Built-in oven dimensions

When purchasing any kitchen appliances, the housewives, first of all, pay attention to its dimensions. This is quite reasonable, since even at the stage of interior design, you need to know in advance the quantity and location of all household appliances. In this article we will consider the dimensions of the built-in oven, the criteria for its selection, because almost every housewife likes, if not every day, then from time to time to indulge her household with interesting baked dishes.

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Standard dimensions

Most of the oven modifications available on the market have standard parameters:

  • Width - 600 mm.
  • Depth from 500 to 550 mm. The maximum depth of the frying device is 60 cm. Otherwise, it will hardly be possible to integrate the oven into the furniture set.
  • The vertical dimensions are 60 cm, if you look at the external dimension.

Important! When designing a kitchen, you should carefully consider the installation location of the oven. To get a truly comfortable environment, use the useful information from our posts:

Important! At the same time, on sale it is often possible to meet units with deviation of parameters in one direction or another. The oven may have a small width and depth, or - on the contrary, be excessively high compared to the standards, but at the same time, it is quite suitable for a specific buyer.

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Custom height

This category includes, for example, all multifunctional devices that simultaneously perform the operation of a microwave oven. They differ in small height:

  • A vivid example is the Samsung FQ115T002 fryer with dimensions of 460x599x525 mm (height-width-depth). But this is far from a record low altitude of possible options.
  • For those consumers who want to purchase a small multi-function device, you should pay attention to the Foster 7170052, with a height of 36 cm.

Important! An option is possible when the dimensions of the oven built-in vertically can be larger than standard. First of all, this applies to constructions consisting of two ovens: one - larger in size, the other - above it, serves as an additional, not so large and has a basic set of programs. To place 2 cameras without compromising functionality at a standard height of 600 mm is unrealistic. Therefore, the height of double ovens is 90 cm. At the same time, in terms of width and depth, such appliances fit into the standard. An example of such a technique is Candy DUO 609 X.

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Custom width

The non-standard dimensions of the built-in electric oven in width are a fairly common occurrence. Narrow equipment is especially convenient if it is to be mounted in compact furniture. A typical example is Simfer B 4104 ZERM, with a width of only 450 mm. At the same time, one must be aware that, according to other parameters, such an electric oven will be far from gigantic. You will have to forget about baking whole goose carcass, a Christmas turkey or a pie in several tiers.

Important! In a number of countries where a large apartment is the norm, 900 and 1200 mm ovens are considered standard. However, in post-Soviet countries, electric built-in ovens, the dimensions of which are so large, are not widely used. But if desired, such devices can be purchased without problems.

Whatever the size of the oven, drops of fat remain on the walls during operation.They must be cleaned periodically. find outdifferences between different oven cleaning systems.

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Ergonomically optimized, the standard worktop depth is 600 mm. This parameter was established empirically as the most convenient. But what if you have to embed the oven not under the countertop, but in a small hanging cabinet? Naturally, the standard depth is not suitable here. For compact electric ovens, this parameter is 450 mm. The Kronasteel IGG 1634 EG INOX is a good example. This and similar models have smaller width and height than conventional modifications.

Important! Are you planning to buy an oven and can not choose? We have prepared a separate review for you. top oven models.

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When designing a kitchen room, pay attention to the dimensions of household appliances, if not of paramount importance, then certainly. If you do not think over these issues in advance, then it will be either problematic or completely impossible to integrate the design into the furniture. It is possible, in principle, to exchange goods in a store or to come up with something with existing furniture, but it is quite expensive and will require additional time costs.

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