How to set the time on the oven Electrolux?

You finally realized the dream of many modern housewives and bought a brand new oven from one of the well-known companies, for example, Bosch “Bosch”, “Ariston”, “Siemens” or “Electrolux”. Everything is fine, the purchase was delivered on time, you carried out the installation of the unit yourself. But suddenly a problem appeared - the oven was not working. Such a failure does not mean at all that they slipped on poor-quality goods. It turns out that modern ovens do not work without setting the time on the electronic display. The built-in oven also applies here. In order to launch this item of household appliances, first of all, you need to understand the question of how to set and set the time on the Electrolux Electrolux oven or any other brand.

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Instruction manual

So, after the household appliance is properly connected to the network, the time icon and flashing numbers should appear on the control panel. Next, you need to do the following:

  • On popular models of the brand “Siemens”, “Bosch”, “Ariston” and “Electrolux” you need to choose the time of day.
  • The number 12 should blink on the display. In order to set the exact time, use the button on the display or the special rotary knob.
  • After the exact value is set, you should click the icon that indicates the hours and proceed to set the minutes.

Important! The minute digits will flash.

  • Having reached the required value, fix it using the same button with the image of the clock.

Important! In order to set the exact numbers on different models of ovens, you must use either a special knob that switches the values, or buttons with the signs “-” and “+”.

  • After the values ​​are entered and fixed using the button with the image of the clock, you need to wait a few seconds (about 3-5) to enter the selected parameters into the device memory.

Important! Want to know what all the strange icons on the oven mean? Do not understand what an electric oven shows? Read in our separate post detailed information about the modes of operation of the oven.

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Helpful hints:

  1. In emergency situations, for example, when a power outage occurs, the program does not remember the set time. Therefore, after troubleshooting the power supply, on the display of the device you will again see flashing numbers. This will mean that to start it is necessary to set the clock on the “Electrolux” oven again.
  2. If after the first pressing of the buttons the technician did not immediately react, you do not need to panic try to press everything. Be careful to operate the equipment. Wait a few minutes for the program to work. Otherwise, you can enter the programmer into the “stupor”, and the functionality of the electric oven will be temporarily altogether disrupted, you cannot use it.

Important! You can find a lot of information on cooking in the oven on our healthy tips portal. We offer you to familiarize yourself with some of them:

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Stock footage

Thus, the first inclusion of only the purchased household appliance should not cause you much difficulty. The main rule that must be observed to start the device is setting the time.This process does not take much time, and our instructions above will help to solve this problem quickly and without problems. As soon as the time is set on the control panel of the device, you can proceed to its intended use.


