How to use a dishwasher?

All modern household appliances are designed to make our lives easier. Every single device does its daily work - so routine and unpleasant for us. The housewives are especially valued for units that allow them to practically forget about the long and hard rubbing of plates, bulky pots and pans. And although such a technique is far from cheap, all the advantages of its operation are a legitimate reason for buying. But as soon as a miracle happened and the unit is already at your place, a lot of questions arise:
- How to use a dishwasher?
- How to turn on the dishwasher?
- What should be regular care?
- What tools to use and what utensils can be loaded into it?
We will try to answer all these pressing questions, as well as some others, in this article.
to contents ↑The first start of the dishwasher
It is very important to carry out the first start of the dishwasher correctly, otherwise - you run the risk of getting poorly washed dishes from time to time. So what should you do? - Proceed, guided by such a guide:
- In no case do not start the machine if you find a marriage after transportation or installation. In this case, you need to call the store and discuss the situation with the manager. “You don't want to flood the kitchen, do you?”
- The first start of the dishwasher should be carried out without dishes, that is, empty.
- It is required to pour about 1 liter of water into a special container for ion salt (the amount may vary for different models, read more in the instructions).
- You must select the shortest program and the average temperature mode.
That's all, the first launch of the dishwasher was successful. After this, salt is to be poured into the ion exchanger. Usually fall asleep 1 kg or the amount indicated in the instructions.
to contents ↑Important! At the first start-up, water may start to pour from the ion exchanger. Do not be alarmed, this is normal.
Rules for loading dishes
If you were wondering how to load dishes correctly in the dishwasher, our simple tips will surely help you.
- Start filling the machine with the lower basket.
- If you intend to wash large items, remove the bottom stand.
- Small utensils such as plates, glasses, cups, cutlery should be placed upstairs.
- Large items such as pots and pans must be removed down.
- Do not place objects too tightly against each other, otherwise - a stream of water will not be able to break through to all areas, which guarantees poorly washed dishes.
- Try to load fragile dishes and more stable in separate cycles. If you still need to wash them together, choose a gentle program.
- Small items must be placed in special compartments.
Important! All dishes are set upside down.
Program selection
An important fact for well-washed dishes is the correctly selected mode. We will list the main ones so that you can use the dishwasher correctly and get perfectly clean dishes after the end of the cycle.
Prewash (soaking)
This mode is needed when it is necessary to wash burnt dishes or rinse dusty appliances before serving.
High intensity washer
This program is necessary for stubborn, persistent pollution. The temperature is about 70 degrees Celsius.
Important! Be careful when opening the sash. Hot steam will come out of the dishwasher after the cycle.
Standard sink
The most commonly used mode. It is necessary to remove contaminants of medium durability.
Delicate sink
Needed for fragile materials such as porcelain and crystal. Very sparing mode, so you can not worry about the integrity of your dishes. However, the temperature regime is quite low - only about 45 degrees Celsius, so it will be difficult to wash hard to remove fat.
Quick wash
Two times shorter than the standard cycle. It is very economical in time, and the temperature is good - about 55 degrees Celsius. However, in a short time it is unlikely that completely adhering fat will have time to wash off, be careful.
We hope we answered the question of how to use the dishwasher. Further, we will give some tips on choosing detergents, because often the final result of washing dishes and the proper technical condition of the equipment depend on the correct choice and use of the cleaning composition.
to contents ↑Detergents
There are 3 different reagents used to operate the dishwasher: salt, powder and rinse aid. What exactly is each of these components needed for and with what regularity do you need to fill it up and change it?
It is necessary to soften water. It is the salt that is charged into the ion exchanger. How to fill in salt for the first time - we described in the paragraph on the first launch. In the future, salt is replenished immediately before washing, in accordance with the instructions for the dishwasher and the detergent itself. We talked about this tool in detail in our review. "Salt for the dishwasher".
It is necessary for cleaning dishes from all kinds of contaminants. Some machines have a special sensor that signals that powder stocks need to be replenished. If this function is not available, then over time you yourself will decide how much powder you need to fill up. Follow the link and learn more about powders for dishwashers.
Important! Pour the powder into a dry tray, otherwise - everything will stick together and foaming ahead of time.
Rinse aid
It is also poured over the dispenser, and is used to give special shine to dishes and to remove the main detergent from the surfaces of the walls of glasses, plates, pans. In a few cycles you will understand how much or little you fall asleep. An obvious symptom of an excess of rinse aid is white stains, keep this in mind.
to contents ↑Important! You can also use 3 in 1 special tablets, but then it’s worth considering the level of water hardness in your area and picking out certain tablets.
What if the dishwasher does not turn on?
If you encounter this problem, do not despair:
- Simple causes, such as a kink in the hose or a clogged filter, you can try to fix yourself.
- In other cases, you must call the wizard.
Important! If the dishwasher does not turn on at the first start, be sure to call the warranty center and return it for repair. If the time has not passed 2 weeks, completely demand to replace the unit or refund.
Operation tips
We have gathered some necessary tips when turning on the Bosch or any other company dishwasher, adhering to which, you can not only efficiently, but also safely use the dishwasher:
- Never touch the running machine with wet hands.
- If possible, connect the dishwasher to an extension cord, not directly to the mains.
- Do not let children press buttons.
- Remember to rinse the filters.
- Also, do not forget to flush the camera itself from time to time.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that the dishwasher, like any other equipment, requires proper care. On our site of useful tips in a separate article you will find information, how to clean a dishwasher at home.
Stock footage
We hope that in this article you learned how to use the dishwasher correctly, and now you will not have any difficulties with this process. Take care of your pens and appreciate the free minutes that you can now spend not on washing dishes, but on communicating with your family.
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