Electric grill, features and types

The electric grill has recently entered the lives of many housewives, after which even for those who did not feel any pleasure from cooking, the process became entertaining enough to devote more time to it. At a time when it’s extremely difficult to get out into the countryside, and grilled meat is dreamed at night, this device is simply an ideal device. Now those dishes that you previously prepared only in nature are available at home.

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Features of electric grill

The electric grill works almost on the same principle as the beloved microwave oven.

The main advantage of an electric grill can be considered cooking without the use of oil and other fats. Also, an electric grill removes most natural fats from the products themselves, making them more dietary, but no less tasty.

The device works with the help of infrared rays, which process products with high temperatures up to 700 and 1000 degrees. The epicenter of the heating can be placed on top, bottom or sides.

Important! An electric grill for the home includes features such as frying, baking, braising and heating.

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Types of electric grills

When you go to the store in the household appliance department, your eyes just run wide. Sellers offer many different models, which in appearance are no different. What is the main difference between all these models?

Important! A good alternative to electric grill is air grill. Information on what can be prepared in this device, advantages and disadvantages, as well as selection tips, we have collected in a separate review “Aerogrill - what is it?”.

Types of electric grills according to the principle of action

There are two main types of electric grills: contact and non-contact.

Contact electric grills are:

  • Open or they are also called unilateral.
  • Closed or double-sided.
  • Combined, which combines the capabilities of the two previous models.

Contactless electric grills are:

  • Skewer.
  • Planetary.
  • Carousel.
  • Vertical.

Types of electric grills by installation method

Depending on the placement method, an electric grill can be of the following types:

  1. Figurative. Such devices are distinguished by their versatility and ease of use. You can take an electric grill to the cottage or just use it for home. The main thing is that there should be a power supply network nearby. With the help of such an appliance it is possible to prepare a delicious dinner even for a large family or company.
  2. A stationary electric grill is most often used in catering establishments, for example, in cafes and restaurants. They are large and massive, so moving them to another place is unlikely to succeed.
  3. A tabletop electric grill is ideal for cooking at home. They practically do not differ from the rest in terms of device and functionality, only in size and power (about 0.7 kW). Such devices operate silently and use very little power. The only negative is that you can’t feed a large company with such an electric grill, but to heat food, cook meat or fish - that’s it!

Important! Fans of cooking on the grill will be interested and useful information from our separate post “How to choose a grill pan?”.

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Electric Grill Selection

When buying an electric grill for a home, the main attention should be paid precisely to the technical characteristics. The main criterion is power - the speed and scale of cooking depends on it. The optimal value is considered an indicator of 2 kW.

Other important points:

  • form and device;
  • body and material;
  • functions that an electric grill is capable of performing.

Dimensions and device

When deciding how to choose an electric grill according to this criterion, one must take into account the fact that it all depends on the number of people for whom you plan to cook. For example, if your family is large and consists of 5-6 people, prefer a model with a work surface of about 500 cm2 or more.

The best choice would be a double-sided electric grill - it will facilitate and speed up the cooking process.

Important! Pay attention to whether the legs of the device are adjustable. It will be best if the rear legs can be set slightly higher than the front. In this case, all the fat that is released when frying meat or fish will drain into a specific container.

Case and material

Absolutely all good home electric grills are made with non-stick coating. This material simplifies the task of cooking without carbon deposits, food sticking, and also gives a certain convenience when washing the grill.

Important! Also, this feature will be important for people who have a healthy lifestyle and prefer diet food. Due to this arrangement of the surface, all fat from the products will be removed and drained, and not linger on the surface of the electric grill.

Sometimes there are models with enamel coating. It is undesirable to buy such devices. They are unlikely to be durable and will bring you a lot of problems and inconveniences.

Important! An electric grill with a plastic case is the most budgetary and fairly high-quality option. It is only worth buying exclusively those models that have a heat-resistant coating and hygienic certificates.

Models with a stainless steel case will be more reliable and durable.

Functions that an electric grill is capable of performing

Of course, an outwardly attractive electric grill will look much more attractive in the modern interior of your kitchen. But in any electrical appliance, the main thing is not the shell, but what is inside. It is the versatility that determines the rating and purchaseability of a product. The most demanded have always been, are and will be those devices that are able to cope with tasks of any complexity.

Electric grills can also be equipped with various functions that you should definitely pay attention to:

  1. Indicators. This feature significantly increases the cost of the device itself. A good and experienced hostess can always keep track of the food she cooks, so most often this option is not used.
  2. Adjust the temperature on the device. This function is only possible for electronically controlled grills and is very convenient, since you can adjust the values ​​for different dishes and products.
  3. Pens. Must be thermally insulated with quality materials. It is important not to get burned.
  4. Timer, delayed start and automatic shutdown. Such options are convenient from the point of view of the absence of the need for control over cooking and the possibility of a delay. If you work in a very intensive mode or do not always have time to cook dinner and dinner on time, such functions will be simply irreplaceable for you.

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Advantages of electric grill

Those who have already purchased this device can say with confidence: electric grill is an indispensable thing in the house. And all because of the mass of advantages that are endowed with the electric grill.

  • Dietary dishes. This item is important for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and prefer to eat only food without excess fat. When cooking products on an electric grill, all excess fats flow into a certain container, and only the “right” food remains on the surface.
  • Extensive processing options. Defrosting foods, carcasses of vegetables, cooking porridges, heating ready meals - all this is not a problem for an electric grill. Just set the desired function and the device will do everything in the best possible way.
  • Multifunctionality. Having such a household appliance, the hostess has the opportunity to take time for herself, talking with family and friends, instead of standing at the stove for hours. Also, very often in electric grills there are several separate nozzles, that is, you can cook porridge and grill meat at the same time, while standing next to the electric grill and observing the process is not necessary.
  • No unpleasant odors. One of the most pleasant advantages of electric grills is that they completely isolate the unpleasant smell of products. During cooking, you don’t even smell fish or meat. This is especially important for residents of studio apartments, where the bedroom or living room is connected to the kitchen.

Disadvantages of electric grills

Like any other electric unit, the grill is not perfect. It also has negative sides:

  • In the electric grill there is no function due to which the food will be cooked as in a double boiler. Therefore, if you were hoping for steamed food, an electric grill will not work for you. Choose the best model of a double boiler using our rated double boiler.
  • Unlike slow cookers, a home table grill will not be a substitute for other electrical appliances. Despite its versatility, it is not able to replace absolutely all kitchen devices.
  • Like any other electric appliance, a grill requires a considerable amount of electricity. In this case, it will be much more profitable and more economical to choose a table grill for the house - it is less powerful, that is, it consumes much less energy.
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An electric grill is a very necessary and useful thing in the kitchen that will become your main assistant, and most importantly, will save a significant part of your time, which you can spend with friends and relatives with pleasure.

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