How to choose a vacuum cleaner?

- We correctly define the criteria
- Choose a vacuum cleaner according to technical specifications
- Choosing a vacuum cleaner for functionality
- How to choose a vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning?
- How to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for the home?
- Additional information on the types of vacuum cleaners
- Stock footage
To date, no family can do without a vacuum cleaner. The purchase of this type of equipment is a priority. Coming to the store, many of the buyers are surprised to find that there are a huge number of models with various functions and characteristics. How to choose the right vacuum cleaner, what parameters should be paid attention to, we will describe in this article.
to contents ↑We correctly define the criteria
Before choosing a vacuum cleaner, decide what type of cleaning you need: traditional dry or wet cleaning, what will be the frequency of cleaning, as well as with free storage space for household appliances and the amount that you are willing to spend on equipment. Consider some of the factors for choosing a vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning purpose
For many, the goal of cleaning is clear - to maintain cleanliness. Nevertheless, it is necessary to clarify: if you have carpets, carpets or a lot of upholstered furniture at home? The answer to these questions will give you the opportunity to determine the functionality of the future vacuum cleaner: whether you need a brush with a knock-out mode or other functional brushes.
Important! If you have elderly people, allergies, animals living in your house, then you may need a vacuum cleaner with a multi-level filtration system that can delay allergens, or you just need a vacuum cleaner with a low noise level.
Cleaning frequency
Another equally important sign by which you will choose a vacuum cleaner is the regularity of cleaning surfaces. The frequency of cleaning is determined by such parameters as: the number of people living, the area of the room, and how often they go outside. That is, for a small apartment and a lonely person, one model is suitable, and for a huge house with a large number of households, a completely different vacuum cleaner.
If the area of your housing is large enough, and children often run out of the house to take a walk and bring dust, then the cleaning will be daily and the vacuum cleaner should have time to cope with its task and not be distracting a lot of time.
The requirements for such cleaning equipment are as follows:
- Long automatic folding cord.
- Profitability.
- Convenience in moving the vacuum cleaner around the house.
- Quick start and end of cleaning without performing additional manipulations on connecting / disconnecting components, cleaning and drying them.
Vacuum cleaner free space
An important factor, which is often remembered in the last turn, is the free space for storing equipment and additional accessories. If you are already wondering how to choose the right vacuum cleaner, you are on the right track and are unlikely to miss this nuance.
Powerful, multifunctional household devices are often oversized or require additional space for various additional nozzles. Sometimes manufacturers supply special suitcases (boxes) complete with a vacuum cleaner for convenient storage of nozzles. In some models, storage of nozzles is provided inside the cleaning equipment.
Important! Before choosing a vacuum cleaner, determine in advance what area you are willing to allocate for the storage of household appliances and accessories so that this does not interfere with households.
Vacuum cleaner price
A very significant point limiting the choice is the amount you are willing to pay. The scatter in prices and the variety of models can be confusing, so let's try to break the lineup of different manufacturers into price categories (conditional division):
- Household appliances (up to $ 200) - ordinary household vacuum cleaners with any type of filtration, except for separator water filtration and steam generation.
- The device from $ 200-350 - ordinary vacuum cleaners of high quality. Model assembly usually takes place in the countries of the manufacturers themselves or at their flagship factories. In the manufacture of devices using more durable and expensive materials.
- Machines costing from $ 350 to $ 700 are semi-professional sweepers. Models are characterized by increased wear resistance and engine power. In this category you can find vacuum cleaners with powerful steam generators.
- Vacuum cleaners costing from $ 700 to $ 1,500 - an elite cleaning equipment for the home. Models are of the highest build quality, as well as the materials from which they are made. They have small dimensions, economical engines and high suction power. Vacuum cleaners of this type are characterized by great functionality. This category also includes devices with separator type aquafilters.
- Models costing from $ 1,500 to $ 2,500 are professional cleaning equipment designed for continuous operation over large areas. The equipment is notable for its considerable weight, dimensions and is equipped with large tanks for collecting water and garbage, as well as a system of turbines and pumps. Many models have two two-stage turbines that are able to work autonomously and synchronously from each other.
Choose a vacuum cleaner according to technical specifications
If you have decided on the purpose and frequency of cleaning, the availability of free space for storing equipment, as well as the price that you are willing to pay, determine the key characteristics by which you must choose one or another model. In particular, power, noise level, functionality, etc.
Vacuum cleaner power
The power of this device is composed of engine power, suction power and charge loss rate. For models with steam generators, an additional criterion is the boiler power as well as the steam discharge pressure.
Important! The power in watts indicated on the cover of the vacuum cleaner does not have much in common with the practical power of the vacuum cleaner, which is measured in aerowatts.
The unsuccessful design of the vacuum cleaner can lead to the fact that only half of the consumed electricity will be converted into suction power. Therefore, the ratio of power consumption in watts to suction power should be taken into account from the perspective of efficiency.
We give a typical layout of the desired power indicators so that you can cope with the task of choosing the right vacuum cleaner for the apartment:
- 350 aeroW - such power is needed for dry cleaning of parquet, linoleum and other smooth surfaces.
- 400 aeroW is the required power when using a turbo brush.
- 450 aeroW - recommended for cleaning long-nap coatings and carpets.
- 550 aeroW - desirable for wet carpet cleaning.
- 650 aero-W is necessary for deep cleaning of upholstered furniture.
- 800 aeroW - this power is used for complex professional cleaning of premises.
Important! It must be remembered that when using dust bags, the power decreases as they are filled with dust, and for vacuum cleaners with separator water filters, the power is stable throughout the cleaning process.
Noise level
Most people believe that high engine power increases the noise level of household appliances at work, but this erroneous opinion is true only for cheap models.High-quality cleaning equipment has design features that, due to smoothing the increased vibration of turbines (engines), significantly reduce the sound waves propagated from them. Therefore, in order to choose the right vacuum cleaner, and to be sure that you are offered a high-quality and reliable model, be sure to test the equipment for noise background.
to contents ↑Important! In different countries, for household appliances for various purposes, the maximum noise level of operating equipment is determined in the range from 71 to 92 dB. at a distance of 0.5 m from a person. Thus, “quiet” are considered vacuum cleaners with noise levels below 70 dB.
Choosing a vacuum cleaner for functionality
Many models of vacuum cleaners, in addition to traditional nozzles, are equipped with additional electronic functions and accessories that are useful in cleaning the room. Instrument control systems can be:
- Mechanical.
- Electronic.
- Combined.
The control panel can be located both on the surface of the vacuum cleaner and on the handle of the telescopic pipe.
Important! A variety of various nozzles also helps to increase the functionality of household appliances. An example is an electric brush with the function of knocking out upholstered furniture and carpets, operating on its own engine or nozzles for dry cleaning, humidification and flavoring. All this is very important to consider in order to choose the right vacuum cleaner that will really facilitate your homework.
Some models of vacuum cleaners can work in all existing modes:
- Dry cleaning.
- Wet cleaning.
- Steam generator mode.
- “Dry cleaning”.
- The combination of several modes.
Consider the variety and differences of vacuum cleaners in a dry and wet way.
How to choose a vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning?
A device for dry cleaning is divided into several varieties that differ in the method of garbage collection.
Models with dust bags
These devices are most common. It is convenient to use them and they are not very expensive. Modern models are equipped with disposable paper bags that can be removed and thrown away without breathing dust.
Important! If you want to choose the right vacuum cleaner for your apartment, please note that a bag of fabric may be provided in the model. It is used repeatedly, but for this it is necessary to shake it periodically.
Cons of such vacuum cleaners:
- Disposable packages must be constantly changed, and this is an additional cost. But the fabric bag must be cleaned as it is filled, which means inhaling the dust when shaking, which is extremely harmful.
- As the packet fills, the power of the device decreases.
Bagless models
In such vacuum cleaners, cyclone-type systems are used: the drawn-in air mixed with dust enters a special tank (flask). The air masses in the tank move along a spiral path, passing the path from the base of the cone to its top. During the rotation of the air masses, dust particles are pressed against the walls of the tank and, when stopped, fall down to the bottom of the container.
- When filling the dust box, the power does not decrease.
- No need to worry about the fact that you forget to extract dust from the vacuum cleaner, as it is visible through the transparent walls of the bowl.
- Savings on purchasing replacement dust bags.
- Higher noise level compared to bagged devices.
- A smaller percentage of dust is retained in the flask than in a disposable bag.
- Contact with dust when shaking the container.
- Using such a vacuum cleaner, it is impossible to prevent the destruction of the cyclone. This can happen when airflow decreases, for example, when a carpet or other object adheres to the device’s brush.
Aquafilter Models
In models of this category, water poured into a special filter fights dust.During cleaning, dirty air is sucked through the pipe and hose into the filter and mixed with water. Large dust particles sink quickly, while small particles hide in air bubbles. They are removed by additional filters.
- The suction force is constant.
- The bulk of the dust is retained in the flask due to the aquafilter, so the filter life is increased.
- Easy flask cleaning: all you need to do is remove the water filter and remove the contaminated liquid.
- Models with an aquafilter create a comfortable microclimate, since after filtration they return clean, fresh and moistened air.
- Large overall dimensions and weight
- High price.
- After each cleaning, the dust box must be cleaned and dried.
How to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for the home?
Vacuum cleaners are a separate category of devices. They carry out wet and dry cleaning, and therefore many turn their attention to just such models, trying to choose the right vacuum cleaner for the home. When wet cleaning, water is sprayed on the floor and then sucked in with a vacuum cleaner.
Important! With such devices it is convenient to clean carpets, masonry, tiles, and, using a special nozzle, you can even wash window panes.
The quality of cleaning a washing vacuum cleaner is much higher than a similar device for dry cleaning. When using it once a week, you will achieve the same cleanliness as when using a “dry” vacuum cleaner every other day.
Some washing vacuums have the optional steam function. The principle of operation of the device differs from systems intended only for dry cleaning and consists in the following: there are two tanks inside the vacuum cleaner, water with detergent is poured into one of them, liquid is supplied to the hose and evenly distributed by spraying under strong pressure over the entire surface to be cleaned. Dirty water is drawn back through the side openings in the nozzle and into the second reservoir.
Important! As a result, the vacuum cleaner performs three functions at the same time:
- Spray detergent.
- Washes the surface.
- Sucks in contaminated fluid.
- Possibility of both dry and wet cleaning.
- It can clean large debris, even wet.
- Ability to clean carpets, sinks, bathtubs, windows.
- Moisturizes, purifies and aromatizes the air.
- Great weight.
- Residual moisture on cleaned surfaces.
- Additional costs for the purchase of special cleaning fluid.
- After each cleaning, the device must be disassembled, washed and dried.
- High power consumption.
- Large dimensions.
- High consumption of detergent.
- When cleaning a carpet, 60% of the washing solution settles on the surface. Carpets with natural pile and noble parquet do not tolerate such treatment.
- Lack of maneuverability.
- Some models lack convenient features, such as automatically pulling the cord.
- High price.
Additional information on the types of vacuum cleaners
We introduced you to the main varieties of vacuum cleaners. They also differ in design, in type of control, in equipment with filters, as well as in other criteria.
Important! The design of the vacuum cleaner may differ in purpose, depending on whether it is intended to be used in small-sized apartments or large houses. Among the cleaning devices are distinguished balloon, vertical, manual, as well as vacuum cleaners such as a mop - technical variations from different manufacturers today are represented by a huge assortment of types.
It is up to you to decide which unit is most suitable for your premises. And in order to choose the right vacuum cleaner, we recommend paying attention not only to the above parameters of the device, but also to the following additional characteristics, such as:
- Availability of electronic (light) indication of bag filling.
- Electronic engine operation system.
- Latex bumpers to prevent damage to furniture.
- The ability to adjust the suction power, depending on the type and type of surface being treated, as well as the degree of contamination.
- Surge protection.
- Lock on the vacuum cleaner without a dust bag.
- Warranty period of service (it ranges from 1 year to 8 years).
- Manufacturer and place of assembly of the device.
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We hope that the information received will help you in choosing a home assistant, and the functionality and quality of his work will please you.
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