Where to put the old washing machine?

Any equipment fails over time, and some models simply become obsolete and no longer meet the expectations and requests of its owner. But if the recycling of small household appliances is more or less clear, then when changing the overall equipment, some problems arise. For example, where to put an old washing machine? In this article we will help to deal with this issue and discuss the most profitable and most optimal sales options for unnecessary devices.

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Why can't an old washing machine just be dumped?

If the unit has outlived its own, so to speak, many owners do not want to take up too long the question of where to put the old washing machine, and they throw the equipment into a landfill. This option would seem to be the simplest and most correct. But in reality, this is not quite so.

Such a technique in a landfill becomes dangerous not only for human health, but also for the environment, because when decomposed, the unit will emit toxic poisons. Let's consider in more detail what this behavior is fraught with:

  • Plastic case. The decomposition of this element will end completely in more than 100 years. When it is burned, harmful products of the decomposition of polymers and chemicals are released, which freely enter the atmosphere, destroy the ozone layer, and later fall in the form of precipitation on the ground. As a result, a person breathes air with toxins and eats vegetables and fruits grown on unfavorable soil.
  • Insulation materials and wires. Such elements contain polyvinyl chloride, so during their combustion ethylene and chlorine, gases and vapors are released, which cause irreversible diseases in humans. Since PVC is not a biological material, when it is buried in the ground, the natural decomposition process will not occur, which is very harmful to groundwater.
  • Metal parts. When such parts are burned, heavy metals are released into the atmosphere. The smallest particles settle on plants, penetrate the body of people and animals and cause the most unpredictable sad consequences.
  • Rubber. The burning of elements from this material leads to the release of toxic hazardous gases such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. Respiratory organs are particularly affected by this black caustic smoke.

Important! No need to reassure yourself with the thought that from one device the world will not get worse. Before you, such devices, not knowing the consequences, have already been thrown out by many people. Be a sober person and a worthy citizen of your country. Moreover, it is prohibited by law to dispose of old washing machines in a landfill. Violation of the prohibition imposes an administrative fine.

Consider all the options where to turn in the old washing machine, so as not to harm the environment and even benefit for ourselves.

Important! Disposal rules apply not only to washing machines, but also to other household appliances. A separate post on our website is dedicated to the fact that do with an old fridge for the benefit of yourself.

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Where to put the old washing machine?

Perhaps a broken unit can still serve you for several years, and if not for you, then for someone else. In this case, it is better to call the home appliance repair technician and repair the breakdown. A working machine is definitely better than a broken one.

Give to those in need

If the breakdown turned out to be really not serious, the equipment is ready to fulfill its duties again, but you don’t want to use it anymore, then you can simply present the unit to your acquaintances, friends or relatives. If they don’t need such a technique, then it will definitely come in handy:

  • The shelter;
  • Orphanage
  • Nursing home.

Important! Thus, you will do two useful things - get rid of the equipment you do not need and help people in need.

Sale of a working machine

If you don’t give anyone the old washing machine or it’s a pity, then you should think about selling it.

Option number 1

Place an advertisement for sale in a local newspaper or on a special website - there will be a new owner for your equipment. Buying old washing machines is of interest to people who either cannot afford to buy a new one or do not need it.

Your potential customers may be:

  • Poor people;
  • Senior citizens;
  • Students;
  • Tenants of apartments;
  • Other categories of citizens.

Important! You can also view ads for the purchase of old washing machines yourself and thus find a buyer for your equipment.

Option number 2

Special companies are also engaged in buying up old household appliances. Turning to one of them, you will quickly get rid of an unnecessary device and get a monetary reward for this. Such companies need old aggregates for re-sale or for disposal at the most favorable conditions for themselves.

Important! Most of these organizations accept old washing machines only in working condition.

Transportation to the country

If there is nowhere to rent an old washing machine, then it can be taken to the country. There she will definitely come in handy. The working machine will become an assistant, and with a broken one you can do absolutely amazing things. It takes only your imagination and a little time. Here are some examples of a useful conversion of an old waste aggregate:

  • Grinder. After making small manipulations to fix the grinding wheel, the engine of an old washing machine can make a wonderful machine for grinding wood or sharpening a variety of tools.
  • Coffee table. The drum of the washing machine will become the basis for such practical furniture. Steel rods are attached to the drum, and on them is a round tabletop made of thick glass.
  • Dish. The original dish for fruits can serve as a convex door.
  • Brazier. A metal drum will be an excellent bonfire pit for barbecue.
  • Dog box. The housing can be transformed into your favorite pet house. For a more original appearance of the booth, you can not unscrew the door from the case.

Sale for parts

You can hand over the old washing machine - both working and faulty, for spare parts. The details of such household appliances are very similar to each other, so the workshops take the units with great pleasure. Where to get a broken washing machine - you can find out from the ads in local newspapers or in the service departments of the city.

Important! Dismantling the machines accepted for spare parts can save service companies in the production of new parts.

Hand over the washing machine for parts is not difficult. You just need to call the appropriate organization and provide the following information:

  • Unit manufacturer;
  • Model;
  • Year of issue;
  • Describe breakdowns, if any.
  • Indicate the reason why you rent the washing machine.

Next, the master will come to you, inspect the equipment and calculate the approximate amount that you can help out for the unit.


It makes no sense to disassemble completely old units for details, since they have all become unusable. In this case, there is only one option. If you don’t know where to turn in the old washing machine, the life of which has exceeded 10 years, then contact special services for proper disposal.

The disposal process is by no means an easy task.It requires special devices and occurs in stages:

  • Disassembly. All non-ferrous metals, liquid plastic, glass and electronics are extracted from washing equipment.
  • Recycling. The metal body under the press is compressed to the smallest possible size, the glass is crushed into small parts, the plastic is crushed to a dust state. Liquid plastic in the process of melting at high temperature is purified. The result is a clean secondary raw material that is returned to production.
  • Dispatch. Compressed metal in the form of a small box is sent to metallurgical plants for further processing, and plastic powder becomes the basis for new PVC products.

Important! In most cases, the owners themselves must pay for the disposal of old equipment. Check this question immediately when contacting the company.

Recycling programs for old appliances in stores

Many large electronics supermarkets carry out recycling campaigns for used household appliances twice a year. Thus, you will get rid of the unnecessary unit and get a discount on the purchase of a new one. As a rule, neither the year of manufacture, nor the company, nor the condition of the washing machine matters. Similar promotions are often held for refrigerators.

Important! Stores benefit from such transactions in the form of increased sales, and customers benefit from the purchase of new equipment with the free removal of old ones.

Independent removal of the old washing machine to the scrap collection point

In big cities there are special points for receiving scrap metal devices. If you have the opportunity to independently bring your old equipment to such a point, then you can use it. For this you will get some reward, but you should not count on a large amount, because there is very little metal in the washing machine.

Important! If you are a master with “golden hands”, surely even idle things and objects will gain a second life for you. Use our ideas:

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As you can see, there are many answers to the question of where to put the old washing machine. You just need to evaluate your technique and choose a suitable and profitable method for yourself. In any case, it is not worth considering the option of removing equipment (and not just washing) to the trash. By correctly disposing of your unit, you will make a big contribution to the ecological state of the entire planet.

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