Garment steamer repair

Garment steamers have appeared on the home appliance market relatively recently. For some housewives, such a device so far seems like an unnecessary luxury, since a regular iron copes with some functions of this unit. However, this relatively small unit makes life easier for those who are used to wearing clothes made from materials that require complex care. Like all electrical devices, the device sometimes fails. Do-it-yourself garment steamer repair - is this possible? This will be discussed in the article.
to contents ↑What is a steamer?
As the name implies, this unit is designed to process things with the help of steam. In the catalogs you can find another name - steamer. It comes from the English “steam”, that is, “steam”.
The steamer does about the same as the iron, that is, smoothes creases and folds with water vapor. With this device, you can quite easily deal with problems that the iron usually can not cope with - for example, with tiny, but unpleasant wrinkles under the buttons, next to the buttons, under the sleeves, along the seams, etc.
Important! On some models, the tip has the appearance of a small ironing - especially in order to smooth out small but difficult folds. In this case, mechanical action is added to the action of steam.
The heating element boils water. Then the steam flows through the nozzle system through the nozzle. The steamer does not contact the fabric directly, and this is its main difference from a conventional iron. No mechanical impact, only steam. And if there is no contact, there will be no tanning, wrinkled pile, shiny spots and other troubles.
to contents ↑Important! Most low-cost models of steam come out due to expansion in the nozzle, but in expensive domestic stimulators and in industrial ones there is a special compressor that provides greater pressure, that is, increases efficiency.
Steamer Benefits
This helper may not be so small:
- Disinfects products, since the temperature of 98 ° C allows this.
- Removes some stains.
- Quickly and effortlessly removes creases and creases on any tissue.
- Does not deform fibers, but makes them more elastic.
- It perfectly irones knitwear and does not stretch it.
- It removes almost all odors - tobacco, perfume, sweat and many others.
- You can steam up after 40 seconds after turning on the device.
- It does without an ironing board.
- Does not damage products decorated with beads, sequins, embroidery, etc.
- Perfectly strokes lace items.
- Easily copes with things of a complex cut, as well as with multilayer ones.
Important! Such a device is indispensable in the studio or in the store. With it, you can tidy up any thing, even if it is on a mannequin or hanger. Especially willingly such units are used by employees of commission stores - even a worn product after processing looks like new.
What are the incentives?
Not so long ago, steamers were used almost exclusively in sewing factories and ateliers. They were very large, and they were not cheap, like any industrial equipment.Accordingly, the question as to whether repair of the garment steamer is possible at home was not at all.
Now on sale you can find a variety of steamers, but they are divided into two classes:
- floor;
- tame.
Most often, a manual option is used at home. It is during the operation of such devices that repair of steamers is sometimes required.
Having figured out how useful such a device is at home, you can understand whether it is worth doing the repair of the steamer with your own hands or whether it is better to take it to the master.
Device device
Despite the fact that the manual steamer performs mainly the functions of an iron, in its design it looks more like a coffee maker. The design is quite simple, although different models may have slight differences.
Is it possible to repair the garment steamer with my own hands? It is not difficult to cope with some problems at home, but you need to know how the device is arranged.
Any steamer consists of:
- a boiler;
- water tank;
- water pipe systems;
- electrical systems;
- pump piston;
- spray gun.
Important! The main part is the boiler, where the heater, thermostat, and safety valve are installed. Through special pipes, water flows from the tank and turns into steam. Then it follows to the sprayer, and the piston with the pump provides the necessary pressure. All this works with the help of electricity, that is, without the wires, resistances and fuses, the device cannot exist. A breakdown can occur with each of these parts, as a result of which the garment steamer will need to be repaired.
Steamer Repair
The problems that the owners of steamers most often encounter and which can most often be eliminated without involving a specialist:
- steam is not coming.
- steam comes out not where it is necessary;
- water does not heat well;
- the water does not heat up at all.
We will deal with each problem and causes separately, and find out whether it is possible to repair the garment steamer in a particular case.
Lack of steam
The reason that steam does not come is most often scale. As a result, the heater begins to pass heat poorly, steam channels become clogged. Overhaul of the steamer is not required here. In this case, the most effective method is cleaning, and this is quite accessible to any housewife.
There are two ways to clean it:
- mechanical;
- chemical.
Option 1
The steamer must be disassembled - it can be done quite easily using the most ordinary screwdriver:
- Disconnect the electrical wiring and the water supply system.
- It is advisable to first sketch or photograph everything so that during assembly there are no extra parts left.
- Remove the heater and descale.
- Wash the tank with water and diluted food vinegar in it, but it is better to use Descaler, and it is designed specifically for steamers.
Option 2
In this case, nothing needs to be disassembled, or even disconnected from the network:
- Fill the tank with water diluted with 3% vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Heat the steamer until it evaporates and wait until all the water has evaporated.
- Not only the heater will be cleaned, but also the pipes and the nozzle openings, on which sometimes scale also appears
Important! If the heating elements, the conductive tubes and the atomizer are clean, but the steam still does not flow, a specialist cannot be dispensed with. It is better to contact the company servicing the devices of the exact brand that you have in order to clarify how long it will last and how much it will cost to repair the steamer.
water pump
The reason that the steam does not go and requires repair of the steamer for clothes, may be a failed pump. It is best, of course, to contact a service center, however, situations may arise that you have to do it yourself. Opening the device is not difficult, but you have to turn it on disassembled, and this is dangerous. Therefore, the safety precautions common to working with all electrical appliances must be observed.
The pump is connected in parallel to the heater; therefore, in order to repair the steamer, proceed as follows:
- Open the case.
- Plug in the appliance.
- Check the voltage at the contacts of the pump - it must correspond to the one stated in the product documents (usually 220 V).
- If the contacts are OK and there is voltage, unplug the plug from the outlet.
- Disconnect the terminals near the boiler so that the tester does not ring the heater, but the pump.
- Call all items.
- If there is no signal, the motor has failed. It is better to simply replace it, although an experienced owner can wind new windings himself.
Water is not coming
The reason most often lies in the malfunction of the pump. If it is in order, the supply valve is most likely clogged (it is located at the inlet to the boiler). By design, it resembles a bicycle nipple, so repairing the steamer will be very simple:
- Unscrew the part.
- Immerse it in citric acid or a special detergent for washing and dishwashing machines (the second option is better).
to contents ↑Important! Descaling agents from kettles are not suitable for cleaning the nipple.
Steam does not come out of the spray gun
Quite often, with too heavy use, fistulas appear on the steam hose. They can be very small, but sufficient to allow steam to escape through them, and not through the atomizer. Needless to say, if you do not understand the situation in time, the holes will increase.
It is better to simply replace the hose rather than repair the steamer. You can do this yourself or in the service center of the company that released the device. Since you still have to go there for the part - it is better to put it at the same time.
Important! What definitely should not be done is to try to glue or wind up the holes. Neither electrical tape nor adhesive tape can withstand the effects of hot steam, so the element will still have to be changed. Such repair of the steamer will be simply meaningless.
Water does not heat up
If the water does not heat up at all, there may be several reasons, but all of them must be sought in the boiler. May fail:
- TEN;
- thermostat;
- fuse.
Important! To understand, the heater does not work due to scale or burned out at all, the device must be disassembled exactly as you did to clean the heater.
The heater must ring the tester. It does not make sense to repair it at home - the procedure is complicated, and the result, most likely, will not be. In this case, you need to replace:
- detail;
- the whole device.
The desired spiral can be ordered at the service center, and replaced there.
The fuse is attached to the boiler body using a special bracket. This element fails most often, but replacing it will not be difficult. To make a repair of the garment steamer, you will need a tester:
- Unplug the power cord.
- Ring the wire on both sides.
- The absence of a signal indicates that the fuse has blown.
The thermostat is a relay. It is most often a bimetallic plate. Its function is to stop the current supply when the temperature has reached a certain value. A failed thermostat just needs to be replaced.
To prevent breakdowns
Some parts of the steamer may age, this is common to almost all devices. However, the cause of many problems is scale, and it is important to try to avoid it. How? One way is the proper preparation of water.
Important! In general, for such devices, it is best to use distilled water, which can be bought in automobile stores and pharmacies. True, pleasure is expensive.
Distillate can be prepared at home. To do this, you will need:
- kettle;
- heat resistant capacity;
- water filter.
The process does not take too long.
- Pour water into the kettle.
- Bring to a boil.
- Pour water into a heat-resistant vessel.
- Let stand.
- Filter the precipitate.
Important! For filtering water, it is best to use a vessel with a carbon cartridge.
Should I use bottled water?
You can find bottled water marked “for irons” on sale. It seems that a solution has been found, the manufacturers made sure that your steamer lived happily ever after. However, this is not entirely true:
- Practice shows that when using such water, scale is formed no less than from ordinary tap water, and the difference in price is considerable.
- In addition, flavoring agents are often added to bottled water for irons, which is not always good for clothing.
to contents ↑Important! As for bottled drinking water, it should not be categorically poured into steam devices. It is often supplemented with mineral additives that are beneficial to humans, but fatal to a steam generator.
Like any device, the stimulus needs attention and care. It must be serviced in a timely manner so that repair of the steamer is required as little as possible. Service happens:
- regular
- service.
Regular maintenance, which helps to repair the steamer 2-3 times less often, is carried out by the owner. The procedure is simple but necessary:
- After 50 hours of operation, flush the boiler with running water.
- Also flush the water pipes that lead from the tank to the boiler.
- Flush nozzles.
- Clean the tank.
- Dry the housing, tank and everything else.
Important! It is better to wash off a small coating than to then remove the thick layer of scale. Wipe the items with a soft cloth that absorbs moisture well.
Service maintenance
To do this, the device will have to be taken to a workshop where specialists will disassemble the steamer, replace parts that are about to fail, and clean all the others.
This type of service is useful in that the heating elements and fittings are washed in a special solution, which is not always at home. For industrial steamers, after-sales service is necessary because they are intensively exploited. As for household stimuli, it all depends on specific conditions. If you have only a few things that you iron with a steamer - after-sales service can be carried out every few years.
Why is a repair in a service center preferable?
It may turn out that you can not independently determine the cause of the problem. In addition, during operation, defects periodically occur that are simply impossible for an inexperienced person to cope with.
What to do? The answer is unequivocal - contact a service center, and preferably the company from which you purchased the device.
The advantages of this repair option are obvious:
- there are parts necessary for the repair of devices of your particular brand;
- there are specialists trained in the programs of the company;
- in the service center they will find the cause of the problems faster than you do it yourself, respectively - faster and will be repaired
Stock footage
In addition, reputable companies give a guarantee for repairs. It is also important that repairs in a company salon can be cheaper than in a casual workshop.
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