Which is better - a blender or mixer?

Every housewife strives to please her loved ones with a variety of food every day, and a whole arsenal of home appliances helps her in this. As a rule, one of the most labor-intensive processes, which you have to spend a lot of time and effort in manual mode, is mixing various ingredients. Therefore, to solve this problem, speed up the process of preparing culinary masterpieces and just get pleasure from it, there is a dilemma, which is better - a blender or mixer? What is the difference and what opportunities each of the types of this technique provides, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Blender and mixer - what's the difference?
Before you give preference to a specific type of household appliance, you need to understand the design differences. The functionality of a particular technique will depend on this. And given the factor that each family has its own preferences regarding dishes, drinks, to make a decision, to buy a blender or mixer, it is necessary by this criterion.
So, what is the difference between the device of these kitchen appliances:
- Mixer. The main purpose of this technique is to mix and whisk the ingredients to the most delicate texture. This process occurs by means of soft corollas, which additionally capture air and make it possible to give special softness to the finished product mass.
- Blender This technique will allow you not only to mix products, but also to grind them. This happens due to the high-speed rotation of strong steel knives. Depending on the specific model and type, blenders differ in functionality - immersion and stationary devices somewhat different set of options and processing capabilities of solid, dense products.
to contents ↑Important! Based on this, we can conclude that it is better - a blender or mixer, in favor of the first. But not everything is so simple, since there is an important price factor. And here we must admit that mixers are a more budget option. Therefore, if you only occasionally decide on the feat of preparing something tender, and the rest of the time you handle a knife - the answer is a blender or mixer is obvious: this is a simpler and cheaper device - hand mixer.
Blender and mixer - what to choose?
The easiest way to decide which is better is a blender or mixer, if you focus on what exactly you are going to cook with the help of household kitchen appliances. Here the recommendations will be as follows.
Give preference to this type if you need:
- beat egg whites;
- mix the ingredients for a milkshake;
- mix batter for a cake or cake, as well as prepare a cream for decoration and impregnation;
- make homemade mayonnaise;
- Knead liquid, airy, most uniform dough for pancakes or fritters;
- whip cream for dessert;
- cook a lush, tender omelet.
Important! Modern devices are increasingly conquering with their functionality, attractive appearance and ease of use. We suggest you pay attention to such a device as planetary mixer with bowl for home.
A blender will be more relevant if you plan to use it for cooking every day:
- mashed soups;
- smoothie;
- fruit and vegetable purees for baby food;
- chipping ice for cocktails;
- crumbling greens;
- chop nuts or other hard fruits, vegetables;
- shred vegetables on salads.
Popular manufacturers
Once you have decided which is better - a blender or mixer, you must correctly decide which manufacturer will suit you. Here it is necessary to take into account reliability, quality class and, of course, the pricing policy of each individual brand.
You can do this yourself, using previous experience in handling home appliances. But a simpler option is to focus on consumer reviews that have already tried a blender or mixer in action. We conducted such a review to facilitate this task.
Independent monitoring results are as follows:
- Kenwood, Polaris, Stadler, Bosch, Tefal - have gained the greatest popularity among housewives, including 2in1 models from these manufacturers are in special demand because of their long-term and reliability, although the price of such equipment is quite high;
- Phillips, Braun - cost a little above average, but the quality of materials and assembly is very decent;
- Electrolux, Vitek, Moulinex, Siemens - mixers and blenders from these manufacturers also earned positive reviews, although they are more than affordable in terms of cost.
Important! When deciding on the manufacturer that suits you, keep in mind that there are a number of specific models in which consumers have discovered a lot of shortcomings and were ultimately unsatisfied with their purchase. This number includes:
- Scarlett SC-049;
- Binatone HM 155;
- Elenberg MX-2601;
- Viconte VC343.
Useful Tips:
- When choosing a blender or mixer, pay attention to the quality of the materials in the base. They must be durable, environmentally friendly, not susceptible to corrosion and deformation, chips or cracks. The best option is considered high-quality plastic without a clear odor of chemistry, and stainless steel is ideal.
- Correctly determine the power of the device you need. Here the principle is simple: the more complex ingredients you are going to mix, the more options are provided in the technique, the higher the indicator should be. But do not forget that a large power of the device will also entail an increase in energy consumption.
- Ergonomics plus attractive design - will provide you not only the convenience of handling the device, but also the pleasure of working while cooking dishes.
- The number of speed modes makes it easy to select the desired settings and change them for a specific task in order to spend as little time as possible on the mixing process.
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Now you have all the necessary information, not only to decide which is better - a blender or mixer, but also in order to choose the right model for any of these devices. We hope that with the help of our tips you can easily cope with the task that has arisen, which means you will delight yourself and your loved ones with new culinary delights. Success!
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