How to wash a slow cooker?

Any technique, whatever its function, requires high-quality personal care. And since, in most cases, kitchens are full of different appliances, any housewife has to spend more time cleaning them. And I don’t want to let precious minutes of rest go off to tear off panels, capacities, switches. And the more often this or that device is used, the more thoroughly it will be necessary to carry out its general cleaning. For example, in this article we will figure out how to wash a multicooker inside and out, because if such a piece of cooking equipment is in the house, it is used almost every day, respectively - and gets polluted an order of magnitude faster.
to contents ↑Choice of detergents
To choose the best detergent for your main assistant, you need to follow our tips:
- First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that the use of abrasive pastes and powders is unacceptable for cleaning this type of equipment.
- It is also necessary to remember that to clean the device you need to use only soft sponges and napkins - this will protect your equipment from possible scratches and other damage.
- As for the case, it cannot be cleaned even with the mildest solvent. It is only possible to use warm water and dishwashing detergent.
Features of washing different types of coatings
Multicooker bowls can consist of different types of coatings. The most common of them are teflon and ceramics. In this section we will analyze the cleaning features of these materials.
Teflon bowl
If you work with this type of coating, then pay attention to the presence of scratches and other defects, because they directly depend on the quality of the prepared dish.
Important! If the food you cook begins to burn at times, then there is a problem with the Teflon bowl.
To clean the bowl of the multicooker from burnt food from Teflon, you need to arm yourself with soft means and sponges. Even if the user has a dishwasher, it is still recommended to clean the bowl manually. Although this procedure can significantly spend the user's personal time, the coating will be perfectly smooth and will last a long time.
Important! Teflon is most afraid of temperature differences. Therefore, before washing the bowl of the multicooker, pay attention to whether it has cooled down after cooking.
Important! The multicooker accumulates odors from the food cooked in it, which tend to mix with new dishes. You must admit that apple pie with meat flavor is not a very pleasant combination. In our review, we have collected tips,how to get rid of the smell in a slow cooker.
Ceramic bowl
This surface consists of a glass-ceramic material. This is an ideal option for preparing some gourmet dish. It is only necessary to handle such a coating much more carefully than with the previous one, because it has such an unpleasant feature as quick chipping during improper use.
Let's talk about the cleaning procedure itself:
- To wash the ceramics, you need to use soft sponges and balms that dissolve fat.
- The use of alkalis and soda should be avoided.
We clean every detail
In this section, we will talk about how to clean the redmond multicooker inside, washing every part that is accessible to the user. Before starting the procedure:
- It is necessary to wait until the appliance has completely cooled down after operation.
- We must not forget that the device must be disconnected from the mains in order to avoid accidents.
Only after the implementation of these recommendations will it be possible to extract parts that need to be taken care of from time to time:
- Bowl. It must be washed after each use.
- Appliance cover
- Steam valve.
- Heating plate.
- Moisture collector.
Cleaning the heating element
From time to time, pieces of food, crumbs, fatty drops may fall into the container. Also, a small amount of moisture may accumulate there. Here are some tips you can use to clean the heating element in a slow cooker:
- In order not to form a liquid, it is necessary to dry it carefully before putting the bowl back in place.
- Actually, for the cleaning itself, it is necessary to wipe the entire surface located inside the container with a cloth dampened with a damp cloth, then wipe it dry.
- In order to get rid of fat, use baking soda. To do this, dip a damp cloth in it, wipe the bottom, and then wipe the treated area dry.
Important! Do not forget that the heating element does not tolerate moisture, therefore it must always be clean and dry.
We wash the lid
The appliance lid is also very often dirty. To clean the cooker lid, you also need to follow our tips. With washing the classic lid, everything is simple: you just need to carefully remove it (if possible), wash it using a dishwashing gel, wipe it.
Important! Follow the link to find outhow to remove the lid from the multicooker Redmond.
But what if you have a multicooker model with a fixed cover? In this case, much more time and effort will be required:
- First you need to prepare the surface by turning on the steam mode on the multicooker. At the same time, pour a glass of water on the bottom of the bowl and throw a slice of lemon into it (you can use juice or acid). The “Steam” mode should work 10-20 minutes.
- When the device performs self-cleaning, its case will need to be wrapped in dense cellophane, leaving the part to be cleaned inside.
- Tilt the device a little forward, starting to wash off the fat and sediment fumes. Do this very carefully so as not to get water on the opening unit.
- Wipe the surface to be cleaned with a sponge soaked in dishwashing liquid, then rinse off the soapy foam.
Important! During the entire procedure, make sure that the liquid does not leak under the cellophane - this can harm the entire device.
Wash basin
By the name of the part, it is clear that it collects unnecessary moisture in itself during cooking. The moisture collector must be removed every time after cooking a particular dish in order to free it from contaminated liquid and rinse.
My steam valve
When you clean a slow cooker from fat - “Redmond” or any other brand, pay attention to the device, which releases excess steam. He does not require frequent washing.
With the active use of the device itself, you need to remove this part once every one to two weeks and rinse it in clean water.
Important! It is necessary to monitor whether the holes in the valve are blocked, otherwise - the food will start to run away. The holes can be cleaned with ordinary gel for dishes.
Body cleaning
So, we figured out how to clean the Redmond multicooker inside, but what about the case? It is enough just to wipe it with a damp cloth or the same sponge.
What to do if you notice that water has got into the case? To do this, follow our recommendations:
- Switch off the power immediately.
- Then, while you hold the device with the electronic unit up, you need to twist it in different directions and shake it a bit.
- Dry the entire wetted surface with a hairdryer or towel.
- Do not use the appliance for at least 24 hours.
to contents ↑Important! Now your favorite technique is in order and you can please your loved ones with a delicious breakfast. The best recipes are ready for you in the article "What can I cook in a slow cooker?".
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So, in this article we told you about how to properly clean the multicooker from fat. If you use our tips, your assistant will serve for a very long time, and every day you will be able to surprise your loved ones with new delicious dishes, spending a minimum of time preparing them.