Steamglide iron sole - what is it?

One of the most important criteria for choosing an iron is its sole. The modern assortment of ironing household appliances meets consumers with hitherto unfamiliar names. Eloxal, Saphir, soleplate of steamglide or ionicglide iron - what is it? In this article you will find useful information about the types of ironing surfaces of the iron and you can easily choose a new device that suits your requirements.

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A bit of history

A century ago, the housewives successfully coped with ironing with a heavy cast iron iron, which was heated on coals. This device was constantly improved in the course of technological progress, its sole began to be made first from aluminum, and a little later from stainless steel. Today, many types of products from a wide variety of materials no longer surprise anyone. The consumer can choose both familiar aluminum and innovative titanium. What is better and how does the sole of a steamglide iron differ from its earlier counterparts? Should you trust the new products or opt for material tested over the years?

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What is affected by the sole of the iron?

  • The type of surface of the ironing device largely determines how well the device will smooth the fabric.
  • The material of the ironing surface of the unit affects the ease of sliding, the likelihood of the iron sticking to the fabric and leaving glossy traces on it.
  • The service life of household appliances depends on the type of ironing surface, because a damaged coating makes the device unusable.

Important! In addition to the sole material, there are many more criteria for choosing high-quality equipment. Useful tips for each of the important points in the article. "How to choose an iron?".

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What is the ironing surface?

With what coating should I choose a device so that it is practical and lasts longer?


It should be immediately understood that the sole is not made entirely of ceramic, but only covered with ceramic enamel. It can be made of steel or aluminum.

Ceramics has a number of advantages, so small household appliances for ironing with a ceramic coating took a strong place in the ranking of popular appliances for the home:

  • The iron heats up quickly and stays warm for a long time.
  • Glides perfectly on fabrics of any type, whether lightweight or dense.
  • The material is easy to clean.

Important! A significant disadvantage of such a sole is the fragility of the material. Such devices must be handled carefully, protected from bumps and drops, otherwise the ceramics may crack or crack.


This material is often used in the manufacture of kitchen utensils and household appliances. Therefore, a large number of women, without hesitation, buy irons with such a coating, as they have heard and to some extent are familiar with it.

What are they characterized by? - The most important properties are as follows:

  • The material does not stick to clothes, leaves no damage to the fabric during ironing.
  • Compared to other analogues, Teflon does not slide along matter as easily as we would like, although it is definitely better than cast iron and aluminum.
  • From decorative elements on clothing, scratches may appear on the ironing surface.
  • The Teflon coating is erased after some time of regular use of the unit.

Stainless steel

For the longest time, irons with stainless steel soles are in greatest demand. There are several reasons for this:

  • The cost of the material is inexpensive, so the devices have an affordable price.
  • Stainless steel is resistant to mechanical damage, resistant to rust.
  • Easily glides on any matter, thanks to various special spraying.

Important! Each sole of the iron must be used when used. But it is equally important to know the rules of thermal regulation, about which detailed information can be found in the instructions "Setting the ironing mode".


This material is no less popular than stainless steel. It began to be used a long time ago for these purposes, replacing cast iron:

  • Aluminum is light and smooth, which allows the iron to quickly glide over the surface of the fabric.
  • Since the metal is very soft, scratches and bruises on the surface occur quite quickly.

Important! To eliminate this effect, manufacturers stopped using pure aluminum, replacing it with innovative alloys that preserve the advantages of the metal and neutralize its disadvantages. A similar innovation was the sole of steamglide, Saphir and Eloxal. We will dwell on the first type of surface in more detail.

Sole steamglide what is it?

Such an ironing surface in the iron was first proposed by the well-known Dutch manufacturer “Phillips”. Its main advantage is high wear resistance, scratch resistance and ease of sliding on the fabric.

What is the secret of these steamglide soleplate characteristics?

  • An important role is played by the sole coating, the main material of which is cermet or glass ceramics (depending on the model of the device).
  • The sole profile has unique properties. Its entire surface has densely planted holes of various diameters, which provides incredibly easy sliding on the surface of the fabric by creating a kind of "steam cushion".
  • The iron does not touch the fabric, passing, in fact, a few fractions of a millimeter from it. Thanks to the intensive steam supply, the fabric, even in the most stubborn areas, is quickly smoothed and steamed.

Important! An advanced version of the steamglide sole is the sole of the steamglide plus.

What are its advantages over a seemingly perfect ironing surface?

Steamglide plus - what is it?

This surface has all the properties of a steamglide sole. Plus, such devices combine a fabric tension zone during ironing and sliding. An improved version of the soleplate, thanks to the even distribution of steam, allows ironing many times faster.

Important! So that the care of any things is correct and you do not spoil your clothes ahead of their natural wear, follow the link where it is painted in detail and in an accessible waydecoding of badges on clothes.

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Knowing the main types of surfaces of the ironing device, you can choose the model that will be useful for you:

  • If ironing is carried out only for urgent needs and very rarely, then you should not spend money on the latest models and overpay for innovations. In this case, a regular steam iron with a stainless sole will be an excellent option.
  • If you carry out ironing on a daily basis, then the technique for this should not only be of high quality, but also as convenient, functional and as fast as possible. Then we recommend that you pay attention to the model of the manufacturer "Phillips" with the sole of steamglide or steamglide plus. Such a purchase will not disappoint you.


