Vacuum cleaner with steam cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is not only a good assistant in cleaning, but also simply an indispensable household appliance in the modern world. Of course, manufacturers do not stand still, but are constantly developing new and interesting models, helping to simplify the cleaning process and improve our quality of life. Today we’ll talk about a model such as a vacuum cleaner with a steam cleaner.
to contents ↑Description
The steam cleaner is designed not only to collect dust, but also to remove stains from the surfaces to be cleaned. The principle of operation and design are very similar to the washing models, but here a steam generator is mounted in the device, with the possibility of heating steam to 150 degrees Celsius.
Important! With such a vacuum cleaner it is possible to carry out both dry and wet cleaning, as well as separately steam cleaning.
The control can be regulated, and the cleaning process itself occurs due to the dissolution of pollution by hot steam. At the same time, the vacuum cleaner sucks in all the contaminants destroyed by the steam, so that the surface is completely cleaned.
Important! If the water in the tank runs out, even an inexpensive device will notify you with a sound signal, and in more expensive models there is even an auto-fill function for water.
The functionality of these devices pleasantly surprises with its variety:
- cleans any stains without additional detergents;
- helps to collect water from the surface;
- collects dry dust, dirt;
- cleans treated surfaces from bacteria;
- Helps remove odors and purify air
- kills dust mites, plus you can even fight various insects, including effectively the destruction of bugs by a steam generator;
- helps to steam, smooth tissues;
- washes windows;
- aromatizes the room - when adding essential oils or fragrances to the water.
to contents ↑Important! Vacuum cleaner-steam cleaner can easily cope not only with the floor, but also with clothes, windows, mirrors, cooker hoods and even plumbing. After using it, you have an absolutely clean surface without traces, stains and streaks of water.
The main advantages of a steam cleaner:
- Destruction of many pathogenic bacteria and viruses without the additional use of chemistry.
- The device combines several at once: the actual vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner, iron, humidifier, dry cleaning.
- The device easily cleans old stains and dried dirt.
Important! To compare the advantages, capabilities of such equipment and other types of cleaning equipment, review our reviews:
- The main disadvantage is the high cost, since such a multifunctional device can already be attributed to semi-professional or even professional devices.
- A good device that can clean large areas will be quite voluminous and heavy.
- Part of the materials cannot be cleaned with steam, since they are deformed during processing at high temperatures. These are materials such as: wood, mosaic, varnished surfaces.
Despite the shortcomings, today a steam cleaner is a very effective device.
to contents ↑Important! Remember that even the presence of such multifunctional equipment does not exclude the need for regular cleaning. To deal with it was easier and easier for you, find out about:
All vacuum cleaners with a steam cleaner according to their device can be divided into two types.
Aquafilter Models
These are rather voluminous steam cleaners having two containers - a water filter and a steam cleaner itself. These devices have two hoses:
- the first is for garbage collection;
- the second is for generating and supplying steam.
Devices with removable steam cleaner
These are more home-friendly devices. In fact, these are two devices in one that can work both together and separately.
to contents ↑Types of steam vacuum cleaners for use
There is another classification of steam vacuum cleaners - according to their application. All devices are grouped in this way:
- Hand models
- compact devices;
- professional appliances.
Let's consider them a little more in detail.
Hand held
Such a vacuum cleaner with a steam cleaner is very convenient in home use. These are small compact mop vacuum cleaners weighing about 2 kg, which are convenient to store and carry.
On this portal of useful tips, a separate detailed post is dedicated to this variety. Click on the link to have more information about steam mops.
Important! The disadvantage of these devices is their small power. It may not be enough for general cleaning or heavy pollution in large volumes.
These steam cleaners, unlike the previous ones, are quite powerful, and are often used on large areas. In the kit for them you can find additional nozzles for furniture, curtains or mirrors.
The appearance of these devices resembles the usual vacuum cleaners, and their movement is carried out on the floor thanks to the wheels.
Important! When choosing such a device, special attention should be paid to the length of the hose and cord.
This type of steam cleaner is used for very large volumes of cleaning in the corresponding areas, for example, in shopping centers, offices. The unambiguous minus of such devices is their high price, large size and weight. But the huge power and the ability to handle wide areas make this device an indispensable tool for most cleaning companies.
to contents ↑The choice
After considering the types of such equipment and its features, an understanding should be formed on what criteria it is better to choose a vacuum cleaner with a steam cleaner.
The larger it is, the faster and better cleaning will be. It is necessary to distinguish between power consumption and suction power. These are different characteristics that are interdependent.
Important! For home use, devices with a power of 1000 watts or more are suitable.
Steam Humidity Settings
A good device must necessarily be equipped with a regulator that allows you to switch the mode of supply of wet and dry steam:
- The use of wet steam is important for severe contaminants, such as stubborn stains on hard surfaces.
- Dry steam can be used when cleaning textiles. You will understand more about the application process if you go to the article. “Cleaning upholstered furniture with a steam cleaner”.
Storage tank
The duration of your cleaning depends on how voluminous the device’s tank is, without the extra effort of replacing the water. On average, 1 liter is designed for half an hour cleaning the room.
It is also important to pay attention to the material of the tank. Aluminum tanks are more durable, because scale settles more slowly on them.
This parameter is one of the most important, along with the power of the device. If you need a device that can clean stubborn dirt, the vapor pressure should be at least 4 bar.
Hot steam is very easy to get burned. Therefore, a safety valve is necessary, especially if the family has small children. Such a valve blocks steam and prevents the child from getting injured.
Important! These are the main criteria that you should definitely pay attention to before buying. But we should not forget that even if you have chosen the ideal model in your opinion, you need to study user reviews before buying.
Popular models
The main companies that make high-quality vacuum cleaners with a steam cleaner today are manufacturers such as:
- Thomas;
- Karcher
- Zepter and other companies.
Consider reviews of some popular brands and models.
Users of the technology of this brand note that the Thomas vacuum cleaner-steam cleaner is not cheap, but is loved for its quality and durability. Among all the models, Thomas Twin T1 is especially distinguished, which customers liked for its compactness, quick cleaning and maneuverability.
The Tuttoluxo 6s model turned out to be very convenient and useful for users. The steam vacuum cleaner of this brand was loved by the owners for the high quality of cleaning, compactness and maneuverability.
Important! Among the minuses noted the need to fill the water.
This brand has long been associated with quality vacuum cleaners. Users note the SV1802 model, which is a combination of a vacuum cleaner and a steam cleaner.
to contents ↑Important! Convenient was the function of switching the steam-vacuum cleaner modes on the handle of the device. High safety of the model is also noted.
Stock footage
Almost all models of steam vacuum cleaners receive positive reviews, regardless of their brand, which indicates their excellent work and cleaning capabilities.
Choose wisely, and you will definitely get a universal and multifunctional assistant.
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