Vacuum cleaner bags

Every housewife cannot imagine her life without such an aggregate as a vacuum cleaner. And this is very easy to understand, because it is he who will help to clean the whole house, clean floors and carpets from dust and dirt, get it to hard-to-reach places and make the house clean and comfortable. One of the most common tasks when buying this unit is bags for a vacuum cleaner, namely, which of the varieties to choose. Today we will consider all possible options and advise you which model to purchase.

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Varieties of dust collectors

Vacuum cleaner dust bags are one of the most important components of a cleaning device. That is why the choice of this product should be treated with all the attention and exactingness.

Important! If you have to clean too often, there may be some problems with the microclimate in your home. Read our post about why is there a lot of dust in the apartment.

There are two types of bags for devices designed for cleaning:

  • reusable use;
  • single use.

Important! The difference between these models is that with a single use, the “bag” after filling up with the garbage is thrown into the bin, and the reusable one is cleaned.

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Materials for the manufacture of dust collectors

The main materials for making a “bag” for collecting small debris are fabric and paper.

Paper models

Disposable small garbage containers made of paper are durable “bags” that can withstand various loads. They are based on filter paper.

Such dust bags collect fine dust particles, splinters, dirt, crushed glass or metal chips. When used, the paper bag is not damaged, garbage does not spill out. For all components of the device, this product does not cause any time.

Important! The main advantage of the paper “bag” is that it can be thrown out after cleaning and does not need to be shaken out or washed.

Fabric patterns

The fabric bag for a vacuum cleaner is inferior to the paper version in its characteristics. This is due to the fact that it allows small debris and litter to pass into the unit itself. Of course, the engine additionally protects the filter, but its cleanliness must also be monitored.

Important! The dust from the fabric bag again enters the air - it settles on the furniture, soars in the air, so this option is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

The main advantage of such a container for collecting garbage, fine dirt and litter is in the price category. According to the total cost of disposable paper bags and in comparison with one fabric “cover”, it is more profitable to buy a fabric bag.

Important! It needs to be changed once in 12 months.

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Dust collectors with cyclone filter

Another type of dust collectors for a vacuum cleaner are transparent containers with cyclone filter. The essence of the action of this device is that dust enters a plastic container like a hurricane. It is sucked and remains on the walls of the tank. After the cleaning is finished, all the trash settles to the bottom of the tank.

Important! Such containers are cone-shaped and have a three-level cleaning system. However, they are characterized by a large number of disadvantages.

Disadvantages of containers for collecting litter with a cyclone filter:

  • noisy at work;
  • Do not kill microbes;
  • spread the fungus;
  • not hygienic;
  • are expensive and often need to be changed;
  • unpleasant odors;
  • with each subsequent cleaning, the power of the device decreases several times.
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Aquafilter Cleaning Units

Vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter are gaining more and more popularity every day. This is due to the high level of hygiene. So, due to the fact that all absorbed garbage and dry dirt passes through a container with liquid and settles there, no harmful substances enter the air.

Important! Units with an aquafilter in their characteristics and properties have no drawbacks. However, the cost of such devices is above average. An overview of the device, the pros, cons and rating of models read right now in a separate article "The best vacuum cleaners with aquafilter".

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Dust Bag Buying Tips

When choosing bags for a vacuum cleaner, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the material of which the “package” is made;
  • the thickness of the main material of which the garbage collection container is made - the thicker it is, the less dust will get into the air;
  • capacity of a container for collecting small particles of dirt and litter;
  • Does this “package” fit your home appliance model?
  • price category;
  • manufacturer.

Important! To facilitate the task of constantly maintaining order in the house, use the practical tips from the articles:

  1. How to wipe dust from furniture so that it sits less?
  2. Which is better to use a dust rag?
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Stock footage

Vacuum cleaner bags are that part of the household appliance on which cleanliness in your house depends. Among the economical options for a bag - paper or fabric, we recommend purchasing a one-time bag. It is he who will give your home cleanliness, hygiene and will not provoke the reproduction of various microbes and fungi.

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