How to descale a double boiler?

A steamer helps to prepare tasty and healthy food, it copes with its duties perfectly. But, like other kitchen utensils, it requires regular care and washing. And if we can wash the appliance from fat with ordinary dishwashing detergents, then with a white coating the situation is completely different. In this article, we will discuss effective ways to descale a double boiler.

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Why does scale form on technology?

Many cooking appliances suffer from white plaque on their surfaces. A steamer is no exception. The reason for this pollution is poor-quality, hard water, which contains a large amount of calcium, salts and magnesium. In the process of boiling such water, salt and other elements are released from the liquid and form calcareous deposits on the heating device.

Important! The easiest way to find scale on a teapot is because this item is used exclusively for boiling and heating water. According to the same principle, sedimentation occurs in a double boiler.

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The negative impact of limestone formation on household kitchen appliances:

  • White limescale blocks a large amount of heat that comes from the heating element. Subsequently, the cooking process slows down and the service life of the equipment is reduced.
  • Once in the composition of food, harmful salts affect the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.
  • Household appliances that work with a timer - a slow cooker or a double boiler, in the presence of scale on the heating elements cannot correctly calculate the cooking time of certain dishes, since a large amount of heat is simply lost.

Based on such negative effects of limescale on household appliances, it is very important to take care of it in a timely manner and to know how to clean the steam boiler from scale quickly and effectively.

Important! Wash a double boiler from white formation due to the use of hard, untreated water should be no less than after 9-10 cooking cycles.

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How to clean a double boiler from a scum?

There are several ways to remove unnecessary white plaque from the heating element and the surfaces of the household appliance for cooking steamed. Consider the most popular of them.

Apply vinegar

Vinegar has long been used to remove scale from various surfaces. In the case of home appliances for cooking steamed, he will also be very helpful.

Mode of application:

  • Pour 1 cup vinegar (9%) into the water tank.
  • Add water to mark the maximum level.

Important! The fluid in the container should cover the entire heating element.

  • Install the pallet used in the construction. Place the steam compartment and close the container with a lid.
  • Turn on the equipment for 10 minutes.

Important! If the scale layer remains after the time has passed, then extend the device for another 5 minutes.

  • Turn off the device, wait until the liquid in it has completely cooled.
  • Drain the device, rinse the tank thoroughly.

Important! Love to steam, but the steam boiler is out of order? It's not a problem! You can cook tasty and healthy dishes without it. Follow the link and find out in our separate reviewhow to steam without a double boiler.

How to descale citric acid in a double boiler?

Many do not want to use vinegar for cleaning, since it emits an unpleasant odor during heating. In this case, you can replace vinegar with an equally effective remedy - citric acid.

Important! Mistresses note that even expired citric acid acts on white plaque from hard water in the same way as "fresh". The result is equally good.

Mode of application:

  1. Dissolve 20 g of citric acid powder in water.
  2. Pour liquid into the kitchen appliance to the maximum mark.
  3. Install a water collection element, one bowl and cover the entire container with a lid.
  4. Turn on the device for 20-25 minutes. This time is enough to completely get rid of the ugly white coating.
  5. After the liquid cools down, it must be drained, thoroughly rinsed all used elements of the device.

The use of a special tool - "Anti-scale"

If you don’t want to clean your kitchen appliance with improvised means in the form of vinegar or citric acid, then you can purchase a special product in the household chemistry store - Antinakipin. It has a liquid consistency and is used to clean a variety of household appliances from limescale.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute 150 ml of the purchased liquid in 2 l of water.
  2. Pour the prepared solution into the tank of the device, turn it on for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After cooling, the liquid must be drained, thoroughly rinse the container.

Important! After cleaning the steamer in any way, you need to turn on the household appliance at idle with clean water and only after that it will be possible to continue cooking.

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A double boiler, like any other household appliance that interacts with water, is prone to scale. As soon as you notice plaque on surfaces and the heating element, you should immediately take measures to remove it. Do not use abrasives and hard washcloths for this. So you only harm your device, you can even spoil it forever. Better use one of the methods given in this article. By removing whitish formations in this way, you will long extend the life of the device for cooking healthy food for a couple.


