The microwave does not heat up - the reasons

A microwave has become an indispensable attribute in the kitchen in many families. And sometimes it’s quite difficult to do without an assistant who will easily warm up or cook your favorite dish. If the microwave oven has stopped working or the microwave does not heat up, the reasons are not always clear, but even then do not rush to carry it in for repair. With the help of our tips, you can determine the essence of the breakdown and the possibility of eliminating them.

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What are the most common problems?

With frequent use, of course, there are various problems in the operation of the microwave, for example:

  • the light is on, the fan is spinning, and the food does not heat up;
  • the light does not turn on, the plate does not turn, and the food does not warm up;
  • does not warm and buzz.
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Microwave stopped heating food - what to do?

With the help of our article you can solve problems with your microwave oven.

The main reasons why the microwave stopped heating food:

  • insufficient voltage in the network, it is necessary that there is 220W, and if even 10-15V is not enough, the device does not work correctly;
  • the miniature microwave oven door switch has broken;
  • the mains fuse has blown;
  • high voltage fuse in the casing;
  • transformer fuse;
  • diode breakdown;
  • capacitor malfunction;
  • the transformer does not supply voltage to the control panel;
  • breakdown of the passage capacitor;
  • the magnetron does not work.

For each reason, consider ways to address them.

Mains voltage check

Carefully read the instructions that came with your microwave model when you purchase. There you can find the answer to the question: “Why does the microwave not heat?” And you will understand what actions you need to take.

If there is no instruction, then first of all we check the voltage in the network using a multimeter. It needs to be 220V. After a while, the voltage may be 220V and your stove will heat up.

Miniature Microwave Oven Door Switch

Next, you need to disconnect the device from the network and check the miniature switch. Check with an ohmmeter:

  • if the scale on the device shows more than 0, then the part is working;
  • if 0, then the spare part should be replaced.

Mains fuse

If the previous steps did not give a result, and why the microwave does not heat up, the reasons are not clear:

  1. Remove the top cover by first unscrewing the screws.
  2. Checking the mains fuse.
  3. Visually inspect for a blown wire.
  4. To be sure that the part is working, check the resistance with a tester.
  5. Next, with an ohmmeter, check the high-voltage fuse in the casing. The arrow deviated from 0, which means that everything is fine. We take a tester to check the fuse on the transformer.

Multiplier check

The next step is to test the two parts of the diode and capacitor multiplier. If the capacitor is broken, then when you turn on the microwave, you will hear a loud hum and buzz. For a more accurate determination, an ohmmeter check is needed. The arrow deviated and went into infinity, which means that the part is working. If the capacitor is broken, the arrow does not deviate - contact break.

It may immediately show a deviation, but if it is small, it means that the condensate is broken. It must be replaced, preferably with a diode.

Capacitor Test

We proceed to check the filter passage capacitors on the electromagnetic lamp housing.First you need to discharge the electrical screwdriver with an insulated handle, take turns to close the findings on the housing. We install one rod of the ohmmeter on the output of the capacitance, and the second on the metal casing.

If the sensor does not show zero resistance, the part is working, and if zero needs to be replaced.

Then we test the capacitance contacts for breakdown. Between the contacts there should be a resistance of almost 0.1 Ohm

After - we check the primary winding of the transformer with a tester. You need to turn on the microwave for 5 minutes. and put a glass of water on the heating - during measurement, the voltage should be 220V.

Important! If you do not have sufficient knowledge and skills in electronics, it is better to take the microwave for repair to a service center.


The next step is to check the magnetron:

  1. First of all, we examine the strength of the soldering of contacts of the induction coils of the filter and the cohesion of the connection of the magnetron power terminals with the passage capacitors.
  2. A disconnected or oxidized terminal can be repaired by yourself.
  3. Then we check the resistance of the magnetron filament - the data should be 2-3 ohms.

Important! If all previously checked parts work fine, then the magnetron itself is broken. You cannot replace this part yourself. It is better to take the microwave oven for repair to a service center. Read more about the device and replacing this part in our separate article. “Magnetron in the microwave”.

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Causes of microwave oven breakdowns

In order for your microwave oven to be your assistant for a long time, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not lay metal objects on warming;
  • Do not heat prohibited foods, such as raw eggs;
  • Do not turn on the empty microwave.

Important! It will also not be superfluous to organize regular maintenance of the equipment, because dirt, dust, steam do not affect electronic parts in the best way. Our tips will help you quickly and easily. clean the microwave as needed.

Following these simple rules, the microwave will serve you for many years.

Important! If your stove started to work badly right after the purchase. So - it is made of substandard materials. Do not open such a device as it would violate the warranty seals. Take it immediately to the store, change it to another or you will be refunded.

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We hope you managed to find out the reasons why the microwave does not heat up on your own and eliminate them. So - you can continue to cook delicious dishes in 5 minutes and delight your loved ones with culinary diversity.

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