How to clean the dishwasher?

All those who have a dishwasher have at least once encountered the question of how to clean the dishwasher? At first glance, this is a difficult task, but in fact, if you look, it’s not so difficult, and it is advisable to do this regularly. How exactly and when to perform this procedure, you will learn from this article.

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How to clean the dishwasher?

Cleaning a dishwasher at home is fairly straightforward. Of course, you can use special dishwasher cleaners, such as Finish Rinse, Calgonit Fusion Power, instructions for which you can read on the packaging of these products, but it’s better to try to do it yourself. To do this, you do not even need to call a specialist if you strictly follow this instruction.

Turn off the power and check the wash channels:

  1. Check all openings through which water enters the dishwashing chamber.
  2. If you find any contamination that interferes with the free flow of water, use a pair of tweezers to gently pull it out without pushing it inside.
  3. In the event that the hole is small, and you cannot pull out the dirt with tweezers, take the wire, and then pierce the blockage with it.

Already at this stage you can partially clean the dishwasher at home.

Strainer washing

The strainer must be cleaned at least once a week. It is on it that a rather rapid formation of droplets of fat forms, which clogs all small cells, as a result of which an unpleasant aroma appears, and most importantly - a leak.

To remove the filter, carefully remove and disassemble the lower basket. Rinse the removed filter gently under running water with ordinary dishwashing liquid, and then install it in its place.

The second stage of washing the dishwasher inside is finished.

Clean the blades

Now clean the blades, impeller or rocker arms, which are cleaned in the same way as they become dirty. They can clog from the remnants of food or from scale. If this still happened, then remove all the blades one at a time, and then rinse them, clean the holes with toothpicks.

Important! After assembly, the blades must rotate perfectly, if this did not happen, then descale the axis of rotation itself so that you are sure that you can clean the dishwasher and there will be no problems with its operation.

We clean the seals

Clean the door seal at least once every six months. To do this, purchase a specialized substance recommended by the manufacturer of your dishwasher.

The space between the pads is excellently cleaned with a toothbrush.

It is better not to use folk remedies like citric acid, because because of it, the entire rubber gasket loses all its elasticity, and this entails a leakage problem.

We start to wash the dead zone and baskets

The so-called dead zone is located in the lower part of the doorway of the machine - water does not have the opportunity to enter here, and garbage gradually accumulates.

This part should never be forgotten and must be thoroughly cleaned.

Important! Plastic parts of the basket can be easily and quickly cleaned with a brush and dishwashing detergent.

Get rid of grease, rust and mold.

Now you must remove absolutely all visible dirt, grease, mold, and rust to clean the dishwasher:

  • To eliminate mold, use bleach. However, this process will be quite dangerous for parts that are made of stainless steel, so do not allow the growth of molds. To do this, regularly dry the machine after use - leave the door open.
  • Eliminate rust. Use a special rust remover, but you must also understand why corrosion occurs. If this is not done, over time the paint that is on the baskets may peel off. When this still happened, you can update the coating with a special sealant. And in order to prevent water from entering the device with a huge amount of iron that comes from rusty pipes at the entrance, put a filter.

Important! Ideally, a door, a chamber, gaskets and a filter are necessary dishwasher safee with a sponge every day.

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Basic care rules

When operating the dishwasher, follow these guidelines:

  • In order for the dishwasher to serve you faithfully and faithfully, often check the hoses that are designed for water inlet. If necessary, clean them with a toothpick.
  • Dry your rubber gasket on the door once every 2 months.
  • Before washing, be sure to clean all food residues.
  • Try not to overload your dishwasher.
  • To keep the dishes sparkling clean, carefully select a dishwasher detergent. Check that the containers for the glittering agent as well as the salt are thoroughly filled.

Important! Periodically turn on a completely empty machine in order to rinse, add 1 liter of hot table vinegar to hot water. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the machine dry, and then leave the door ajar to eliminate the smell of vinegar.

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Additional tips for using your dishwasher

In order to clean the dishwasher it was a little easier and it soon did not fail, remember that in it in no case should you wash the following dishes:

  • cutlery made of wood - partially or completely, because they lose their appearance, and the glue used during the manufacture of such dishes does not have the ability to withstand high temperatures;
  • decorative products that are made of glass, which are extremely sensitive to various external influences;
  • rare porcelain or antique dishes;
  • disposable plastic utensils;
  • a crystal in which there are particles of lead;
  • products that are made of synthetic materials that are sensitive to high temperatures;
  • copper and tin dishes;
  • stainless steel appliances;
  • handicrafts;
  • antique dishes that do not have a heat-resistant coating;
  • products with inserts of gold and silver, because during washing, the color may change, as a result of which the dishes will fade.

Important! Never wash towels, sponges, or napkins.

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How easy is it to increase the efficiency of your dishwasher?

To ensure that all dishes are in perfect cleanliness after washing, and your dishwasher was thoroughly dissolved and rinsed, carefully follow these rules:

  • Place the dishes inside your machine face down and inside.
  • Before turning on the machine, check if the carousels can rotate.
  • In no case do not place the plates very tightly to each other, because the dishwasher washes them by spraying with water, which means that water should freely enter the surface.
  • Wash all small objects with forks and knives in a special compartment so that they do not fall to the bottom.
  • Never wash containers with labels, because they may come loose.

Important! Do not use rinse aid if you already use a water softener.

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As you can see, clean the dishwasher not as difficult as it seemed at first glance, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the above instructions.

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