Which inverter to choose?

Welding is one of the most complex technical niches. Fans, and more experienced users are interested: which inverter to choose? A welding machine is a rather serious equipment, the choice of which must be approached with the same seriousness. What to look for when buying? This question is quite interesting and requires detailed consideration to answer. We will deal with him in this article.

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Meet the welding inverter

If we take the most ordinary transformer and place it next to the inverter, then it will not be difficult to notice a significant difference in dimensions and weight. The first device in the hands you can not carry with you, but the inverter can be thrown on your shoulder and go to your cottage.

Weight and dimensions are the main advantages of this device. Also, the device has other advantages, which we will meet later. To create a complete picture of the vision, you need to understand all the principles of work, equipment characteristics and other interesting nuances.

Which inverter is better? Let's look for an answer.

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Functionality and work

If we hit physics, we can say the following: the inverter receives classic 220 V input and uses the phenomenon of magnetic induction, lowering the input values ​​to 25 V. The current strength increases and can reach hundreds of amperes. Such values ​​are sufficient for the formation of a hot electric arc, with which we melt the metal, forming joints at the seams. This is how a transformer welding machine works.

The inverter has slightly different operating principles. For example, the same current passes through four stages of transformations:

  • Straightening.
  • Smoothing with an RC filter.
  • Convert to alternating current.
  • Inverse proportional increase.
  • And finally, power rectification.

Beginners should like the functionality of devices on this principle, because:

  1. The device has a hot start function.
  2. Also the device is equipped with “anti-sticking”.
  3. The welding arc is forced!

If you still cannot cook, then the inverter is your choice.

Which inverter to choose for a summer residence? It would be necessary to deal with the main criteria for selection.

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Buying Basics

To be precise, equipment can be classified into three categories:

  • Those devices that are used in industry.
  • Professional devices.
  • Devices that are used in everyday life.

Welding machines are very different in cost and have a different duty cycle. If you want to spend hours “cooking" the process, you can not even look towards professional devices. The quality of the seam itself is unlikely to depend on the bells and whistles of the device. It is best to take the device on which you can work at least about 15 minutes, and then let it rest for 30 minutes.

Important! Absolutely all inverters that are used in everyday life are needed for arc welding and have the abbreviation “MMA”. After these three letters, the manufacturer indicates the current strength of the work.

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Now let's move on to the technical parameters of welding.

Input voltage

Choose those devices that have an operating range from 220 to 230 V. Also pay attention to the fact that the permissible deviations should not exceed fifteen percent. If you are lucky enough to get such a device, then you can easily work on any voltage of the network.


Another interesting parameter that the buyer should look at. If you see the letters “PV” and a value of 50% after them, then this indicates that after ten working minutes at the highest load, the equipment needs to take a rest of five minutes for further cooling.

Working current

Ranges of values ​​of the operating current can tell about the degree of uniqueness of the inverter. The wider these values, the more different jobs you can do.

Important! Pay attention to those models that have a range of 150-200 amperes.

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Choosing the best model

As you can understand, an inverter is a very complex and not the cheapest device, so you definitely need to find a manufacturer that you can trust. But this is where the problems arise. How to make the right choice? How to find the best inverter? We should start learning from the mistakes of others. Take your time to make a decision, think carefully and only then issue a verdict.

In order to facilitate your torment, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following models of welding inverters:

  1. Kemppi Minarc 150. Representative of expensive Finnish professional equipment, which is able to create a welding current of 150 Amps and has an electrode with a diameter of 4 millimeters. The cost of such a device starts at $ 450.
  2. Fubag IN 163. German device with small dimensions and weight. The quality is at a high level, but the device itself is relatively inexpensive - from $ 200.
  3. Svarog ARC 205. This product operates on the basis of the new PWN principle, made of high quality materials and is known for a very good reputation. The price of such an inverter starts at $ 350.
  4. Cedar MMA-220F. The best inverter in the budget segment. It does its job efficiently, has a range of 20-220 A and costs only 170 dollars.
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In this article, we examined the main points and created a rating of the best models based on user reviews, so that you can choose an inverter suitable for your characteristics and quality. Remember that the reliability of the joints being created and your safety both during welding and during the operation of the finished structure depend on this.

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