How to make a refrigerator?

Without a refrigerator it is unlikely to be able to comfortably equip your life. And even when traveling outside the city on vacation, you need to consider the option of storing products so that they retain their freshness until use. Of course, the assortment of various models for home and tourism is presented in stores with a very wide range. But if there is a desire and time, you can try to make such a device yourself. In this article, you will learn how to make a refrigerator and a cooler bag.

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Principle of operation

It should be remembered that in almost all refrigerators freons are used for work. In order to make a device with this way of working, it will take a lot of time and effort. For this reason, it is better to consider another way.

The remaining rare items (for example, car freezers) are able to work using Peltier elements. Their principle of operation is the flow of current through two semiconductors. Here, during operation, one part of the material is heated, and the other, on the contrary, is cooled. For this reason, this model of the refrigerator will need to be cooled all the time, directing a fan at it. This principle of cooling is used even inside the system unit of computers. The main disadvantage of the Peltier method is the high cost of parts.

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Manufacturing process

To make a refrigerator with your own hands, you must follow the algorithm as accurately as possible:

  • The first step is to make thermal insulation for the tank, which acts as the refrigerator itself.

Important! You can purchase polyurethane foam cylinders and cover the container with this composition on either side. You can also use whole pieces of polystyrene foam, which will need to be attached as tightly as possible to the sides of the box. In addition, you can use penofol, which is used to insulate spacesuits for astronauts. The choice of material depends solely on your financial capabilities.

  • Next, you should store a conventional thermometer, and then place it in the middle of the tank.
  • As a cooler, it is better to use Peltier parts. In the future, they will need to be mounted in the product using good glue (better sealant). To correctly make the refrigerator yourself, you need to correctly calculate the required amount of these elements.

Important! Remember that heat loss is very dependent on the state of the ambient temperature and the one that will be inside the device being manufactured. It is this difference that will give you the desired effect.

  • Next, you need to install one Peltier part and equip it with radiators on both sides. You can blow out the one that is outside using a cooler - this way the effect will increase significantly.
  • After some time, the inside of the refrigerator will have to cool to 14 degrees (if a capacity of 30 l is used).

Important! If you build in the second Peltier part, the temperature inside the tank will drop to 2 degrees.

Important! Surely, you thought about a new freezer, but could not afford it due to lack of space or high cost. We found a solution to this problem - you can make it yourself! Read the detailed description of the process on our website in the article "How to make a freezer with your own hands?" 

After you have gone through the described steps for making a refrigerator, you will need to consider the practical side of the issue:

  1. Take a sheet of paper and draw on it two smooth axis lines. The intersection point will be called the reference point for temperature. Degrees mark on a horizontal line.
  2. On the resulting graph, we mark the temperature point t = 20 degrees. This option is ideal, since in a room the thermometer almost always shows the same indicator.
  3. Next, draw a line on the paper so that it intersects the vertical axis. In this case, the line should be higher than the vertical axis.
  4. Then you need to measure ⅓ the size of the horizontal axis, starting from the zero point. This way you get the point where the temperature reaches 14 degrees. On the vertical axis you can see the power of the refrigerator with one Peltier part.

Important! If you use two of these parts, you must mark a third from the origin. Thus, you will have the opportunity to bring the temperature inside the tank to 8 degrees.

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Making a refrigerator bag

There is an easier way to make a refrigerator with your own hands. Let's try to make a cooler bag.

For its manufacture you will need the following materials:

  • Bag of the right size.
  • Foamed polyethylene in foil (can be bought at a hardware store).
  • Wide tape.
  • Salt.
  • Plastic bottles or heating pads.

Important! For fans to craft with their own hands on our site you can find many useful and interesting ideas. Want to remodel your home? Article will help to create a unique individual design of furniture "DIY furniture - drawings and diagrams".

To make such an assistant, you must follow this algorithm:

  1. Take measurements from the prepared bag.
  2. Cut a cross from the prepared insulation, from which the box of the thermal bag will be collected. Its dimensions should be approximately 5 cm smaller than the dimensions of the bag - this is necessary in order for the box to fit into it. The middle of the cross is the bottom of the box, and the long part is its wall and lid.
  3. Collect the box from the cut out cross, glue its walls with adhesive tape.
  4. Put the finished box in the bag. If the box “sits” loosely, foam or other suitable material should be filled into the void between the box and the bag.

In fact, the cooler bag is made and can store cold for several hours. To increase the storage time of products, it is necessary to make cold storage elements. This is quite simple to do:

  1. Prepare a strong salt solution at the rate of 6 tbsp. l salt per 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour it into cooked plastic bottles.
  3. Freeze in the freezer.

These items must be laid out inside the cooler bag under the lid. It will be very good if it is a heating pad, capable of completely closing the products on top. When using bottles, expect that you will need to place them approximately every 15-20 cm under the lid of the bag.

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Stock footage

In today's world, you just need to have a mini-fridge, which you can take with you on the road, or just put it at home to save space. From this article, you learned how to make a refrigerator yourself., which means they have greatly simplified their daily lives.


