Condensation drying in the dishwasher is ..

By purchasing a dishwasher, every housewife expects that all of her daily chores for washing dishes will be minimized. But for this to be true, one must take into account when choosing the right equipment not only the available methods of washing and cleaning kitchen utensils, but also drying. Condensation drying in the dishwasher is one of the most affordable options. How useful it is and whether it deserves your attention, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Type of drying in the dishwasher
The type of drying in the dishwasher may be different. Most often, in modern models of such household appliances, the modes of the following options are used:
- condensation drying;
- turbo;
- intense.
How do they differ and what is their preference? Let's take a closer look.
to contents ↑Important! If you are unable to allocate a lot of space for the installation of such equipment, look at our portal for useful tips for a special review, in which there are many interesting ideas for placement andrating of narrow dishwashers under the sink 40 cm.
Condensation drying in the dishwasher - is it profitable or not?
If you choose household appliances from the point of view of financial benefits, then condensation drying in a dishwasher is the best option:
- Firstly, such an aggregate will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than any other analog with a more modern principle of processing kitchen utensils.
- Secondly, the energy costs during operation will be significantly lower, and, accordingly, the bills for energy consumption will change little.
A distinctive feature of the operation of the unit with such a device is its natural drying. The principle of operation of such a system is that at the end of the washing cycle of all items very hot water is poured on them. Steam rises and settles on the walls of the dishwasher itself.
Important! The disadvantages of condensation drying include the following points:
- the process of complete drying of the kitchen utensils is quite lengthy;
- at the end of the cycle of processing dishes, dried drops or stains may remain on its surface.
Turbo dryer
What is condensation drying in a dishwasher is now clear. What is the difference between the turbo mode?
The main difference in the principle of action is that during drying, the dishes are additionally flushed from time to time with hot dry steam. This is due to the built-in fan and heater. Naturally - the drying process of appliances, cups, plates, pots is much faster.
As a rule, models of the middle and high price range are equipped with such a system. Relatively recently, budget units with such a principle of operation appeared on the market, but so far the housewives have not been able to figure out how effective they really are.
Important! A significant drawback of such a system is the high energy consumption necessary for the functioning of the fan and the heater.
Intensive drying
Intensive drying is essentially a cross between condensation and turbo drying in a dishwashing machine.Forced air circulation in such equipment does not occur due to injection with the help of additional elements. Another principle is taken here - pressure differences. To do this, holes are made on the walls of the housing near the water collector, through which air circulates between the hot sink cabinet and the cold water collector.
Thus, the drying process of the dishes is accelerated, but this does not particularly affect the energy consumption.
to contents ↑Important! The type of drying is not the only criterion for the purchase of such equipment. Surely an overview of all the parameters will come in handy to choose a good dishwasher.
Conclusion: what type of dishwasher-drying is better?
Based on the information received, the following conclusion will be logical when buying such household appliances:
- The intensive type or condensation drying in the dishwasher is a reasonable choice for those who want to save as much as possible and are not particularly puzzled by the speed of drying the dishes. And if you urgently need to dry it, I’m quite ready to do it with a clean kitchen towel.
- If time is a priority criterion, then the turbo system will definitely be the choice, though you will have to pay extra for additional comfort.
Important! The effectiveness of washing dishes with the help of special equipment largely depends on whether you understand its structure, the principle of operation, and whether you know important operating rules. Read all in detail about how to use a dishwasher.
Useful Tips
In addition to the principle of operation of the drying system, pay attention to the class marking - it will also affect the quality of the process and the cost of the equipment. So:
- And - this is an absolute result, that is, you will get dishes without a single drop on the surface.
- B - implies that a small percentage of moisture on kitchen utensils is permissible, and you may still have to wipe it with an additional towel.
to contents ↑Important! If you have not yet decided on the brand and model, the following our reviews will help you quickly figure out the nuances:
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We hope that now you have completely figured out for yourself what condensation drying is and what type of drying will be more acceptable for you. Reasonably approach the choice of household appliances, given the complex of criteria and requirements, then it will function for a long time and in accordance with your expectations. And to pay for unnecessary and unused functions is completely useless.
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