Which is better - gas or electric stove?

A few years ago, apartment owners were not puzzled by questions about what is best - a gas or electric stove. Such kitchen equipment was selected according to the principle of energy consumption in certain conditions of an apartment building - for buildings up to 9 floors only gas was used, from above - only electricity. But due to the fact that modern technical capabilities can significantly expand opportunities for consumers, as well as the fact that more and more people are eager to build their own house in a summer cottage or cottage, rather than hiding in an apartment, the choice of which stove is better is gas or electric, provided by the vast majority. Well, let's deal with all the pros and cons of each option.

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Selection basics

When deciding which is better - a gas or electric stove, many criteria must be taken into account. The most significant in this regard are the following:

  • functionality;
  • security;
  • speed and quality of cooking;
  • ease of use of the oven;
  • attractive and ergonomic design;
  • price.

Important! Regarding the external design, it is impossible to give an exact answer, which stove is better - gas or electric. Modern manufacturers of such household appliances try to take into account all relevant consumer requirements when developing the design of each new model or series of equipment. Therefore, the fundamental factors by which you will personally determine the more preferred type of hob will be all the rest of the above criteria.

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Gas stoves - advantages and disadvantages

It will be much easier for you to understand which is better - an electric stove or a gas one, if you clearly articulate the advantages and disadvantages of more conventional gas-powered equipment.

Important! If you plan to purchase a gas stove, then use the tips that we have collected in a separate publication“Gas stove - how to choose an inexpensive and high-quality?”.


  1. Low price - on average, 20 percent lower than electrical engineering.
  2. Cost-effectiveness of operation - if you select a hob not for an apartment with standard energy consumption rates, but for a private house with dedicated energy supply systems, a gas stove will definitely be more profitable.
  3. High speed of heating and the whole cooking cycle - this is due to the fact that cooking takes place in dishes set on an open fire. Accordingly, the temperature of the filament is higher than the cooking surface of the electric stove.
  4. The most precise adjustment of the flame burning intensity, which allows you to create the ideal cooking mode, which is especially important when processing some products.
  5. Universality. It is gas stoves that may be the only ones available in some localities where there is no electrification.

Important! A big plus in favor of such equipment when choosing which is better - a gas or electric stove, is the factor that, when operating a centralized supply, gas networks practically do not have interruptions. But with electricity, the problems are always relevant - not only in remote villages, but also in megacities.


  1. Higher fire and explosion hazard threshold. When operating such engineering systems, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality equipment, and installation must be carried out by specialists of appropriate qualifications and profiles. The slightest gas leak or incorrect operation of the hob can lead to serious tragedy and death.
  2. The difficulty of adjusting the temperature of heating the air in the oven, especially if the gas stove is not equipped with a temperature sensor.
  3. The appearance of soot during intense and frequent cooking. The result - more often you have to pay attention to cleaning the hood and the furniture adjacent to the stove used dishes.

Important! Many people, not waiting for the arrival of a specialist, want to install and connect new equipment themselves. If you are one of them, we recommend using the information from our review “Connect the gas stove”.

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Electric cookers - advantages and disadvantages

Perplexed by the fact that it is better - an electric stove or a gas one, if it is possible to install both, it is impossible not to take into account the advantages of the first type of equipment. They are and there are many of them.


  1. High level of security. Even frequent power outages will not cause problems such as a possible gas leak. The stove simply will not function during the absence of current and voltage.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. No harmful substances - combustion products, do not enter the room air.
  3. Functionality. As a rule, modern electric stoves have an expanded set of options, due to which the convenience of cooking is significantly increased. The specific set of modes, safety interlocks, heating control, etc., depends on the type of hob used.
  4. Convenience. Using an oven is also more attractive in this case, since you can set the desired temperature as clearly as possible. Often already in the standard configuration are cooking opportunities “grill” or by similar technologies.

Important! In search of the best model of electric stove, do not forget to familiarize yourself with our specialrated electric cookers.


  1. High price.
  2. The hotplates are heated only in accordance with specific values, but it will not work quickly to reduce or add “heat” - you will have to wait a bit.
  3. Longer cooking - due to the fact that the surface of the burners requires more time to warm up.
  4. With frequent interruptions in the electricity of the central networks, there may be a regular lack of the possibility of cooking at all.
  5. High costs during the operation of equipment - depends on the tariffs of a particular settlement.

Important! If your new electric cooker is already waiting for its first start, then do not wait for the wizard to connect it. Follow the link and find out on our portal useful tips, how to connect an electric stove yourself.

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In order to finally decide for yourself which is better - a gas stove or an electric one, it is worth summarizing all of the above features. Conclusions as a result are as follows:

  1. Gas stoves are ideal for lovers of healthy food, in the absence of access to the central power supply or frequent interruptions. Also, this is definitely a financially profitable type of hob - both at the stage of purchasing equipment, and during its operation.
  2. Electric stoves - suitable for those who use autonomous electrification with a high threshold of power. It is also a more preferable choice for those housewives who like to pamper themselves and their relatives with fragrant pastries and interesting recipes.
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We hope that the information received in this article was more than enough for you to quickly decide for yourself which is better - an electric stove or gas.Whatever you choose, remember that using any type of equipment is a matter of habit, so over time you can still enjoy the process and quickly cook any, even the most original dishes for yourself!


