Vacuum cleaner - suction power: which is better?

When buying a vacuum cleaner, we naturally want the appliance to perform its functions in the best possible way. The technical specification includes many parameters, but today we’ll talk about how the vacuum cleaner works, the suction power of the vacuum cleaner - which is better. Design, nozzles are great, but you should not forget about the quality of cleaning. Going to the store, clearly realize: you need to purchase not an interior detail, but a powerful device, an assistant in the performance of everyday homework.

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Absorption power: minimal and optimal

Let's try to find out what is the best suction power of a vacuum cleaner for a home?

  • If the value of this indicator is not more than 250 AeroW, no high-quality cleaning can be expected. As practice shows, the suction force of 300-400 AeroW is considered the best. However, this applies only to appliances for home use.
  • The equipment used in enterprises should have much more impressive power characteristics. If we talk about washing devices, then with a power consumption of about 1.4 kW, the suction force does not exceed 450 AeroW. This is not enough even for surface cleaning.
  • To clean the apartment efficiently, it will require a suction intensity of 0.8 kW, and sometimes more. This difference (almost doubled) is due to the fact that washing appliances suck in air and dirty water.

Important! Unfortunately, the technical characteristics do not always indicate the actual values ​​of the characteristics. Often, the power value indicated by the manufacturer is 20% higher than the real one.

There is another trick: indicating the energy intensity in watts. Naturally, the figure is quite impressive. In fact, these two power indicators are not directly related. Technique can “devour” a large amount of electricity, and suck in air rather weakly. Therefore, so that the cunning marketers could not fool you, it is not superfluous to inquire about the information on the official website of the manufacturer and (or) thematic forums.

Important! If the family has a small child or an allergy sufferer, it is advisable to choose the models with the greatest suction power. However, there is another side to the coin - the carpet will wear out much faster.

The absorption force is, in fact, not one indicator, but two:

  • The maximum. This power develops immediately after connecting the device to the network, with an empty dust collector.
  • Medium efficient. This is an indicator of the operation of the equipment during the harvest. The value of the absorption force decreases as the dust collector is full. For this reason, the average effective power is less than the maximum by about a third.

Important! When choosing a vacuum cleaner with a cyclone filter, special attention should be paid to all the characteristics, since the quality of your cleaning will depend on this. On our site you can find an overview of provenbest vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter.

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Factors determining power characteristics:

  1. Motor. Its efficiency is 0.25-0.35. With a value of electricity consumption of 1.5 kW, one can count on a useful suction force of 0.375-0.525 kW.Theoretically, this is quite enough for cleaning, but you need to take into account the influence of other "lowering" factors.
  2. Type of device. At the same power consumption, instruments equipped with a dust bag, dust collecting container or water filter show different values ​​of suction force.
  3. Number and types of filters. The more filters and the more complex the structure they have, the lower the suction intensity.
  4. Assembly of the device. Net power is greater, the better the build quality of the device.

Important! Do not forget that the vacuum cleaner can do not only dry but also wet cleaning. Here you can find the ratingthe best washing vacuums according to many users.

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How to choose the optimal parameters?

We will determine what suction power to choose from a vacuum cleaner, what value of suction power is optimal for you:

  • 350 W - for cleaning floor coverings from a parquet board, linoleum or laminate. Provided that there are no carpet products on the floor and you are not going to vacuum clean furniture.
  • 400 watts These modifications clean the carpet well and cope with wool if there are pets in the house.
  • 450 watts Techniques with such a suction power should be enough to clean upholstered furniture and long pile carpets.

Important! The most common is a vertical vacuum cleaner: it is convenient to use, does not take up much space and performs all the necessary functions that are needed for cleaning. HTo make the right choice, read from our article about all the advantages and typesmains powered vacuum cleaner.

Very convenient models in which the suction force can be adjusted. These products can be used to clean different surfaces with optimal energy consumption. Regulation can be mechanical and digital. The cost of the latter option is significantly higher. And for those who are still thinking about which vacuum cleaner is better to choose, we offer you an article that describes all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular device. Of course, it all depends on your personal preferences and the level of pollution in the room. We have selected the most useful information for you aboutwhich vacuum cleaner is better - with a bag or container.

Important! Lately vertical modifications are very fashionable. Their main advantages are beautiful design and mobility (devices operate on batteries). However, their absorption intensity is low. The same can be said about the advertised “robots”. If there are animals in the family, then these models are suitable only for daily maintenance of the apartment clean.

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Choose a vacuum cleaner with good suction power

The principle is quite simple: the larger the area of ​​the room and the more difficult the cleaning, the more powerful the device will be. If you have enough cash, it is advisable to opt for models with adjustable capacity. In any case, there can be no mistake. Yes, and do not worry about the quality of the assembly. Imagine yourself in the place of a manufacturing company: somehow mounting an assembly with a good powerful engine is at least unreasonable. Other things being equal, choose products from well-known manufacturers. They are equipped with powerful solid motors.

Important! If you need a vacuum cleaner with a steaming function, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a model such assteam mopthat will satisfy your needs as much as possible.

What kind of vacuum cleaner power to choose? The relationship between the two power indicators can be established through efficiency. For example, if the efficiency of the engine is 35%, and the desired suction force is 0.45 kW, then the power consumption is about 1.3 kW.

Important! Pay attention to which filters are used in the device. The quality of cleaning depends on them, but for the suction power, the number of filters acts as a limiting factor.If you need a good, modern, versatile model, focus on a power consumption of 2 kW.

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The range of vacuum cleaners on the market today is very wide, models differ from each other in each characteristic. But in order for you to be comfortable using the new equipment and it really fulfills its main purpose - high-quality cleaning of an apartment or house, pay special attention to the suction power. Thanks to the information in this article, you now have an idea of ​​what it is.

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