How to wash a slow cooker?

A slow cooker is a wonderful thing that can significantly reduce cooking time. You can cook everything in it, without exception - even its name indicates this. However, like any equipment, a multicooker requires a good attitude, that is, care and maintenance. The most important principle is cleanliness. We’ll talk about how to wash a slow cooker.
to contents ↑How to wash a slow cooker?
In fact, a crock-pot, if used correctly, does not need to be torn like a cast-iron frying pan. Quite the contrary - such treatment is categorically contraindicated to her.
To avoid temptation, it is best to remove objects such as:
- knife;
- iron washcloth;
- abrasive paste or powder.
In a hardware store or hypermarket you need to buy:
- soft foam sponge;
- liquid dishwashing detergent or gel.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account what coating the multicooker bowl has - teflon or ceramic. There are tools that are suitable for both, and for other material, but in any case it is necessary to clarify this by reading the information on the package.
to contents ↑Important! It is better to choose a dishwashing detergent that is suitable for the care of glass and crystal. So you will be sure that it is gentle enough and on the surface of the most important element of the multicooker - the bowl, there will be no scratches or other defects.
In a typewriter or manually?
Can a dishwasher bowl be washed in a dishwasher? A crock-pot is not just a saucepan, but also an electric appliance. So you should definitely not wash it all in the dishwasher. The bowl requires the most intensive care, and in some cases it can also be washed in the machine. How to determine whether your equipment is suitable for such processing? - Simple enough:
- A bowl with Teflon non-stick coating will not cause irreparable harm from such a procedure. But still do not do it constantly, unless absolutely necessary.
- In any case, the ceramic bowl will have to be washed by hand. Ceramics really does not like strokes and rough handling in general. In the dishwasher, it can simply crack.
How to wash the case?
Washing the bowl and the casing are two different processes. This also applies to the rest of the multicooker. We can say that each of them requires a special approach. In what order to wash - you decide.
But before you wash the multicooker inside, you need to do the following.
- Unplug the multicooker.
- Let the bowl cool.
- Get the bowl.
- Remove all removable parts.
Important! Outside, the case does not get dirty so often, so thoroughly washing the multicooker does not make sense. Usually it is enough just to wipe it with a damp cloth after the food is cooked. Periodically, dust must be washed.
However, it happens that the brew still “escapes” during cooking. This usually happens for the following reasons:
- You have put too many products;
- wrong mode selected;
- the regulator has broken.
The most important thing is not to put the matter back in the dust, but to wash the crock-pot right away. Then the dirt from the case will leave without any problems. In this process, it is enough to adhere to such rules:
- The use of aggressive detergents, and even more so, all kinds of solvents, is undesirable.
- Care must be taken to prevent water from getting inside.Sometimes it still gets in, then the best option is to dry the case with a hairdryer.
- If the case is very dirty, you need to pour water and turn on the multicooker on the steam generation mode. Mud does not like heat and steam, so it will become soft, after which you will only have what to wipe it with a napkin.
Important! Remember that you do not need to turn on the steam mode for a long time, 5 minutes will be enough.
Water collector and other small parts
Separate maintenance requires a sump. It is better to wash it after each cooking. This, however, is not difficult:
- Pull the drain pan out of the grooves.
- Pour water out of it.
- Wipe with a soft cloth.
- Dry it.
- Insert the water collector back into the grooves.
In addition to the sump, some more details are removed from the multicooker - a disk on the inside of the lid, a steam valve. They are also thoroughly, but gently washed and dried well.
Important! Water perfectly conducts current, so disconnecting the multicooker, like other electrical appliances, is a must.
If the food is burnt
There is an opinion that in a slow cooker food does not burn. Usually it is, but troubles do happen. And then it is necessary to wash the entire slow cooker without missing a single detail.
Important! It should be remembered that the slightest scratch on a ceramic or Teflon surface can lead to the fact that food starts to burn constantly.
The order of the process:
- Wash the cover.
- Wash the internal heater - for this you must have a special brush.
- Wash the bowl.
- Wipe the case.
- Allow all elements to dry.
- Assemble the slow cooker.
It is necessary to consider several important points:
- If the lid is removed, there is no problem, it is washed with the same gel as everything else. But on some models, the cover is screwed tight, you won’t remove it every time. In this case, before disassembling the multicooker, turn it on to steam mode. The dirt will go away, after which it will be easy to remove with a soft sponge.
- You will greatly simplify your life if you add a little lemon juice to the water. It will help to get rid of a specific smell - the aroma of a multicooker, although light, is not pleasant for everyone.
- To wash the heater or heater, you must have a special brush. The heater should be washed very carefully and it is advisable to do this after each cooking, as small particles of food stick to it. They do not need to accumulate.
- Even in such an extreme situation, do not rub the bottom of the thicket much. A soft sponge and sparing liquid or gel are your main remedies.
Important! To assemble a slow cooker, and even more so to include it in the network, is possible only after all the details have dried well.
Do I need to shine to shine?
Some housewives have a prejudice that dishes should be rubbed to a shine. This, of course, is true when it comes to stainless steel utensils, and porcelain sets should always shine with cleanliness.
But should the multicooker shine? “Not at all necessary.” It should simply always be perfectly clean, and whether it will shine depends not so much on your efforts as on the material from which it is made. If you regularly look after your crock-pot, it will become an adornment of your kitchen, even if the shine is not induced by an abrasive (which is absolutely contraindicated), but simply by a soft napkin.
Important! If you often cook a variety of dishes in a multicooker, various smells can accumulate in it, which can interfere with other dishes. Our separate review is dedicated to the topic. "How to get rid of the smell in a slow cooker?".
Do you really need a crock-pot in the house?
If you do not have the right time to wash the crock-pot, and you just thought about buying it and clarifying all the nuances, then you should understand how much it will become a profitable purchase for your family. You will definitely appreciate the advantages of this household appliance from the following sides:
- Time saving.Even the most complex dishes can be cooked in a slow cooker in 20-30 minutes, and this is without your constant intervention in the process and the need for control.
- Ease of care. To wash a slow cooker, even if food escaped from it, is in any case much easier and simpler than daily to wipe the stove from grease, soot and do the same with bulky pots, pans and other kitchen utensils.
- Proper nutrition. Cooking in a slow cooker, with the correct recipe and application of technology, allows you to create real culinary masterpieces that not only differ in amazing taste, but also retain all the useful properties of each ingredient in the dish. Cook for your family with minimal effort, delicious andhealthy breakfasts according to our recipes.
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We hope you are convinced that caring for a multicooker is not as complicated as you already imagined it, and such a technique may well become a full member of your family. So, when you once again have to wash the crock-pot, you will cope with this task very easily, following our tips and instructions.