Error e6 in the Samsung washing machine

On the case of most modern washing machines there is an information panel on which the amount of time remaining until the completion of washing is displayed, as well as fault codes. Quite a lot of users are faced with a situation where a technical device independently informs about the problems existing in its operation. In this article, we will tell you what the E6 error in the Samsung washing machine indicates and how to fix it.
to contents ↑Samsung E6 Error
The built-in self-diagnosis system of a modern washing machine informs of found faults using special notation. They are displayed on the information board and blink at intervals of once every 0.5 seconds.
If one of the days after switching on your unit issued an error code E6, then this may indicate insufficient or excessive heating of the water.
Important! Typically, this designation is displayed on the monitor 5 minutes after filling the tank with water and is accompanied by an appropriate sound signal.
Error e6 in the Samsung washing machine may indicate the following problems:
- After turning on the heating element, there is an increased dynamics of water heating, as a result - the temperature of the liquid rises by more than 40 C in 2 minutes.
- Water temperature exceeded 90 C.
- Water is not heated, as its temperature index has changed by less than 2 C in 10 minutes of operation of the heating element.
to contents ↑Important! Unfortunately, in most cases, the appearance of this code on the signal monitor of your device indicates a malfunction of the technical device.
Most likely malfunctions
If the Samsung washing machine diagnoses an E6 error, then in most cases this may indicate the following malfunctions of the household appliance:
- A short circuit or burnout of the heating element led to a malfunction of the heating elements. This situation is the most common and is eliminated by replacing heating equipment. If you plan to independently cope with this task without spending money on specialized craftsmen, our instructions will help you, how to check the heater at home.
- A malfunction of the temperature sensor, which is responsible for measuring the temperature typed in the water washing machine. In most models of equipment of the Samsung brand, temperature sensors are built into the design of the heating element, and therefore it may be necessary replacement of all TEN.
- Breakdown of the control board, which is usually presented in the form of an intelligent module responsible for controlling the work processes of the washing machine. Often there is a burnout on the relay board, which is responsible for turning on the heater. During the repair process, it may be necessary to replace the relay or additional soldering of the contact tracks.
Important! If the malfunction is due to burnout of the processor on the control board, then the entire module will have to be replaced. It is better to entrust this work to a professional. What can be the difficulties and what it is fraught with improper handling, how likely it is to cope with the repair yourself, read the article "Management Module".
- If an error on the monitor periodically appears and disappears, then it can be assumed that the wiring is damaged in the connection area of the heating element to the control module.
Useful Tips
In some cases, the appearance of the E6 error on the Samsung washing machine can be eliminated independently. To do this, you need to do the following:
- Check if the washing machine is connected to the mains correctly. Make sure that the plug and cord of the washing machine are not damaged.
Important! For the correct operation of the household appliance, its connection must be carried out directly to the outlet, and not through an extension cord.
- If the error did not appear earlier, try to disconnect the washer from the mains and reconnect it after 10-15 minutes. Perhaps there was a malfunction in the software of the device and its reboot will help to solve the problem.
- Check the connection of the cable connecting the heater to the control module of the washing machine. Perhaps the contacts have come off when it is connected or they need to be soldered. A similar situation occurs often after parsing a household appliance.
If these recommendations did not help you get rid of the problem, then you need to seek help from a service center or call a wizard at home.
Other popular error codes
Also, during the self-diagnosis, the washing machine can display the following types of system errors on the display:
- E1 - water intake error. This code is displayed under the condition of problems with filling the tank of the washing machine, namely, if in 20 minutes the equipment could not provide the proper water level in the washing machine.
- E2 - problems with draining water. This signal informs the user that for the allotted period of time, the device was unable to discharge the accumulated fluid. More often than not, just use our instructions to clean the filter of the washing machine.
- E4 - overflow of the washing machine tank, occurs in the event of liquid entering the device after reaching the required level and is accompanied by the inclusion of automatic draining.
- E7 - malfunction of the sensor responsible for determining the water level in the washing tank.
- E8 - the temperature indicator of water does not correspond to the norm. It is usually characterized by excessive heating of water for a certain period of time.
- E9 - problems associated with depressurization of the washing machine, most often accompanied by filling the pan with flowing water.
to contents ↑Important! Remember that the key to the long-term operation of such equipment is timely prevention and proper operation. Do not ignore these measures, and if you still do not know what, how and when to do it, read the articles:
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In this article, we told you about the main reasons for the appearance of the E6 error code on the information display of your Samsung washing machine, as well as possible ways to resolve it. We hope that from now on, a household appliance will delight you with quality and trouble-free operation.