How to connect headphones to a TV?

Your neighbors do not understand your love of watching TV? Do family members complain that you are bothering them? What to do? The answer is quite simple - get a wireless headset for listening. With wireless headphones, no one can stop you from twisting the volume to the maximum and enjoy watching. But here another question may arise: how to connect the headphones to the TV? You can find the answer to this and other questions in this article.

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Wireless headset

Wireless headphones for TV make viewing at times more comfortable, especially if you live in a large family. Everyone interested in purchasing should be aware of the compatibility of the device with their TV. There are types of devices that can be suitable for any TV. For example, the same headphones for LG TV work perfectly with all models. But how to connect wireless headphones to the TV via bluetooth?

Important! Want to watch your favorite shows on two TVs? We have prepared a separate post on this topic. Find out, how to connect Tricolor to two TVs from one receiver.

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What do you need?

You’ll have to get to know your TV closer, find out about all the sound output channels, and then go to the store for a headset and a Bluetooth transmitter. If your TV does not have acoustics connected, then examine the basic set of ports that are located on the rear or side of the equipment. But if sound is still output through the speaker system, then you should look for ports on it. The second case requires connecting not only to the TV, but also to other devices that are connected to it.


Check out the three main types of audio output you may need:

  • Composite It has two sockets - left and right. It is customary to indicate in white and red, respectively.
  • The most common jack is 3.5 millimeters, which is most often signed as “Audio”.
  • Optical output, under which the inscription “Optical” flaunts.

Important! A large number of modern TVs have an optical port and at least one of the other two. The composite port and 3.5 mm work with sound waves in the analog format and do not require any conversions. If there are no analog audio outputs on your device, you will have to get an analog-to-digital converter, which is usually connected to the optical output. Even the best model will not cost a lot of money.

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Bluetooth transmitter

Users start from the most important characteristic for devices of this kind - this is the number of devices that can be connected at the same time. It is very easy to find transmitters for one pair of headphones, with two or more - things are worse.

If you are going to use only one headset, you can opt for Mpow Streambot:

  • A significant plus is the cost of this device.
  • Users note that the headset produces a very high-quality sound.
  • The presence of an integrated battery with high capacity.
  • The gadget not only transmits a signal, but also receives it. This means that you can easily parameterize the device to receive from other devices that are equipped with the Bluetooth function.

Important! With the choice of a transmitter for connecting two pairs of wireless headphones, things are worse, because the choice is narrowing very much, and the price is only increasing.

How to connect wireless headphones to a TV via bluetooth? Do not rush. First you need to decide on the model of the headset itself.

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Bluetooth headphones

The market of modern technologies provides users with unlimited possibilities for choice. There are thousands of budget models at a ridiculous price.

Important! If you decide to save on a purchase, then carefully read the reviews in the selected model. Such precautions will save you from “unexpected” breakdowns.

Once again, the number of options is simply sky-high, so let's pay a little attention to one of the most popular models.

Beyution Stereo Bluetooth Headphones


  • Small dimensions and weight.
  • Endurance, which is manifested in impact resistance.
  • Headphones can hold a battery charge for a very long time.
  • Comfortable design from which the head does not get tired and ears do not hurt.


  • Some users pay attention to not the best sound quality.

Important! This model is a great choice if you often spend time watching movies.

How to connect headphones to a TV? - Read on!

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If you do not want to waste time reading the technical parameters of the headset from the documentation, then you can safely proceed to the connection and setup stage:

  1. Connect the Bluetooth transmitter to the pre-selected output. It is connected directly to the jack or composite output of the device. The adapter is needed only for those cases when the required connector is not available on the bluetooth adapter. For example, an optical port can only be used with the appropriate adapter.
  2. Now you need to connect a pair of wireless headphones to the bluetooth transmitter. For most cases, you just need to click on the main button, which is located on the device, wait until it blinks. As soon as the light starts flashing, hold and hold the button on the headset for a while. A few seconds are usually enough to pair.
  3. If there is no sound for some reason, then check the connection with the bluetooth adapter. Disconnect the transmitter from your TV and try sending a signal to it from a third-party device. A laptop or mobile phone is perfect for this.
  4. If both devices work with the transmitter, you need to go into the settings of the HDTV or audio system. Find the item that is connected to the sound output through the speakers or headphones. Some models will not output sound to another device if you do not activate the corresponding option in the settings.

Important! Poor picture quality on TV? Often this happens in rural areas. Learn how to choose the right one. antenna amplifier.

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If you did everything right, then you will experience new sensations from viewing. Low cost and effort has led to the expansion of your TV. And you can always use the transmitter and headset with other devices if you get tired of the TV. Enjoy watching!

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