Convector heater

Convection heater among all heating devices occupy a special position. They are in good demand, there is the possibility of their use both residential and industrial premises. This article is devoted to the classification of convectors, their features and the principles of their choice.
to contents ↑What is a convector heater? - Principle of operation
As the name implies, the operation of the device is based on the circulation of air flows having different temperatures:
- The heating element in the convector is a tubular type heating element made of a metal alloy. It is located inside the case, capable of heating up to the required temperature in a short time.
- Thanks to the openings in the housing, air gains free access to the heating element.
- The intake of cold air occurs through the holes that are located at the bottom of the device.
- Air receives heat from the heating element. Heated air escapes through openings on the front of the unit.
Important! This convector heater differs from other heating appliances, for example, oil, the principle of operation of which is based on thermal radiation.
Since the heating of the room by convectors is carried out by air currents, the room heats up more quickly and evenly than when using heat emitters.
to contents ↑Important! The use of the convection phenomenon made it possible to achieve high values of efficiency (up to 90%). The efficiency increases due to the fact that heat transfer occurs immediately to the room, without heating the coolants or radiators.
There are several classification features by which convectors are divided:
- Dimensions
- Power.
- Design Features.
- Management method.
- The process of convection applied.
- Location and method of mounting in the room.
The heaters with natural (KVE) and forced (KVP) air circulation are divided:
- In the first case, the air flows themselves pass through the heating device.
- The second class of devices are devices equipped with built-in fans. This allows you to increase the amount of air mass that passes through the heater. Hence the increase in the overall system performance.
Depending on the design features and installation method, the following models are distinguished:
- The convector-type wall heater is compact in size and light in weight. Such a load can withstand even a partition made of thin drywall. Despite the small dimensions, wall-mounted appliances are not inferior in power to other types of heaters.
- Floor standing. They differ from the wall models only in the installation method - not suspension on the bracket, but installation on a special stand with wheels.
- Built-in models. They allow you to solve two problems at once: heating and design. Placed in special channels or niches. If you correctly calculate the heating, you can effectively heat the rooms of any quadrature.
Important! If you are considering a floor version, it may make sense to replace it with a high-quality heating system. Learn more about installation of infrared warm floor.
Convector or oil heater
To determine which of the two popular heaters is better, we will compare their main characteristics:
- Energy consumption. In this regard, the convector heater is 25% better than the oil device. Considering the fact that tariffs for electricity consumption are constantly growing, this circumstance may be decisive when choosing.
- The time spent on heating the room. In the oil heater, the heating element is heated, and then heat is transferred to the oil. The ribbed metal casing is heated from the oil, and room air is heated from it. This is a fairly lengthy process. Convectors in this regard are much more profitable. However, oil heaters equipped with fans are almost equivalent to convectors in terms of room heating rate.
- Convenience of operation. Convectors in this regard are more advantageous, since they weigh less than oil devices (10 kg versus 18-25 kg). The convector can also be mounted on the wall, significantly saving the useful area of the room. Room cleaning is much easier.
- Uniformity of heating the room. When using a convector, the room warms up evenly. If the oil radiator is working, then the temperature difference is clearly felt in the distance from the heater and directly near it.
Important! There is another alternative - gas systems. Such can be advantageously used in the country. On our website, step-by-step instruction for masters with experience in creating various devices is already ready, how to make a gas convector.
Advantages of convectors
Compared with other heating devices, the convector-type electric heater has the following advantages:
- Profitability. The low operating temperature of the heating element reduces energy consumption.
- Fire safety. The reason for this lies in the low operating temperature of the heating element. The use of automatic systems helps to reduce any risks that arise during the operation of the appliance.
- Compact, aesthetic design. Convector heater is convenient, it is easy to fit into almost any interior.
- Easy to install. A person who does not even have special knowledge will be able to mount the device. The device can be placed on the floor or on the wall.
- Silent work, lack of unpleasant odors.
- Quick heating of the room in a short time.
Important! For comparison, also see a comparative analysis with another mobile heater. Read the review on the topic “Which is better - a convector or fan heater?”.
What to consider when choosing?
When choosing a convector heater, consider such characteristics.
- The amount of power consumption.
- Type of heating element.
- Dimensions of the device.
- Degree of security.
- Availability of additional features.
- Price segment.
- Manufacturing company.
Consider each of these criteria in more detail.
Device power
The power of the device is selected based on what area you want to heat:
- If you buy the device as an additional means of heating in the off-season, then for every cubic meter of space should be 25 watts of power.
- If it is supposed to heat the room exclusively with the help of a convector, then every cubic meter of living space we have 40 watts of power.
Important! For example, if the area of the room is 20 squares with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, the cubic capacity of the room is 54 cubic meters. If you purchase an off-season appliance, multiply 25 watts by 54 cubic meters. The resulting power is 1350 watts. Round the figure up and get the desired power value: we are looking for a convector-type heater of 1.5 kW.
Type of heating element
As for the type of heating element, experts advise to give preference to the cast model - it is more efficient, more reliable, and more durable.
Dimensions and mass of the convector
When choosing a convector heater in size, pay special attention to its height, since the speed of air movement depends on it. Small-height appliances can heat a room in the shortest possible time.
An important parameter is the mass of the device, since it is likely that you will have to move it from place to place.
Safety of use
Of all heating appliances, a convector heater is the safest:
- The case heats up no more than 60 degrees, so there is no risk of getting burns.
- Grounding the convector is not necessary. Devices are resistant to power surges.
Important! If the family has small children, it is advisable to pay attention to models with smooth contours, devoid of sharp corners.
Set of additional features
Of the additional functions, the following deserve the most attention:
- The ability to control air temperature. In cold weather it can be set to maximum, and when the outside temperature rises, weaken the heating.
- Thermostat. This device makes it possible to maintain a given temperature in the room.
- Timer. Allows you to turn on the convector type heater for a certain period of time. Then the trip device trips. This feature may come in handy when operating the heater before bedtime.
- Dust absorption air ionizer. Air saturated with negatively charged ions is good for your health. In such a room it is better to relax and work.
- Remote control. This is a necessary accessory for sleepyheads and bedbeds who do not want to get out of a warm bed in the morning to turn on the convector.
- Rollover protection function. It is actual for families with kids and playful restless pets.
Price segment
Keep in mind that a good thing, by definition, cannot be cheap. In order for the convection heater to serve you faithfully for a long time, normally perform its functions and be safe, it is advisable to give preference to products of well-known brands. The quality guarantee from these companies is not an empty phrase.
Having chosen one or another model of the convector, pay attention to the presence of scratches, dents, distortions and screws protruding outside the housing. At the slightest suspicion, refrain from buying. This indicates either insufficient build quality or careless storage. Both that, and another - it is inadmissible.
Important! When viewing different models, take advantage of our overview of features, pros and consranking of the best heating convectors.
We mount the convector and begin operation
What is a convector heater, sorted out. Now - about its operation:
- Before installing the device, be sure to read the instructions.
- When fixing the convector to the wall or installing it on the floor, make sure that the distance between the lower edge of the casing and the floor is at least 15 cm.
- The minimum distance of the convector from the walls is 25 cm.
- There should be no objects closer than 45 cm from the top edge of the appliance.
to contents ↑Important! If these conditions are not met, the convector will overheat quickly enough and the protection will work. Therefore, you cannot place a tall appliance under the window, dry things on it, or try to close it on top. For placement under the window opening, low “skirting” models are best suited.
Convector Care
It is quite simple. It is enough to periodically wipe it with a slightly damp cloth. In this case, the convector heater must be disconnected from the network. To clean the heater from accumulated dust, a vacuum cleaner with a narrow short nozzle is suitable.
to contents ↑Stock footage
New cost-effective methods of space heating can maintain an optimal microclimate without excessive costs. Why not use the progressive method?
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