How to descale a kettle at home?

Most modern families are so busy with daily chores and worries that they gather at a common table only for tea drinking together. However, in most apartments, fairly hard water is supplied through the central water supply system, the components of which are deposited on the walls of the kettle. If you are interested in the question of how to clean the kettle from scale at home, then we will share the most effective and simple ways that will help to keep the kettle clean and improve the quality of the water used.

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What is the danger of scale?

Almost everyone knows that scale must be removed, however, how much harm to human health are deposits on the walls of the kettle?

Scale appears due to the poor quality of water supplied through central water supply systems, which contains a wide variety of salts and various impurities. The basis of the formed plaque is the carbonate type salt, which can be removed from the composition of the water using expensive cleaning equipment or special water filters.

If similar appliances are not installed in your apartment, then scale formation on the internal surfaces of the kettle cannot be avoided. However, its regular removal will significantly reduce the negative impact of carbonate salts on the health status of consumers.

Remove unpleasant and, at the same time, quite harmful deposits on the walls of the kettle is necessary for the following reasons:

  • The formation of scale leads to a fairly rapid failure of the equipment, as well as significantly reduce the speed and efficiency of heat transfer, which leads to excessive energy consumption.
  • With thick layering, its particles can separate from the walls of the equipment and fall into the water, which will lead to turbidity of the liquid and the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • If potassium salts enter the body, you can feel a significant deterioration in well-being, decreased performance, dizziness, and more serious health problems.

Important! If you decide to clean the kettle from scale at home at the initial stage of its formation, then you will encounter a coating of porous structure. It is quite simply removed from the surface of the inner walls of your kettle. However, with long-term accumulation, the deposition layers become more durable and some efforts will have to be made to remove them.

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How to descale a teapot with folk methods?

Due to the fact that the scum appears on the walls of the teapot, most modern housewives have a considerable variety of recommendations and methods for removing plaque by using improvised means:

Method # 1 - Citric Acid

An excellent tool to clean the kettle from scale at home is citric acid or fresh lemon juice, which are used as follows:

  1. Fill the kettle with a solution of water and citric acid in a ratio of approximately 1 liter per 10 grams.
  2. Boil the resulting solution.
  3. Leave the kettle for an hour, then pour out its contents.
  4. Remove any residue with a clean kitchen sponge.
  5. Rinse the inside of the kettle under running water.
  6. Repeat the cleaning procedure if necessary.

Important! Among the variety of types of teapots, stainless steel appliances are popular, but ugly scratches often form on them. From our review, under the link, you will find all useful tips on how to clean the outside of a stainless steel kettle.

Method №2 - Vinegar

If you are interested in the question of how to use a vinegar to clear the kettle from scale, then be sure to read the following instructions:

  • Fill the kettle with vinegar, which is prepared with water in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • Boil the contents of the kettle for 30-60 minutes.
  • Leave the container to cool completely.
  • Drain the contents of the kettle.
  • Rinse the container thoroughly with clean water and make sure there is no plaque on the walls of the water heater.

Important! Before using the kettle for making drinks, be sure to boil clean water in it, which will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of acetic acid.

Method 3 - Coca-Cola

A fairly simple and safe way to clean the kettle from accumulated scale is a delicious and many favorite carbonated drink - Coca-Cola. To do this, you just need to follow simple instructions:

  • Fill approximately half the volume of the Kola teapot.
  • Bring the contents of the container to a boil and leave for at least 30 minutes. During this time, a chemical reaction will occur between the chemical composition of the liquid and deposits on the inside of the kettle.
  • Remove any residue with a kitchen sponge.
  • Pay special attention to the removal of formations in difficult to reach places, namely the neck of the kettle.
  • Repeat the procedure several times if necessary.

Important! To achieve a similar result, you can use drinks such as Sprite, Fanta, 7-UP. Homemade pickles are also suitable, namely pickle from canned cucumbers or a tomato.

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How to get rid of scale in a teapot using household chemicals?

In modern household chemical stores there is a fairly diverse selection of tools that will help get rid of unpleasant plaque. The most popular are the following brands:

  • Antiscale;
  • Selena;
  • Cinderella;
  • Refine
  • Dr. TEN;
  • Calgon

This is not the whole list of such products, but there should not be any problems with choosing the right product for you. Most substances are presented in powder form, and detailed instructions for its use are located on the packaging.

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Now you have an idea of ​​all the methods for removing carbonate salts from the inner surface of a water heater. We hope that the problem of scaling will no longer bother you, the kettle will please with its cleanliness and attractiveness, and hot drinks will always have an amazingly pleasant taste.


