Oven cleaning - which is better?

Everyone knows that dishes baked in the oven are both healthier and tastier. It’s great to have grilled chicken with baked vegetables for dinner. True, washing the oven after such a dish is not an easy task, because fat settles on the walls and bottom of the oven, which is not so easy to wash even with good detergents. If you do this manually, then you will spend a lot of time, and it is not a fact that you completely wash away all the dirt. But fortunately, modern manufacturers of ovens have provided such a turn and found ways to help housewives in their difficult struggle with burnt grease. Modern ovens have three possible cleaning options, so when buying a new oven, you must always consider this point. We will consider all the options, what cleaning the cabinet can be - which one you can decide for yourself, thanks to our review.
to contents ↑Hydrolysis Oven Cleaning
This cleaning method is also called steam cleaning. What is steam oven cleaning and how does it happen?
- Before you start cleaning, you need to get the skewers and grills from the oven. They will have to be cleaned by hand.
- Pour 500-600 ml of water into a baking sheet and add a little detergent.
- Put the baking sheet in the oven, turn it on and set the temperature from 50 to 100 degrees. Water will begin to evaporate, steam will form, which will soften all pollution. Cleaning is carried out within 20-30 minutes.
- Then all softened dirt will be easy to clean with a sponge or rag.
Important! This method is effective if fat and food debris are not completely dried.
The hydrolysis method is not considered self-cleaning, since most of the work you have to do yourself. But in terms of savings, this is the most profitable way.
to contents ↑Important! Do you know how the oven works? And why do you need convection in the oven? You will find the answers to these questions in a separate article.“Convection in the oven - what is it?”.
Pyrolytic oven cleaning
Of all types of oven cleaning, pyrolytic is considered the most effective. But at the same time it requires large energy costs and is produced only in electric ovens. This is exactly the case when you can talk about self-cleaning, since the oven heats up to a temperature of 500 degrees during pyrolysis. As a result, all food and fat residues burn to ash.
Important! The oven door is blocked during cleaning, but still you need to make sure that at this time small children and pets are not in the kitchen, in order to avoid an accident.
Such ovens are becoming increasingly popular, despite their high price. To save energy, manufacturers of some companies have created models with a level cleaning system, since some contaminants can turn into ashes already at a temperature of 200-250 degrees.
If you decide to purchase an oven with a pyrolytic system, then consider the following points:
- To connect such an oven, you need a power cable that can withstand power up to 6 kW.
- After cleaning, a burning smell may appear, which in itself is quite unpleasant.
- Ask the seller how much the side walls of the oven are heated, so as not to accidentally damage your kitchen furniture.
Catalytic cleaning of the oven
The catalytic cleaning of the oven is a cross between the first two methods.
Important! It is produced directly during cooking and does not affect its taste.
This is due to the fact that special enamel is applied to the walls of the oven. It is rough and porous to the touch, which not everyone likes, but a special substance is applied to it - cerium, copper or manganese oxide, it accelerates the decomposition of fat and food residues adhered to the walls.
Here are the features of such a process:
- Such cleaning does not require very high temperatures - 140-200 degrees are enough, at which, in fact, we are preparing.
- All that needs to be done is to wipe the walls of the oven after your dish is cooked.
Important! Of course, such a system has its drawbacks:
- Over time, the enamel loses its properties and the panels need to be changed.
- Only the walls of the oven are cleaned, everything else you have to clean yourself.
But progress does not stand still, manufacturers of ovens have already developed models in which not only the walls are covered with special enamel, but also the bottom. And for some companies, the service life of such panels reaches 10 years.
Important! Planning a new oven? Our review will help you choose the best model. “How to choose an electric built-in oven?”.
What are the main advantages of this oven cleaning, maybe it is better?
- First of all, it is economical, since there is no need to separately turn on any mode - the internal surfaces are cleaned during cooking.
- Thus, both electric and gas stoves are cleaned.
- You can choose a product at a not very high price.
- During catalysis, the oven does not heat up to very high temperatures and will not affect nearby furniture or appliances.
Important! Such ovens must not be brushed with hard brushes so as not to damage the coating.
to contents ↑Important! Even the most effective methods may not always help clean the oven. Sometimes a solution to a problem can only be buying new equipment. Our site has useful articles to help you find the best device:
We examined all three oven cleaning systems, which one is your choice. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The most frequently asked question: which oven cleaning is better - steam or catalytic? Here, even experts will not be able to answer you exactly, it all depends on your individual capabilities and needs.
Here are just a few things to use as recommendations:
- If you often use the oven and you are not afraid of high energy costs, then you should take a closer look at the ovens with pyrolysis.
- If you rarely use an oven, then you should choose a catalytic system.
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Now you can choose for yourself exactly the kind of equipment that will be a pleasure to use - it will also help you prepare delicious food, and will not require excessive efforts on your part to care for work surfaces!