Slow cooker or pressure cooker-multicooker - which is better?

Along with the familiar multicookers, there are multifunctional combination appliances on the market called multicooker pressure cookers. Often, buyers have a question: a slow cooker or a pressure cooker-a slow cooker - which is better? A more or less objective answer to this question can be given by comparing their characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail in this article.

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How do appliances work?

The effects on products placed on these two devices are different:

  • For an ordinary multicooker, this is the temperature.
  • Cooking in a pressure cooker occurs under the combined influence of temperature and high pressure.

Both devices have special valves. Moreover, valve devices are fundamentally different:

  1. The valve on the multicooker is designed to release excess steam. This valve is always open, so there is no increase in pressure inside the device.
  2. The pressure cooker is equipped with two valves. Their task is to ensure tightness and safety. During cooking, the operating valve is closed. Due to this, the device maintains a high vapor pressure. If overpressure is created, the valve opens slightly and steam partially escapes through the opening formed. The second, safety, valve is designed to fix the cover and discharge steam if there is a problem with the service valve.

Important! Want to buy a really high-quality, reliable device that you will be happy to use every day? You do not have to spend your time searching for information about different models on thematic forums and online stores, because we have already completed this work for you. Follow the link to view an overview of the pros, cons, featuresmost popular multicookers.

What is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker, which is better?

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Cooking speed

An electric pressure cooker, which is what it is called, copes with cooking more quickly. But this does not take into account the time of pressure injection. In addition, time is also spent on relieving pressure. Only then can we evaluate the result.

Undoubtedly, she has an advantage when she needs to cook a “long-playing” dish: lobio, jellied meat. For example, it takes about 3 hours to cook jelly in it, while on a regular stove it will take almost half a day.

Important! If we are talking only about warming up a dish or cooking in a hurry, then it is unlikely to get time.

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By the number of work programs, an ordinary multicooker clearly wins before a combined device. An exception to this rule are pressure cookers equipped with the Multi-Cook mode. This mode makes it possible to set the desired cooking parameters bypassing the automation.

However, there are modes that combine both devices. For example, the baking function is in both devices. In this case, intensive vaporization does not occur, and it is not necessary. If the pressure cooker does not have a special function, then you can quite successfully use the “soup” mode.

Important! Some models of electric pressure cookers also have a frying mode.In order for steam to escape freely, it is necessary to fry the products with the lid open or with the service valve raised.

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Ease of use

If you have not used any of these devices before, then it is probably easier to get started with a regular multicooker. A pressure cooker is somewhat more difficult to operate. Sometimes experts recommend purchasing both devices at once, using an electric pressure cooker if necessary.

Important! As for the cooking itself, the multicooker lid can be opened at any time to control the cooking process. Doing the same with a pressure cooker is not worth it. By opening the lid, you release the vapor pressure, and the whole effect of instant cooking is reduced to nothing.

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Food quality

The design features of both devices are such that the beneficial properties of the products are preserved. In addition, the appearance and natural flavor of the ingredients are preserved. However, the pressure cooker has a definite advantage: food cooked faster is considered more wholesome.

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Compared to a pressure cooker, a slow cooker is cheaper. As for energy consumption, this is an individual indicator, and depends on the power of a particular model.

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Find N Differences

So, what are the individual characteristics of both devices, a slow cooker or a pressure cooker-a slow cooker - which is better?

  1. Cooking in a slow cooker is slow, as in a Russian stove. This cooking technology can be called "languishing." Cooking in an electric pressure cooker is much faster, but steam is injected within 15 minutes from turning on the device. Therefore, using a pressure cooker for fast food is impractical.
  2. In terms of functionality, the multicooker wins. It is suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes - from borsch and soups to baking. The capabilities of most pressure cooker models are much poorer in this regard.
  3. Using a slow cooker, you have the ability to control cooking. This cannot be done with a pressure cooker. But in the preparation of products such as beef, peas or beans, an electric pressure cooker is unrivaled. What cooks in a pressure cooker in twenty minutes, languishes in a slow cooker for hours.
  4. In terms of safety, the multicooker has advantages. A pressure cooker, if handled improperly, can cause serious injury.
  5. Cost factor. A good electric pressure cooker is much more expensive than an ordinary multicooker, and it is much more difficult to purchase it.
  6. As for the choice of design, multicookers are represented by a huge number of models. Choosing a device that fits into the kitchen interior is much easier.

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What is better to buy - a slow cooker or a slow cooker?

It all depends on how much time you spend in the kitchen:

  • Using a slow cooker, it is easier to realize culinary talents, prepare delicious and varied dishes.
  • A pressure cooker is your choice if fast cooking is paramount. In addition, the broth in an electric pressure cooker turns out to be especially tasty and rich.

Important! The slow cooker is compact, you can not only bake it, but also cook steam dishes.

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Which device to choose is your own decision. Focus on how easy it is for you to use the equipment that you prefer in food, then the question of a more suitable model will cease to be so acute.

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