Electric kettle repair

A teapot is the very subject of household appliances that was invented several centuries ago and today absolutely everyone has it. But ordinary gas models were replaced by safer electric kettles. Unfortunately, even the most innovative devices with an interesting design, additional functions such as preserving the water temperature are not without drawbacks and break. Repair of an electric kettle is a feasible feat for a home master “with hands” and even for an ordinary man. You will be convinced of this by reading the practical tips and instructions from this article.

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Before disassembling the electric kettle

Before you begin the process of disassembling and repairing an electric kettle, you need to check the most obvious things:

  • Is the plug pulled out of the socket itself, are the buttons on the kettle turned on.
  • Does the connector that is designed to power the kettle twitch? If he does move, perhaps the cause of the malfunction is specifically in him.
  • Is the kettle correctly located.

Important! It should be noted that each modern model of an electric kettle has a special protective mechanism. He turns off the kettle when the water begins to boil, or when it is completely absent. The presence of a protective mechanism reduces the risk of accidents, such as accidental fires.

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Why is the kettle warming slowly?

The reason that an electric kettle can slowly heat water is because of the presence of thick scale layers on the surface of the heating element. To eliminate thick layers of scale, get a cleaning product, the main task is to deal with any layers of accumulated scale. After purchasing any cleaning product, read the instructions on the label and act according to the recommendations. In this case, no thorough repair of the electric kettle is necessary.

Important! Be sure to remember that the principle of using this or that type of cleaning agent can be very different for the simple reason that manufacturers of such products use additives and components that are different in composition.

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Procedure and rules for disassembling an electric kettle

If it is not your forgetfulness, haste or sudden power outages, you may still have to disassemble the electric kettle in order to repair it. For this:

  1. Remove the lid of the base of the kettle.
  2. Then unscrew all the screws related to the fixing mechanisms - they are located at the base of the handle of the kettle and in its upper section.
  3. Carefully separate the handle from the tea jug itself.
  4. After that, get rid of the plastic rocker.
  5. Remove all plastic parts.
  6. Lift the kettle switch.
  7. After that, carefully examine the condition of the bimetallic plate, examining it for visual defects. If there are none, then the reason that led to the kettle’s inoperability is completely different.

Important! An alternative to an electric kettle is now a functional thermo sweat device. Find out on our portal of useful tips what this technique is and the rating of the best models.We have prepared separate reviews:

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What to do when the kettle does not turn off?

The most obvious reason why the device does not turn on is because the cover is not carefully closed. If your lid is carefully closed, the reason is to block the hole that lets steam through.

Yes, blocking the hole is not the most common problem, but it also occurs. The thing is that the hole may well be clogged with various calcareous deposits, which do not allow the steam to redirect to the bimetallic plates themselves.

Clean the hole and it will work again!

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Electric kettle switch defective

It happens that the switch of the electric kettle becomes unusable. Such a problem may well be connected with the blocking of the circuit breaker on the side of the bimetal plate itself. The plate may simply be damaged, or the pusher that is responsible for the switch is stuck.

Unfortunately, the repair of the electric kettle button cannot be done independently. In this case, you will have to contact a specialized service company.

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What to do if the kettle is leaking?

This problem is quite common, it occurs in every third electric kettle. It is understandable, because electric kettles simply can not withstand constant work for a large amount of time.

If the kettle begins to leak, then immediately find the essence of the whole problem.

Water indicator

It so happens that the water indicator breaks. You can check it for cracks and other compounds that are responsible for the leak by examining the plastic indicator. But for this you must first remove the cover, with which the electric kettle switch is closed.

Important! Have you encountered the problem of bad smell from the kettle? The reasons for its appearance and effective ways to deal with it are collected in a separate article "How to remove the smell from the kettle?"

Heating element loosening

Perhaps the leakage problem is associated with a weakening of the heating elements. To solve this issue, it will be sufficient to tighten the screws a little, as well as the nuts, which play the role of fastening the classic heating element.


It happens that the cause of leakage of the electric kettle is damage to the gasket. If this happens, then you should know that tightening a number of fastening components will not help eliminate the cause of the leak.

The gasket becomes a cause of leakage quite rarely, but when this happens, it is necessary to replace the burnt gasket with a new one. This is the only way to eliminate this problem and remove leaking electric kettle.

Damaged bottom

Probably the most dangerous, unpredictable problem that caused the leak is damage to the bottom itself. Not very good news, especially for those who do not want to get used to the fact that various electrical things have the ability to break. If this still happened, then it is pointless to take your broken electric kettle to a service center for repair - you will have no choice but to purchase a new one.

Important! Planning to purchase a new electric kettle? You will find the most useful information on this issue on our website in the article "Rating of electric kettles".

Doing repairs of the kettle with your own hands also does not make sense, because the bottom cannot be replaced or restored.

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From the foregoing, we can conclude that if your device is from the budget series, the easiest way will still be to replace it with a similar or more reliable new one. In the case of a more expensive model, you can still try to find out why the electric kettle does not work and try to resurrect it, checking step by step each possible failed part.

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