DIY electric stove connection

Everyone knows that the installation of a gas stove must be entrusted to a professional master. But with an electric stove, the question is a little different. Many people think that it is enough to simply plug it into a normal outlet and that's it. But in fact, this is not entirely true. An electric stove is a powerful electric device, so when installing it, you just need to follow a number of rules. In this article we will talk about how to connect an electric stove with your own hands.
to contents ↑General installation rules
Despite the huge range of brands and models of electric stoves (Combustion, Hansa, Ariston), there are general requirements for their installation.
Important! A slight difference is only in the installation of devices at 380 and 220 V.
Important! Glass ceramic surfaces require special care. To ensure that the equipment does not lose its appearance for many years, use only the suitable ones proposed in our reviewcleaning products.
So, during installation, you need to know the following:
- For this device, a separate wiring line must be laid, which is equipped with a safety circuit breaker.
- The device is connected to the power supply either directly or through a special outlet or terminal block.
- Installation should be made taking into account such parameters as “ground”, “zero” and “phase”.
Important! You will gain a lot of useful information about electric stoves if you read the information from the article"How to turn on the electric stove?".
Now let's look at each of these points in more detail.
to contents ↑Separate wiring line
Most modern apartments, especially in new buildings, are equipped with a separate power line for the electric stove. But if such a line is not provided for in your house, then before installing the electric stove you need to lay it:
- To supply this type of electrical equipment, a three-core copper wire with a cross section of at least 6 mm is suitable.
Important! For connection it is better to use a multicore cable
- For the line, it is necessary to install a safety circuit breaker, with a capacity of about 25-40 A.
Important! More precisely, the necessary power of the machine can be found in the instructions that are attached to household electrical equipment.
- The line must be equipped with a differential machine or emergency shutdown unit.
to contents ↑Important! During cooking, odors, steam, fat, etc. are intensely released into the room, deposited on furniture, walls and absorbed into them. This problem can be solved using household appliances. In our article you will learnhow to choose a hood for the kitchen.
Connecting the cable to the plate
Some models do not have a power cable, so you have to connect it yourself. To do this, remove the protective cover at the end of the equipment (often it is fastened with bolts).
The wiring of this household equipment may be:
- Single phase (220 V).
- Two-phase (380 V).
- Three-phase (380 V).
Important! In this case, it is worth knowing which of the wires is suitable for the phase. To do this, you must first use an electric tester.
The clamps of the terminal box of the electric stove are marked as follows:
- L1, L2, L3 are phase clamps. As a rule, these are conclusions 1, 2 and 3.
- N are zero terminals. As a rule, conclusions 4 and 5.
- The ground terminal, which is marked with a special icon.
Most modern electric cookers have jumpers between the clamps. If there are no such jumpers, then with two-phase and single-phase installation, you will have to make them yourself. To do this, you can use small pieces of cable.
Important! For these purposes, a three-core cable (for single-phase) or five-core (for two-or three-phase) is used.
Single phase:
- Jumpers are installed between 1, 2 or 3 terminals.
- To 3 - the phase wire is connected.
- Between pins 4 and 5 are jumpers.
- To 5 - zero.
- The remaining one is for grounding.
- Jumpers are installed between 1 and 2 terminals.
- And to the 2 and 3 conclusions - the wires of the corresponding phases.
- K 4 and 5 are zero.
- To the conclusion of grounding - the line of "earth".
Three phase
In this case, jumpers between the clamps are not set. And the ground cord is removed separately.
Important! All cable connections must be made using special clamps.
Connecting the stove to the mains
The best way is to directly mount the equipment to the circuit breaker. This will make it possible not to make unnecessary connections that can overheat, which reduces the level of security.
Important! If you want to be able to disconnect the device from the general power supply, then you can install it using the terminal strip or a special outlet.
Important! Modern technology is equipped with various, not always clear, symbols. We will help you figure outwhat do the oven icons mean.
Through the terminal block
The clamping plate is fixed on the wall, after which on one side conduct cables of the power supply line to it, while on the other hand the power cable of the electrical apparatus.
Important! When connecting to the terminal strip, make sure that wires of the corresponding color are laid to the same terminals as on the equipment itself.
Through a power outlet
When connecting a do-it-yourself electric stove, you need to install a separate special power outlet with grounding.
Important! The plug and socket must be rated for a minimum power of 30 watts.
When switching the cord to the outlet, make sure that the cables that are connected on the machine to the phase and the plate, zero and ground, are connected to the corresponding terminals.
The last step when installing the electric stove is to install the lid of the device to its rear panel and turn it on.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, in connecting the electric stove with your own hands there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to carefully monitor the connection of all wires to the corresponding terminals. However, if you still doubt your abilities, it is worth thinking about entrusting this work to a professional.