How to remove the smell from the washing machine?

The washing machine is the best assistant to the housewives: for her we do not regret either fragrant powders or pleasant rinses, waiting in return for clean linen, fragrant with freshness. Unfortunately, sometimes such equipment starts to emit an unpleasant odor, and it is felt not only from the unit itself, but also from freshly washed things - they begin to “smell” of musty.

How to remove the smell from the washing machine and what are the reasons for its appearance - these questions worry many housewives, even before the time of such troubles. It is always much easier to prevent a problem than wasting energy on fixing it. From this article you will learn not only where exactly this amber is taken, but also how to prevent and remove it.

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The main source of bad smell

There may be many reasons for the appearance of mustiness and the appearance of mold, but they all boil down to one unpleasant fact - microorganisms multiply inside the household appliance. It may be bacteria or mold, but it is the colonies of microorganisms that become the source of odors.

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Favorite places for bacteria

Most often, microorganisms multiply in those places where they feel especially comfortable. In particular:

  • Bottom of the tank. There is always a little water left after washing.
  • A container for pouring liquid or powder for washing, as well as the surrounding walls.
  • Drain hose filter.
  • The hose connecting the tank to the sewer.
  • Hose connecting the powder container to the tank.
  • A sealing rubber ring around the hatch.
  • Heating elements. Scale may form on them.

The simplest answer to the question: “There was a smell from the washing machine - what should I do?” - eliminate the cause of its formation. To do this, it is recommended:

  1. Carefully inspect each of the listed places.
  2. Rinse affected area with chlorine-based substances.
  3. Having processed the places of accumulation of microorganisms with a chlorine agent, you will get rid of bacterial plaque.

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Causes of bad smell from the washing machine

The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor can be quite a lot, and errors in the operation of the unit lead to them. Consider the main ones:

  1. The most common reason - the machine “suffocates” from the fact that immediately after washing you tightly closed the hatch. Any unit needs time in order for the moisture to evaporate. Conclusion: after washing, leave the door of the machine ajar, at least for a couple of hours.
  2. The folds of the rubber cuff remain water and small debris. This can lead not only to a bad smell, but also to mold. Therefore, after washing, do not forget to wipe the rubber cuff, and remove the resulting mold by washing the cuff with dishwashing detergent.
  3. You prefer to wash in an economical mode, that is, at a low water temperature and short rinse. In this case, the bacteria that live on dirty things do not die, but remain on the walls of the tank, and also linger on small debris from pockets and other rubbish.Output: before washing, be sure to carefully check all pockets, remove debris, sometimes set a longer washing regime at high temperature. In any case, when washing in a washing machine, less water is consumed than when washing clothes manually. We have revealed this topic in detail on our portal of useful tips in a special publication. “How much water does the automatic washing machine consume in one wash?”.
  4. Using a drum unit to store dirty laundry leads to a musty smell. In a machine with high humidity, dirty clothes become an ideal medium for the reproduction of microorganisms. Do not use the drum of the machine to store dirty laundry, but purchase a basket for this purpose. It does not take up much space in the bathroom, but it saves you from trouble.
  5. Bad choice of cheap powder or rinse aid. Many soap powders and thick conditioners contribute to the formation of fungus, as they are not completely washed off by rinsing with water. "Sticking" on the walls of the unit, over time, the detergent starts to smell not fragrances, but something rotten. Whenever possible, do not use such means. In a separate review you will find tips, how to choose washing powder.
  6. Contaminated tray. Even the best tools used in the right amount leave a small film on the walls of the tray. Over time, the film layer becomes thicker and, often, mold appears there. To remove the smell from the washing machine and prevent its occurrence again, it is enough to wash the tray once a month under a stream of warm water.
  7. Drain filter is dirty. The filter picks up garbage so that the sewage system does not become clogged with fibers, threads, buttons and even coins. A clogged filter can make it difficult to drain and even block it. Therefore, all captured "wealth" must be removed from the filter, otherwise it will become a source of unpleasant odor.
  8. Incorrect connection of the unit to the sewer. If water remains in the machine, then over time it begins to rot, especially when the machine is tightly closed during downtime. Most often, the reason for the remaining water is the improper connection of household appliances to the sewage system, so in this case, you need to seek help from a specialist.
  9. The problem with communal sewers. Sometimes the reason for the stench is not in the typewriter, but in the sewer: the unit only smells through the pipes, although, in this case, the stench will come not only from the typewriter, but from all the sinks in the house.
  10. An old drain hose can also cause odors, as debris and detergent residues often stick to its walls, especially low-quality products. A silted hose can cause the source of an amber. If the odor remains after cleaning the hose, then such an element must be replaced with a new one.
  11. Scale on heating elements. Plaque from villi, debris, detergents and impurities from the water can stick to the heater. So if you rarely use the machine or wash clothes at low temperatures, scale can produce an unpleasant odor. The unit may “smell” at high temperatures, but in this case a burning smell will be felt. To clean the heating elements from scale, you can use both folk remedies and chlorine bleaches, if the instructions of the unit allow this.

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How to eliminate odor in a washing machine?

To remove the smell from the washing machine, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the entire unit with a disinfectant. You can buy special solutions for this purpose or use ordinary chlorine bleach. The use of special tablets, detergents for dishwashers, also shows a good result.

But it is better to choose a special cleaner for washing machines (it can be purchased at a household chemistry store) as follows:

  1. In a mild cleaner solution, soak the detergent drawer.
  2. Wipe the rubber boot cuff with the tool. Remove threads and other debris from underneath.
  3. Wipe the glass with a cleaner and do not rinse off the product.
  4. Unscrew the drain pump filter - it can be located on a removable panel in the lower part of the housing. When unscrewing, be prepared for the fact that water can pour out while removing the filter, so substitute a container in the area of ​​the drain pump.

Important! To remove the filter, turn it by hand counterclockwise until it is completely unscrewed.

  1. Clean the filter from dirt.
  2. After the cleaning procedure, reinsert the filter.
  3. Place the rest of the detergent in the main wash compartment and start the cycle without pre-soaking. The water temperature should be at least 60 C.

Important! In this case, the launch is done for the sole purpose - to remove the smell from the washing machine. Therefore, linen cannot be put in the washing machine.

This method will help get rid of odor in a couple of hours. To achieve the greatest effect, we recommend repeating this cleaning 2-3 times a year.

If the sediment at the bottom of the tank is very thick and the cleaning agents do not help, then call the wizard to remove the drum, open the case and remove everything unnecessary by hand.

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How to get rid of mold in a washing machine?

Smells caused by a bloom of black mold are not so easy to remove, because the various narrow nooks of the unit are still excellent places for reproduction and growth of the fungus.

We offer you some recommendations and tips for solving the problem, if you need to remove the smell from the washing machine due to mold:

  • If the rubber seal ring of the sunroof is severely damaged by mold, replace it.
  • Soak the drain hose in a special product such as Descaler Dr. Beckmann, and hold it until the tube is clean. If the drain hose cannot be cleaned, replace it with a new one.
  • Disinfect the inside of the unit. Carefully follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Clean the powder container and disinfect it.

Important! Rinse and disinfect machine parts will help you not only special tools, but also folk: water solution of baking soda, vinegar, a weak solution of copper sulfate. If the fungus has not yet had time to thoroughly climb into the unit, then ordinary laundry soap can also help cope with the smell.

  • Disinfect and thoroughly clean the pump filter.
  • Run the machine in boiling mode. Enhance the cleaning effect with special products or folk products: citric acid, vinegar and a solution of whiteness with water.
  • A universal recipe that can remove odor from a washing machine of various origins: ½ tbsp. pour white vinegar into the washing machine and set it to boiling mode.

Important! Remember that the first batch of water entering the drain hose pours out, so wait 30 seconds until the washing machine stops filling with water, and then pour the vinegar into the detergent container and then it will surely fall into the drum of the washing machine.

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Descaling the washing machine

Not a single washing machine is safe from scale, since even clean tap water does not save the heating elements from the sediment of undissolved granules of washing powder. To clean the washing machine, you can use citric acid or apple cider vinegar (vinegar is even better, since it contains 5% acid, which corresponds to the norm of acidity of human skin).

To remove odor from the washing machine due to limescale using such products, proceed as follows:

  1. Close the door of an empty washing machine.
  2. Pour 100-200 g of citric acid into the powder compartment or the drum of the unit itself or pour 100 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Choose the longest wash or boil mode with a water temperature of 90-95 C.
  4. Turn on the machine and wait for the completion of work.

Important! Watch the wash carefully, as there is a danger that large scale deposits will break off and fall into the drain for rinsing. If this happens, immediately turn off the machine and remove the scale pieces from the drain, and then press “Start” again.

  1. After washing, examine all rubber items. Small pieces of scale can hide under them.
  2. On the inside of the unit, on the problem areas of the drum, walk with a damp cloth and remove the breakaway pieces of scale.

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Prevention of odor from a washing machine

To avoid the stale smell from the washing machine, follow these precautions:

  • After each wash:
    1. Dry the inside of the unit.
    2. Remove and rinse the powder tray.
    3. Rinse the recess into which the tray is inserted.
    4. Gently wipe the rubber o-ring around the manhole door.
  • Clean and rinse the drain hose filter regularly.
  • Once every 2 months, descale the heating elements.
  • Once a month, turn on the machine for the longest wash cycle with boiling, adding bleach based on chlorine.
  • Do not use cheap low quality powders.
  • Do not use a large amount of rinse aid or balm, as their residues settle on the walls of the tank and are a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.
  • Do not put dirty laundry in the washer.
  • Remove laundered laundry immediately from the drum.
  • Before washing, be sure to remove trash from your pockets, as this can lead to clogging and odor problems.
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The correct and careful operation of any equipment is the guarantee of its longevity and high-quality functioning. We hope that thanks to our tips and recommendations of the manufacturer, you will properly care for the washing machine, ventilate it, wipe it, and clean it. In this case, she will always please you with high-quality, excellent work, linen will be fragrant with the aromas of a frosty morning in the Alpine mountains, aloe or other smells pleasant to you, but not the smell of swamp mud.

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