How to eliminate a leak in an electric kettle?

One of the indispensable helpers in the kitchen is an electric kettle. He will help you out in any situation when boiling water is required, and if you suddenly forget about him, then it does not matter - he will turn himself off. But any device is not insured against breakdowns. Electric kettles also have troubles - they sometimes begin to leak from below. And what do you want to do in such a situation, who should seek protection? If the kettle is under warranty, then you can look for this very protection in the service center, maybe your person responsible for the supply of boiling water will be repaired. And maybe they won’t fix it - here it’s how lucky. But remember the main thing, as we were taught in childhood: the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. Well, or everything is in your hands. So, in your hands to save the “drowning man” - repair your electric kettle yourself. And we will tell you how to eliminate a leak in an electric kettle.

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Causes of Leaks

There are several possible reasons why your kettle suddenly began to behave this way.

Cracked case

Why did the teapot drip? If the kettle’s body is cracked, you cannot help it. All you can do is to send him with honors to a well-deserved, well, or not very well-deserved rest.

Important! You can, of course, try to seal it with something, but this will not give a lasting result.

Damaged bottom

Due to corrosion, a gap is formed at the junction of the bottom with the body. It is from it that water flows.

Important! This problem often occurs in metal devices. But such a device cannot be repaired; it is easier to buy a new one.

Crack on the water level indicator

To make sure that this is the cause of the leak, you will have to disassemble the device and get to the indicator. If you have a plastic device, then the indicator is presented in the form of the same plastic tube, which often breaks at the bend.

Replace the indicator does not work but you can block access to the water pipe. This can be done with a screw.

Important! The problem with leaks will be solved, but your kettle will not show the water level.

Weak mounts

How to eliminate leaks in a stainless steel kettle? Take a closer look at the heating element - if it hangs, then you just need to attach it more firmly to the wall of the kettle. Tighten the bolts and check the result.

To do a leak check, do the following:

  • Pour water into the appliance.
  • Place the kettle on a paper towel or newspaper.

Important! If the paper stays dry, then the problem is resolved. If there is a leak on the paper again, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the rubber gasket.

O-ring replacement

It is only necessary to start repairing yourself if the kettle does not have a guarantee, or if it has expired, or if it simply did not exist. If you do not have the opportunity to entrust your assistant into the hands of experienced specialists from the service center, then you will have to carry out repairs yourself.

Consider what can be done to eliminate a leak in an electric kettle:

  1. Remove the bottom from the kettle. It would be better to get hold of the instructions from this device. On many devices, the bottom is fixed using several screws. In this case, they need to be unscrewed with a screwdriver.
  2. Pull out the disc with the pad. If you have a disk kettle, then the heating element is simply inserted into the case. Tightness is ensured by a heat-resistant silicone gasket, which also holds the disc.
  3. Remove this gasket from the disc and carefully inspect it.The drive and housing must also be examined for damage.
  4. If there is a crack on the case, then further actions do not make sense. If the disk is damaged, you will have to replace it. If there are defects on the seal, then change it.
  5. If there are no visible damages on any spare part, it is possible that during operation there was a weakening of the connection of the disk to the case. Wipe the gasket, disc and housing off the scale and put everything back in place.
  6. Pour water into a kettle and boil. Check if there is no leak, then your actions have been crowned with success.

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Useful tips (video):

  • To avoid problems with the electric kettle, periodically clean it from limescale and add filtered water.
  • If you notice that your kettle is leaking a little, do not try to repair it immediately, unless, of course, your warranty period expires. Wait a couple of weeks, it is quite possible that during this time scale will form, which will delay the formed microcracks.

Important! If nevertheless you did not manage to eliminate the leak and you have to purchase a new device, our best one will help you overview of the characteristics of electric kettles

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In this article, we examined all the possible causes of a breakdown in an electric kettle and how to eliminate them. If you cannot repair the device, do not be discouraged, because all the same there are no eternal things. And just now you have the opportunity to please yourself with a more interesting model of an electric kettle, enjoy its practicality and convenience.

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