What voltage regulator to choose for the refrigerator?

Among the electrical appliances that we use every day, the refrigerator, as they say, is unrivaled. However, for the stable operation of the equipment, it is necessary to supply electricity that meets certain standards. In the territory of the countries of the former USSR, the standard voltage value is 220 V (plus or minus 10 percent). Unfortunately, this indicator is not always maintained. There are many reasons for this: dilapidated networks, accidents at substations, weather conditions, etc. The purpose of the device for voltage stabilization is to protect the household appliance from voltage fluctuations in the network. Let's try to figure out which voltage regulator to choose for the refrigerator.

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How necessary is a stabilizer?

Many components of the refrigerator depend on the quality of the supplied electric energy. This is especially true of modern models, literally stuffed with electronics. The compressor is especially vulnerable to power surges. Power surges can quickly disable it.

Here is a list of the most common breakdowns of the refrigerator due to power surges and prolonged voltage drops:

  • Damage to the electronic compressor and temperature control systems.
  • Combustion of the compressor motor windings. The reason may be a prolonged voltage drop, which led to a breakdown of insulation and overheating of the winding wire.
  • Combustion of the motor windings due to the inability to start at low voltage (prolonged exposure to the starting current leads to overheating).
  • Damage to the crank-rocker compressor pair. This failure is characteristic of devices not equipped with protection against premature start-up.

Important! To know which voltage stabilizer to choose for the refrigerator, it is necessary for the reason that this device makes it possible to reduce the output voltage values, as well as stop its supply at unacceptable values ​​(less than 110 and more than 280 V). The device also allows you to create the necessary time delay before restarting the compressor.

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How to choose a stabilizer for the refrigerator: classification

All voltage stabilization devices differ in their device, output power value and principle of operation. Distinguish these types of devices:

  • Relay.
  • Electromechanical.
  • Triac.

Important! Plastic parts of the refrigerator tend to turn yellow over time. We have prepared a separate review in which you will find outhow to wash the refrigerator inside from yellowness.


The device is equipped with an electronic board for monitoring voltage parameters and controlling a servo motor that drives the current collector. It moves along the turns of the coil, adjusting the output voltage.


  • The advantages of electromechanical devices include high accuracy (error from 2 to 4%).
  • The disadvantage is the low speed due to inertia (10-20 V).

Important! This device is intended for operation where the voltage value is constantly overstated or underestimated, or the voltage value changes rather slowly.

Important! Please note that stainless steel appliances require special care. We separately examined this topic in a post “Stainless Steel Refrigerator Care”.


When using relay devices, the transformer windings are switched using a power relay. The relay response time is taken into account and circuit breaks are minimized to allowable values.

The main advantage of the relay device is its quick response to switching. There is no lag.

The cons include:

  • Noise during operation (relay clicks).
  • Burning contacts.
  • Multi-stage operation until the required parameters are achieved.

Important! In what situation is it better to choose such a voltage stabilizer for the refrigerator? Relay-type devices are used when there is a high probability of a sharp change in network parameters. It should be remembered that with frequent power surges, the working life of the device is greatly reduced.

Triac stabilizers

The transformer windings are switched using triacs (power switches). At the same time, there is no traditional relay, which makes it possible for silent multiple switching.

The advantages of triac stabilizing devices include:

  • Performance.
  • Possibility for continuous switching of transformer windings with frequent changes in mains voltage.

The disadvantages of a triac device are:

  • Relatively high price.
  • High quality requirements for components.

Important! With strong voltage drops in the network, triac devices are the best option.

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Power calculation

Power is the most important parameter of the device. The unit of measure is volt-amperes (VA). This is the total output power of the refrigerator, corresponding to a voltage of 220 V. The amount of power consumed is indicated in the technical data sheet of the devices (usually in watts).

Let's consider how to choose a voltage stabilizer for a refrigerator by power:

  • To get the desired apparent power, divide the rated rating in watts by a factor of 0.65.
  • When the device starts up, significant inrush currents occur, so the full power must be tripled.

Important! For example, the power consumption of the refrigerator indicated in the data sheet is 300 watts. Power in volt-amperes, taking into account the starting currents, will be: 300 / 0.65 x 3 = 1154 VA. This means that you need a 1200 VA stabilizer.

If the current value is not known, then it is possible to calculate the minimum voltage. For instance:

  • The current strength for the stabilizer in 2000 VA at a voltage of 220 V is 2000/220 = 9.1 A.
  • At a voltage of 160 V, the device gives an output of 160 x 9.1 = 1450 VA, which meets the requirements.

A separate outlet is required to accommodate the controller. Devices are placed away from heat sources and periodically cleaned of dust.

Important! The power of the regulator should be higher than the capacity of the refrigerator by about 15-20%. If you plan to connect several devices, then to obtain the required power you need to increase by 15-20% the total power of the serviced equipment.

Important! Careful attitude to the equipment and observance of the operating rules can significantly extend its life. Read it right defrost the No Frost refrigerator.

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Single or three phase regulator?

So which voltage regulators are best for the refrigerator?

  • The use of a single-phase stabilizer is appropriate when no device other than a refrigerator will be connected to it.
  • Using a three-phase meter, it is possible to power several devices at once. In addition, they are ideally combined with the latest models of refrigerators.
  • Three-phase devices are used for industrial freezers and refrigerators, the power of which is ten times greater than that of household appliances.
  • In addition, three-phase stabilizers are better in contact with three-phase power networks.Of course, the cost of such stabilizers is an order of magnitude higher than for single-phase devices.

Important! According to experts, with a single-phase network, if there is a need to service not only the refrigerator, but also other devices, the best option would be to install not one three-phase, but three single-phase devices.

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Additional selection criteria

In addition to these factors, the following factors influence the choice of regulator:

  • Dimensions and weight.
  • The way to connect to the mains.
  • Sizes.
  • Trademark.
  • Auxiliary functionality, in particular, automatic shutdown in case of breakage.
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Features of choosing a stabilizer for an apartment, a summer residence and a private house

Each of the above options has its own characteristics:

  • The country house has a large number of equipment with induction motors, quite peculiar in terms of launch. For example, to start a pump of 1.5 kW, you need power of 3.5 kW. Therefore, when choosing a summer stabilizer, the total power of electrical appliances is increased not by 15-20, but by 45 percent. Such a supply is enough to avoid burnout.
  • The regulators used in apartments are calculated as follows: the total power of electrical appliances plus 10-15%. That is quite enough.
  • The choice of a stabilizer for a private house, where there are mini-transformers, has its own peculiarity. First you need to take measurements of the voltage in the network, and then choose a stabilizer.

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Review of the best models

Consider three models of regulators of different brands and characteristics that are most widely used. This will help to solve the question: which voltage regulator to choose for the refrigerator.


An expensive model, indispensable for use in everyday life. The power of 2.5 kW makes it possible to service both the refrigerator and other devices: a boiler, an iron, a washing machine.

Atlant (SNVT-1500)

This option is ideal for different brands of refrigerators. The input voltage is 100-280 V. The warranty period is 2 years.

Woltron PCH-1500

The device is used for single-phase networks. Designed for a power range of 100-280 V.

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Stock footage

The voltage regulator is important both for the refrigerator and for other appliances. When installing the stabilizer, the refrigerator will run smoothly, and you will be able to avoid expensive repairs. A large number of offers on the market allows you to choose an electrical appliance with optimal characteristics.

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