but in the tank itself it is not so much:
- If the pollution is very strong, when the walls of the tank are covered with a coating, try to eliminate the scale manually. But remember that using abrasive products to remove this scale from an enameled surface is not recommended.
- When this did not help, then there is nowhere to go - dismantle the water heater and clean it using a variety of chemistry.
Important! Taking this opportunity, pay attention to the state of the magnesium anode, and if there is such a need, then replace it.
A typical boiler cleaning algorithm looks like this:
- From the surface of the heater, remove the thick layer of scale using a mechanical method, for example, with a knife.
- After that, cut off the neck of the plastic bottle, fill it with a warm mixture of citric acid and water, the proportion is 2 packets of acid in 2 liters of ordinary water.
- Immerse the item inside the solution bottle and leave for a day. After this time, the heater will be like from a factory.
- After that, reassemble the boiler, fill it with water and calmly operate it further.
Means for removing scale in water heaters
In some cases, cleaning boilers for a variety of reasons requires quite a lot of labor, for example, this applies to indirect heating boilers. It is not so simple to get a copper heat exchanger out of it. Yes, and with ordinary heaters of high capacity adventure can not be won. In such situations, you can clean without using disassembly and removal of the apparatus - using chemicals to eliminate dirt and plaque.
A few words about how to eliminate the scum inside the boiler:
- We already told you about citric acid, only in this case it is necessary to increase the concentration of the solution.
- In addition to citric acid, a variety of chemicals are available that are designed for this purpose. One of such tools is Master Boiler, which has quite a good reputation in the market of tools for removing dirt and scale inside boilers.
But after acquiring a special solution, the question always arises - how to fill it inside the tank? It turns out that everything is quite simple. True, the boiler must be connected to the water supply correctly, according to the scheme. Then:
- Empty the container a third through the hot water tap.
- Then connect the hose to the drain fitting.
- Pour the chemical agent of your choice into the tank through it.
Important! Make sure that the end of the hose with the watering can is raised above the water heater.
We clean the boiler with a dry heater;
Simply put, the procedure for cleaning a water heater, which is equipped with a so-called dry heater, does not differ from ordinary. If you decide to disassemble the apparatus for this procedure, the ceramic element should not be drained mechanically, because it must be handled with extreme care. Better just immerse it in a concentrated solution of acetic or citric acid and wait until the scale dissolves. You can also use industrial chemistry from the store.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In this article, we told you how to properly disassemble a water heater for cleaning the boiler and the better to perform this process. Perform this procedure regularly, and then you will not have interruptions with hot water for a very long time.
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