Gas hob connection

In any kitchen there should be equipment for cooking food, otherwise - it can hardly be called a living room, all the more - a cozy house. After you purchased a gas hob, the matter remained quite small: you need to connect it to a gas supply source to bring it into working condition. This article will help those who decide to connect the gas hob themselves.
to contents ↑Tool preparation
In order to connect a gas fuel cooktop with your own hands, you will need:
- Hob.
- Measuring device.
- Marker.
- Sealing composition.
- A set of adjustable wrenches.
- Gas winding.
- Saw.
- Steel hose specially certified.
Important! If you do not have experience in such work, it is better to consult a specialist or, at least, perform work under the guidance of a professional.
The most important point is the right choice of hose. Listen to these recommendations. This will not be superfluous:
- Carefully inspect the hose before purchasing. He should not have the slightest damage.
- Take an interest in having a quality certificate. Buy exclusively certified products.
- The hose can be used rubber or corrugated metal.
Connecting the hob to the gas: procedure
The first and main point is the correct determination of the size of the holes in the countertop. As a rule, a template comes with the hob.
Important! It is necessary to check the correctness several times before cutting the countertop. No one is safe from accidentally committed inaccuracies.
It is equally important to correctly determine the location of the hob. Such requirements are made to him:
- Availability of access to fresh air.
- A safe distance from other items in the kitchen from the water supply.
To properly cut a hole under the stove, place the template on the countertop and draw its outline. Next, carefully cut the hole with a saw. The next step is the processing of the sealant seat. It will protect the material from moisture.
Important!To make you comfortable and safe in the kitchen, use our recommendations on what should be distance from the gas stove to the hood.
Before connecting the gas hob, carefully inspect the appliance itself. It is important that it is not damaged. Otherwise, a dangerous situation may arise. The installation procedure is as follows:
- Close the gas tap.
- Insert the appliance into the pre-prepared socket.
- Connect the hose to the gas inlet cock. To prevent leakage, use a special winding.
- Connect the opposite end of the hose to the outlet of the device, which is specifically designed for connection. Please note that the hob has 2 connection points. One of them is for bottled gas. All details are set out in the instructions, which must first be studied.
- Apply soap solution to the surface of the winding.
- After the connection is completed, open the gas valve. If no bubbles appear at the place of application of the soap solution, then everything is done correctly.
- Turn on the burners alternately for about a minute to let the air out. Only then can the burner be switched on.
Important! To avoid distortions, check the correct installation of the device using the level.
Security measures
A gas appliance is potentially dangerous, so following simple rules will save you from irreparable consequences:
- It is advisable that the length of the gas hose does not exceed 3 m. Do not connect the hoses to each other.
- For a combination cooker (for example, with a combination of gas and electric burners), a separate electrical conductor must be laid with automatic shutdown if necessary.
- If you want to move the device to another room, be sure to coordinate this with the appropriate authority.
- Never test a hose connected to the gas line for leaks with open flame. The consequences can be fatal.
- Do not forget that the key to the long service life of any gas stove is a careful attitude to the working surface and the right care products. If you have a model with a modern coating, read the link which is better to use glass ceramic cleaning products.
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As you can see, connecting the hob to the gas is not particularly difficult, but accuracy and safety are necessary.
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