Bosch dishwasher does not turn on

What are dishwashers designed for? Naturally, in order to make life easier for you, because you don’t always have the strength and desire to wash the dishes, you put them on and on, and they wash themselves. But what if the Bosch dishwasher does not turn on? What are the reasons and how to eliminate them, we will describe in this article.
to contents ↑What could be the reasons for failure?
If the equipment has been able to serve you for more than 5 years, and its warranty has long expired, this means that the banal wear of spare parts may be the most likely cause of the malfunction.
If you just made a purchase recently, and the dishwasher is already out of order, the reasons for the breakdown may be the following:
- Unfair assembly and bad parts. Such a breakdown is found in cheap Chinese units from little-known manufacturers. Generally, if the Bosch dishwasher does not turn on, this is not possible.
- You do not wash away excess food before loading, which clog the filter very quickly. Very dirty dishes most of the dishwashers do not completely rinse, as a result of this you have to rinse the dishes manually.
- Defective sockets. A commonplace situation, but it still sometimes arises, and users have not noticed it and are looking for more complex reasons why the Bosch dishwasher does not turn on.
- The equipment for home use was connected incorrectly, for example, the length of the drain hose exceeds permissible limits or the cold water hose is not properly fixed. Check the rules set forth in our article, evaluate the really observed standards for connecting your equipment and the correctness of the device dishwasher siphon.
- An unsuitable detergent that is poorly washed or does not wash dishes at all. Change the situation will help you change the detergent to a better one. To do this, use our dishwasher rated.
- It is likely that you simply did not close the door tightly. The mechanism is designed in such a way that the equipment cannot turn on until the latches work. It should also be noted that some models have doors that do not lock in the lower position. When the door does not hold, this does not mean at all that the dishwasher has broken, this is just a manufacturer’s defect. But again, the Bosch technique rarely sins with such defects.
- Another fairly popular cause of the malfunction is improper loading of dishes, as a result of which the appliance is badly washing the lower section or the upper shelf. Even the instruction itself makes a reservation about the correct loading - the top must be filled with plates, as well as mugs, the bottom with overall kitchen utensils, for example, pots. Glasses, as well as cups, must be stacked upside down. To study all the rules once and remember them or have them at hand for the first time, follow the link and read the article "How to arrange the dishes in the dishwasher?".
If none of the above reasons is the exact culprit of the failure, this means that the whole thing is in spare parts.
to contents ↑We eliminate the main types of problems.
We look further at why your Bosch dishwasher does not turn on or turn on, but does not work as it should. After all, a situation is possible that the equipment still began to function, but the problems that were the reason for her refusal to work did not go away.
The dishwashing procedure does not want to start
Imagine this situation: you turned on some mode, all indicators lighted up, from the camera you heard the sound of filling with water, it warmed up, but the washing process itself does not start. In this case, a probable cause of the breakdown of the dishwasher may be a clogged filter, which is located at the bottom of the immersion chamber.
It must be removed, rinsed thoroughly, and then installed back. To do everything correctly and not provoke more serious breakdowns, use ready-made instructions that will help you quickly clean the dishwasher.
Water overflows
Most likely, the water level sensor has broken. It is located at the bottom of the equipment, therefore, in order to gain access, you will have to turn the dishwasher over, then replace the water level sensor with a new one.
Important! If the unit is turned off, and the process of collecting water into the chamber still occurs, then the whole point is not in the sensor. It's all about the electromagnetic valve, which is designed to shut off the fluid supply. Replacing the valve is a fairly simple task that does not bode well.
Overheating or underheating of water
It also happens that the dishwasher does not heat or, on the contrary, overheats the water. In the case of overheating, the temperature sensor breaks, which entails excessive heating of the water, the production of a large amount of steam, and then the equipment stops working.
If we talk about underheating, then there may be several causes of the malfunction:
- for some reason, the temperature sensor stopped working;
- the water pressure is not strong enough, in particular, the pump or nozzles could break;
- the heater is faulty, in this case you must check the resistance with a multimeter.
Important! When planning to repair equipment with your own hands, be sure to check out the step-by-step master class on repair of heating elements in a Bosch dishwasher.
The draining process does not occur
If at the end of washing the water does not want to drain into the sewer, it is likely that the pump has broken or the drainage system has clogged, as a result of which your dishwasher does not want to drain the water.
In the first situation, you should check the drain pump for debris, as well as winding resistance. Most likely, the water does not drain from the dishwasher because the pump simply clogged, although the launch sometimes may not occur even because of the pressure of the water.
If the pump is in order, check absolutely the entire drainage system, not forgetting about the siphon. It is possible that the hose that needs to be cleaned or the filter that is inside the camera are clogged.
Important! Another fairly common case when the dishwasher does not drain the water completely. Here, most likely, you placed the drain hose too high, and after draining - at the moment when the pump turns off, a certain part of the water returns to the chamber.
Touching the case, it is shocking
If your dishwasher is beating current, then with a 99% chance it can be argued that a heating element, that is, a heater, has been broken. All you have to do is open access to the heater and then visually inspect it for cracks, as well as other kinds of defects.
If your heating element is really damaged, replace it with a new one.
Machine does not pick up detergent
If you notice that your dishwasher does not pick up a tablet or powder, it is possible:
- nozzle contamination;
- insufficiently strong water, because of which it does not have access to the dispenser;
- breakdown of the mechanism that opens the valve, from which the detergent is washed.
Important! If the valve does not want to open the water intake or closes poorly, the tablet may not completely dissolve, as a result of which the machine rinses the dishes badly.
Extraneous noise is heard
Extraneous noise indicates to us that there has been a breakdown or damage to the bearings of the pump or electric motor, it is also a supercharger. The bearings break due to the fact that water enters them, which seeps through damaged seals. Bottom line - the dishwasher makes a noise during operation.
You will have to not only change the bearing, but also replace the stuffing box, otherwise - after a certain time this problem reappears.
Important! A cause of extraneous noise may well be connected with the pump if debris gets into the area of the sprayer or the impeller. Everything is quite simple here, eliminate garbage and check the impeller for defects. Perhaps the blades are damaged, and therefore noise is made.
Dishes do not want to dry
Some modern models of dishwashers are equipped with the function of drying already washed dishes. This process occurs during the operation of the fan that was installed inside the camera.
If you find that your dishwasher for some reason does not dry the dishes or does not completely dry it, but otherwise it functions well, it is likely that the fan has broken.
Important! Check its winding, then the supply contacts with a multimeter, if necessary - replace the spare part with a new one. The topic of this malfunction is disclosed in more detail by our specialists in a separate article. “Dishwasher does not dry dishes”.
Water leakage on the floor
Well, in conclusion, one of the most common breakdowns of the dishwasher is water leakage under the body.
There are several main reasons why water flows:
- In unsatisfactory condition, door seals, as a result of which the hatch does not close tight enough. They must either be changed or cleaned of plaque.
- Damaged pump seal, which is designed to pump water. Best of all, replace it with a new one.
- The clamps on the water supply and drainage hose are loosely tightened, therefore, leakage is formed.
- Seals may still not be mounted in the places where the pipes are connected.
- The water tank, which is located on the side of the equipment, was damaged. As a rule, the tank cannot be repaired, so it is immediately replaced with a whole one.
to contents ↑Important! Most problems with this technique arise from the quality of tap water. This can be solved in a very simple way - select using our tips and put good water filter.
Stock footage
Now you know all the reasons not only why the Bosch dishwasher does not turn on, but also other possible malfunctions. We hope you managed to figure out the situation, identify the real problem, and now you are again using good working equipment, leaving yourself more time for a hobby or other relaxation.