You can or cannot put the microwave on the refrigerator

In the context of the need to save space in modest apartments, every meter counts - both in length and in height. Even compulsory furnishings, household equipment can be difficult to place. We have to look for new solutions. In particular, you can put a microwave on the refrigerator. But such a move has both pros and cons, entails additional questions.

When can I put the microwave on the refrigerator and is it worth it

Conflicting instructions

If you pick up not one specific instruction, but several at once, compare them, then the whole depth of the problem will immediately become clear. A significant part of the technical passports and user manuals noted that you can put a microwave on the refrigerator. Another document will contain opposite information. And in some papers, these points are not spelled out at all.

Keep in mind the following:

You can put a microwave on the refrigerator

Options for placing the stove on top and next to other household equipment

  1. The ban on such installation of the device may look veiled. A person will look in the instructions for clarification on whether it is possible to put a microwave oven on a refrigerator (moreover, it is precisely “on” it in any way) and will not find restrictions. But if he reads the text more closely, he will see that the device is not intended to be placed near other equipment. What kind of technique this is, the document will not be indicated.
  2. Most of the instructions only indicate the necessary gaps between the device and surfaces (horizontal and vertical). If you focus on them, then putting a microwave oven on the refrigerator seems to be possible, but there is no direct indication of this either.
  3. They do not have any prohibition points, as a rule, old technical passports. They are less detailed than modern ones, they contain only basic data. But some documents on the equipment of this European standard clearly say - it is impossible. But this is only if the device itself is manufactured in a country where strict requirements exist. Documentation for the same device, released in Asia under a license (and even under the supervision, as they say on the boxes) of the brand owner, the ban does not always contain.
  4. Contrary to requirements, instructions can only be printed in the language of the country of origin or have an English translation. In both the first and second cases, it will be difficult for most users to get a complete picture of the text.
  5. Another option is that there is a Russian translation. But it is either executed with errors, or typed in a microscopic font. Errors, as on purpose, fall on points of interest to the buyer, and small letters are difficult to make out even with the help of an electronic magnifier.

All these contradictions are, of course, not without reason. In addition, the instructions for refrigeration equipment for the most part do not give unambiguous answers. You should also not rely on the advice of sales consultants. Their job is not to scare away the buyer, but to sell the product.

Usual rules

To understand whether it is possible to put a microwave on the refrigerator, you need to have at least basic ideas about the rules for its location. The main one is to highlight a clear horizontal surface for the device. This horizontal should be flat, strong and, preferably, not be influenced by large vibrations.

You also need to know:

Microwave Options

How to competently solve the problem in conditions of lack of space

  1. The air between the lower, side and upper walls of the microwave and other surfaces must pass freely.Its unlimited circulation is one of the most important requirements for the operation of the device. For a more complete understanding of the situation, you need to know that the normal operation of the refrigerator is possible only under the condition of unhindered access of air to its surfaces.
  2. One of the most correct microwave placement options is hanging it on special stands. Such fastenings are plastic, wooden, metal. They are easy to make on their own, but easier to purchase, because the expense will be small. If you hang the device at a convenient height, this solves most of the problems with its operation.
  3. The device should not hang down even a centimeter. The slightest deviation can be too expensive. The risk of getting burned is not the biggest trouble. The requirement applies to placement on shelves, brackets, windowsill, as well as on refrigeration equipment. If you have to choose between installing the device and the need to protrude it above the surface in order to ensure circulation, then it is better to completely abandon the microwave.
  4. The stove must have an “own” outlet with ground. Only such a format will really be able to reduce the risk of electric shock, fire, short circuit. The microwave can be left without problems plugged into the network, but only inoperative. Constantly, remove the plug from the outlet, and then insert it back and it is not necessary and not worth it. It will definitely not add durability to the device.

The stove should not be placed next to thin appliances, or next to any heating devices, including gas and electric stoves. This further narrows the possibilities of choosing a suitable place for it. But if you think carefully, take your time, then a worthy solution can almost always be found.

Compatibility with other planes

You can try to place the microwave on a washing machine, window sill, inside the kitchen wall. All these options have their pros and cons. But if it has already been decided that the microwave can be put on the refrigerator, then these methods will work well. It is possible that some of them will suit the hostess much more.

It makes sense to think about such options:

Where to put a microwave in the kitchen

How to place a microwave in a cupboard

  1. Washer. This option is comparable to "refrigeration." But, of course, provided that the machine is in the kitchen, and not in the bathroom. There are three downsides. Firstly, it is a fairly strong vibration of the machine, which is characteristic even of modern models. Secondly, both devices require a lot of electricity, which can lead to network congestion. Thirdly, it is not recommended to place the stove near water sources, and such an arrangement provokes its contact with the microwave.
  2. The risk of this, however, is not so high, because the furnace is located on top. You can reduce the vibration level with a rubber gasket. By the way, it is also able to reduce the risk of short circuits, slipping. The legs of the stove will not be an obstacle in this case, and the circulation will not suffer much. The only thing is that the gasket will need to be removed, cleaned, and dried from time to time. The use of cardboard, paper, wool, polyethylene instead of rubber is in no way permissible.
  3. Windowsill. This is an outlet for small kitchens. In the idle state, the microwave can be covered with curtains. But you can’t discount street dampness and frosty air. If the window is plastic, then even a high-quality package will fog up, “cry”. Another minus is the likely difficulty with closing-opening the window.
  4. Kitchen wall. Visible plus - the stove is reliable. Cons are the problem of circulation, difficulties with the supply of electricity. The appearance of the wall may also be affected. All this, however, is solvable. Circulation can be improved by drilling holes on the back of the kitchen furniture. Wiring is also easy to stealth, that is, along the wall. Of course, you have to drill the backdrop again. As for appearance, the microwave door is now easily “draped” with the help of special stickers.

It would seem that there are no restrictions in placing the stove not on some object necessary in the kitchen, but next to it. But you will need an extra table or bedside table. The floor space will still be taken.

Real arguments

Use in place of a gas stove or electric oven in some cases, you can microwave. Putting it on the refrigerator may not be the best option. There are certain risks to this. But in practice, both devices can be useful for years, located in close proximity.

Here are the real arguments for and against the unnatural, seemingly neighborhood technology:

Simple microwave layouts

With what household appliances can I put a microwave

  1. Microwave heats, and refrigeration equipment freezes. The processes do not interfere with each other if both devices operate in the normative mode and if the microwave is used only for heating ready meals. If the devices are serviceable, isolation from their effects on each other is quite sufficient. But if the level of operation of the refrigerator and stove leaves much to be desired, and the microwave ovens are also turned on continuously, this can become a real problem. The freezer may be particularly affected (if it is installed in the upper part of the appliance).
  2. On the Internet you can find information that the mutual overlapping of the radiation of these two devices poses a threat to human health. This is not so or not quite so. The refrigerator, not counting the cases of evaporation of freon, is harmless. The microwave oven is really harmful, so you can’t stand next to it during its work, and it’s better to let it stand for a while before eating it. But from the proximity to the refrigeration equipment, the harm from the stove is not added. If in doubt, they should be whether or not to use a microwave at all.
  3. Most refrigerators are quite large in height. Putting microwave on them means giving users unnecessary inconvenience. Neither calmly putting the plate in the oven, nor removing it without possessing basketball growth, will not work. And if the device is above 2 meters, then you simply should not save space by installing a stove on it. Small-format models are quite suitable. They can be selected among the goods of such brands as Nord, Atlant, and some others.
  4. In addition to the issue of convenience, inconvenience, there is also the problem of compliance with regulatory requirements. According to them, the microwave must be at a height of from 0.9 to 1.5 meters from the floor. From here, by the way, it is also clear how high the refrigerator should be.

It should be noted that the most convenient installation height of the stove for the hostess is calculated based on 10 centimeters down from the shoulder. But it is nevertheless both relative and individual.

With regard to electrical safety, it is important to ensure that the equipment cords do not intertwine and do not touch its rear walls. Such intersections, as well as violations of other requirements common to devices, can lead to an increase in the load on the equipment, a decrease in the quality of its work, and a reduction in the service life. With careful handling, both the stove and refrigerator, installed together, can last for decades.


I don’t need either a microwave or a freezer. Winter foods are on the balcony, and I warm everything in a bowl or in a pan. There are no difficulties.

Andrey Nikiforov

I have been using the microwave in the refrigerator for several years. No complaints. But the refrigerator is small, old. Conveniently.

Svetlana Deeva

I think that it is not necessary to combine the incompatible. The game is not worth the candle. It is easier to use each device separately.

Gene Workers


