Cooker hood - how to choose the right one?

Few people like it when clothes and furniture are saturated with the smells of cooked food. And the process itself is accompanied by the release of greasy fumes, which are able to contaminate all surfaces of the room. A kitchen hood solves the problem - how to choose the right equipment to be sure of the result and at the same time successfully complement the interior? There are several parameters that every potential buyer of such equipment should be aware of. And we will consider them in this article.

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The principle of operation of the device

Most hoods have a common type of device. This is an electric device based on the principle of forced ventilation. Air with combustion products, grease and pungent odors is trapped and passed through several filters. Depending on the complexity of the device, it is possible to place several degrees of cleaning, as well as recycling, that is, cleaning and returning the volume of air to the room.

Important! You can also see differences in the management of such equipment. Manufacturers offer both affordable mechanical and electronic controls for power levels, backlighting and additional features.

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Important differences

The type of installation, as well as the capabilities, largely depend on the principle of operation of the hood:

  • The flow-through device requires placement with the possibility of air outlet through the ventilation hole. Thus, a fine filter is not required, since the fumes will be released to the outside. But the installation provides for placement in close proximity to the exhaust outlet. We recommend to find out in our review which hood models are the best.
  • As for the recirculation hoods, then with them everything is easier. They can be located where necessary, because no air outlet is required. There are already exhaust outlets on the top of the case.

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Filtration system

In fact, the most important factor is the quality of air filtration from fat particles with soot, because it is they that settle on the surfaces and turn the kitchen into a place of constant struggle with dirt. If you know how to choose an extract according to the filtering criteria, then you can forget about the unpleasant consequences of frequent cooking of homemade food.

Here are the options:

  • Budget technology is based on disposable loose filters, which should be replaced if contaminated. The basis of such gaskets in ventilation is non-woven or synthetic winterizer, which absorb vapors.
  • The middle price segment has a metal filter at the inlet, as well as an additional filtering system in the form of coal or adsorbent cartridges. The air comes out clean, free of odors and impurities. Such systems are typically used in recirculation models.
  • There is a technique for sale that works without filters at all. It draws air over the stove and immediately releases it into the ventilation, without preliminary cleaning.

Important! Naturally, for studio apartments or kitchens combined with the dining room, an option with a high level of filtration is necessary. The smell of food and impurities in the air will definitely not remain.

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Types of structures

Currently, manufacturers offer a variety of equipment that meets not only the technological needs of customers, but also satisfying the style component, combined with saving space. So that you can accurately select an extractor hood in the kitchen that suits your type of conditions, check out the recommendations below:

  • One of the most common types of hoods remains suspended.Installation of such a technique is simple, in addition, most models have a recirculation principle and do not need to be placed in close proximity to ventilation.

Important! The price is low, and reusable filters allow you not to spend money on consumables - regular self-cleaning will solve the problem.

  • Dome hoods are considered universal. They are suitable for both stove and fireplace. In addition, manufacturers now produce both recirculation and flow options, which can be switched to the desired mode at the moment.
  • Built-in options are ideal for small kitchens. The only inconvenience is the selection of hoods for the kitchen according to the furniture parameters, because such equipment will have to be embedded in a cupboard or pencil case.

Important! This option saves space and goes well with a built-in hob.

  • The island type is suitable for large kitchens, where the stove is not placed near the wall, but in a convenient passage, for example, directly in the center of the room.
  • Sliding structures also effectively save space, however, if necessary, they can increase the processing area and draw air from the entire area of ​​the plate.

Decided not to stop buying / replacing hoods and refitting the kitchen? The best solutions from the portal of useful tips for you:

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Air suction power

Trying to determine which hood for a gas stove fits better into the interior, do not forget that power is fundamental to the operation of such a technique. Modern models are capable of processing from 180 to 700 cubic meters of air per hour.

The performance depends on the number and capacity of the built-in fans. As a rule, there are one or two of them, and each of them is connected to an electric motor located inside the structure. The control system allows you to adjust the volume of cleaned air and suction power.

Important! The more powerful the device and the larger the capture area, the higher the noise level. In some cases, this is a powerful argument.

Before choosing a hood for a gas stove by power, it is worth paying attention to a number of factors:

  • If the hob or stove has a small area, do not give preference to powerful and bulky models, this is not necessary.
  • Appliances with greater productivity are needed for an open type of kitchen, when odors and fumes can sit on furniture in the living room or dining room.
  • High power is sometimes reflected in the dimensions. Therefore, the hood to the kitchen with a width of 60 cm has little traction, and how to choose the right one for other sizes should be commensurate with the real need for the pulling force.

Important! Do you want to connect the equipment yourself? We described in detail how to carry out these works in a post. "How to install a cooker hood in the kitchen with your own hands?".

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Additional features

Most modern household appliances have a lot of functions associated with the main ones. Popular among them are:

  • Backlight - sometimes it helps to better control the cooking process and not turn on the overhead light unnecessarily.
  • The timer is very convenient when it is also on the stove. So, having finished cooking, the stove turned off, the extractor filtered air for a few minutes, and at this time you can sleep soundly, without fear for the operation of the equipment and dinner.
  • Periodic inclusion will allow to refresh the air in the room. This is true in winter, when opening windows can be problematic, a given frequency creates a certain kind of comfort.

Important! Expensive models can be equipped with a touch panel, a remote control, as well as many sensors that reflect the level of smoke, humidity, temperature and the level of contamination of the filter components.

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Perhaps, having this information and knowing several aspects of how to choose a hood for a gas stove in the kitchen, it will be a little easier to purchase equipment, as well as making the right choice.

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